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List of works by Christophe Falguères

40 Ar/ 39 Ar and ESR/U-series dates for Guado San Nicola, Middle Pleistocene key site at the Lower/Middle Palaeolithic transition in Italy


A 300–600ka ESR/U-series chronology of Acheulian sites in Western Europe

scientific article

A Human Deciduous Tooth and New 40Ar/39Ar Dating Results from the Middle Pleistocene Archaeological Site of Isernia La Pineta, Southern Italy

scientific article

A new Lower Pleistocene archeological site in Europe (Vallparadis, Barcelona, Spain).

scientific article

A new U-uptake model for combined ESR/U-series dating of tooth enamel

article published in 2012

Age of the final Middle Palaeolithic and Uluzzian levels at Fumane Cave, Northern Italy, using 14C, ESR, 234U/230Th and thermoluminescence methods


Age of the oldest hominin settlements in Spain: Contribution of the combined U-series/ESR dating method applied to fossil teeth


Apport des marqueurs isotopiques et biogéochimiques dans la reconstitution du paléoenvironnement de la grotte du Lazaret (Nice, Alpes-Maritimes) au cours du Pléistocène supérieur (stade isotopique 5)

Attempt at ESR dating of tooth enamel of French middle Pleistocene sites.

scientific article published in January 1993

Bleaching of ESR signals by the sunlight: a laboratory experiment for establishing the ESR dating of sediments

scientific article

Characterization of archaeological burnt bones: contribution of a new analytical protocol based on derivative FTIR spectroscopy and curve fitting of the nu1nu3 PO4 domain.

scientific article

Chronostratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of Acheulean occupations in Northern France (Somme, Seine and Yonne valleys)


Combined ESR/U-series chronology of Acheulian hominid-bearing layers at Trinchera Galería site, Atapuerca, Spain

scientific article

Datación por ESR del yacimiento arqueológico del Pleistoceno inferior de Vallparadís (Terrassa, Cataluña, España)


Datation par la méthode 40Ar/39Ar de la couche de cendres volcaniques (couche VI) de Dmanissi (Géorgie) qui a livré des restes d'hominidés fossiles de 1,81 Ma

scientific article published in 2002

Datation par les méthodes ESR/U-Th combinées de sites du Pléistocène supérieur : méthodologie et application en contexte karstique

Dating results on sedimentary quartz, bones and teeth from the Middle Pleistocene archaeological site of Coudoulous I (Lot, SW France): A comparative study between TT-OSL and ESR/U-series methods


ESR Dating of Sedimentary Quartz from Two Pleistocene Deposits Using Al and Ti-Centers

ESR and ESR/U-series dating study of several middle Palaeolithic sites of Pléneuf-Val-André (Brittany, France): Piégu, Les Vallées and Nantois


ESR chronology of alluvial deposits in the Arlanzón valley (Atapuerca, Spain): Contemporaneity with Atapuerca Gran Dolina site


ESR chronology of the Somme River Terrace system and first human settlements in Northern France


ESR dating of Middle Pleistocene archaeo-paleontological sites from the Manzanares and Jarama river valleys (Madrid basin, Spain)


ESR dating of fluvial quartz: Estimate of the minimal distance transport required for getting a maximum optical bleaching


ESR dating of tooth enamel: A comparison with KAr dating

scholarly article

ESR dose response of Al center measured in quartz samples from the Yellow River (China): Implications for the dating of Upper Pleistocene sediment


ESR, U-series and paleomagnetic dating of Gigantopithecus fauna from Chuifeng Cave, Guangxi, southern China


ESR/U-series chronology of the Lower Palaeolithic palaeoanthropological site of Visogliano, Trieste, Italy


ESR/U-series dating of faunal remains from the paleoanthropological site of Biache-Saint-Vaast (Pas-de-Calais, France)


ESR/U-series study of teeth recovered from the palaeoanthropological stratum of the Dali Man site (Shaanxi Province, China)


Earliest human remains in Eurasia: New 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Dmanisi hominid-bearing levels, Georgia

article by Tristan Garcia et al published August 2010 in Quaternary Geochronology

Early evidence of Acheulean settlement in northwestern Europe--la Noira site, a 700,000 year-old occupation in the center of France

scientific article (publication date: 2013)

Gamma-ray spectrometric dating of late Homo erectus skulls from Ngandong and Sambungmacan, Central Java, Indonesia

scientific article

Imaging fossil bone alterations at the microscale by SR-FTIR microspectroscopy

Integrated geochronology of Acheulian sites from the southern Latium (central Italy): Insights on human-environment interaction and the technological innovations during the MIS 11-MIS 10 period


Investigation on non-optically bleachable components of ESR aluminium signal in quartz

La grotte de Santa Ana (Cáceres, Espagne) et l'évolution technologique au Pléistocène dans la Péninsule ibérique

Le gisement Pléistocène moyen et supérieur d'Artenac (Saint-Mary, Charente) : premier bilan interdisciplinaire


Les restes humains néandertaliens immatures de la couche 4A de la grotte Scladina (Andenne, Belgique)

Les vagues de peuplements humains au Pléistocène inférieur et moyen dans le bassin de la Loire moyenne, région Centre, France. Apports de l’étude des formations fluviatiles


Lower and Middle Pleistocene human settlements recorded in fluvial deposits of the middle Loire River Basin, Centre Region, France


Lower and middle Pleistocene human settlements in the Middle Loire River Basin, Centre Region, France


Monte Carlo approach to calculate US-ESR age and age uncertainty for tooth enamel

Neandertal roots: Cranial and chronological evidence from Sima de los Huesos

scientific article

Neandertals paleoenvironment in Western Provence: The contribution of Les Auzières 2 (Méthamis, Vaucluse, France)


New ESR/U-series data for the early Middle Pleistocene site of Isernia la Pineta, Italy


New chronological data (ESR and ESR/U-series) for the earliest Acheulian sites of north-western Europe

New datings of Amudian layers at Qesem Cave (Israel): results of TL applied to burnt flints and ESR/U-series to teeth

scholarly article by Norbert Mercier et al published July 2013 in Journal of Archaeological Science

New radiometric dates on the lowest stratigraphical section (TD1 to TD6) of Gran Dolina site (Atapuerca, Spain)


Notes on the Morphology and Age of the Tabon Cave FossilHomo sapiens

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Oldest evidence of Acheulean occupation in the Upper Seine valley (France) from an MIS 11 tufa at La Celle


On the limits of using combined U-series/ESR method to date fossil teeth from two Early Pleistocene archaeological sites of the Orce area (Guadix-Baza basin, Spain)


Paleoenvironmental analysis

scientific article published in June 2004

Pleistocene fluvial terraces from northern France (Seine, Yonne, Somme): synthesis, and new results from interglacial deposits


Preliminary results of combined ESR/U-series dating of fossil teeth from Longgupo cave, China


Radiometric dating of the type-site for Homo heidelbergensis at Mauer, Germany

scientific article (publication date: 16 November 2010)

Recuperated optically stimulated luminescence dating of middle-size quartz grains from the Palaeolithic site of Bonneval (Eure-et-Loir, France)


Revisiting the ESR chronology of the Early Pleistocene hominin occupation at Vallparadís (Barcelona, Spain)


San Bernardino Cave (Italy) and the appearance of Levallois technology in Europe: results of a radiometric and technological reassessment

scientific article (publication date: 2013)

The Acheulean site of la Noira (Centre region, France): Characterization of materials and alterations, choice of lacustrine millstone and evidence of anthropogenic behaviour


The Acheulean workshop of la Noira (France, 700 ka) in the European technological context


The Lower Acheulian site of Ambrona, Soria (Spain): ages derived from a combined ESR/U-series model


The Middle Pleistocene site of Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Central Italy) on the Lower/Middle Palaeolithic transition


The Middle Pleistocene site of La Cansaladeta (Tarragona, Spain): Stratigraphic and archaeological succession


The challenge of dating early pleistocene fossil teeth by the combined uranium series-electron spin resonance method: the Venta Micena palaeontological site (Orce, Spain)


The earliest evidence of hominid settlement in China: Combined electron spin resonance and uranium series (ESR/U-series) dating of mammalian fossil teeth from Longgupo cave


The earliest securely dated hominin fossil in Italy and evidence of Acheulian occupation during glacial MIS 16 at Notarchirico (Venosa, Basilicata, Italy)


The lithic assemblage from Pont-de-Lavaud (Indre, France) and the role of the bipolar-on-anvil technique in the Lower and Early Middle Pleistocene technology


The mathematical basis for the US-ESR dating method

The oldest human fossil in Europe, from Orce (Spain).

scientific article published on 5 March 2013

Thermal behaviour of ESR signals observed in various natural carbonates

scholarly article

Timing of the Brunhes-Matuyama transition constrained by U-series disequilibrium

article by Bassam Ghaleb et al published 15 April 2019 in Scientific Reports

U-Series dates for stalagmitic flowstone E (Riss/Würm interglaciation) at Grotte du Lazaret, Nice, France


U-Th dated speleothem recorded geomagnetic excursions in the Lower Brunhes

scientific article published in Scientific Reports

Une occupation humaine au Pléistocène inférieur sur la bordure nord du Massif central

article published in 2006

Upper Pleistocene Homo sapiens from the Tabon cave (Palawan, The Philippines): description and dating of new discoveries

scholarly article by Florent Détroit et al published December 2004 in Comptes Rendus Palevol