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List of works by Peter T. Harris

A Three-Dimensional Mapping of the Ocean Based on Environmental Data

scientific article published in 2017

A geochemical study of marine sediments from the Mac. Robertson shelf, East Antarctica: initial results and palaeoenvironmental implications

article published in 1998

A new 30 meter resolution global shoreline vector and associated global islands database for the development of standardized ecological coastal units

scholarly article by Roger Sayre published in October 2018

A new approach to mapping marine benthic habitats using physical environmental data

A new coral reef province in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia: Colonisation, growth and submergence during the early Holocene


A new depositional model for ice shelves, based upon sediment cores from the Ross Sea and the MaC. Robertson shelf, Antarctica

scholarly article

Andvord drift: A new type of inner shelf, glacial marine deposystem from the Antarctic Peninsula

scholarly article

Anthropogenic Threats to Benthic Habitats

Application of biophysical information to support Australia's representative marine protected area program


Applications of Geoscience to Australia's Representative Marine Protected Area Program


Arctic marine conservation is not prepared for the coming melt

scientific article published in 2017

Bedform distributions and sediment transport paths in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary, U.K

Benthic environments of the Lord Howe Rise submarine plateau: Introduction to the special volume

article by Peter T. Harris published April 2011 in Deep-Sea Research. Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography

Biogeography, Benthic Ecology, and Habitat Classification Schemes

scholarly article published 2012

Biological Communities on Seamounts and Other Submarine Features Potentially Threatened by Disturbance

Bioregionalization of the George V Shelf, East Antarctica

Bottom currents, sedimentation and ice-sheet retreat facies successions on the Mac Robertson shelf, East Antarctica

scholarly article by Peter T. Harris published in 1998

Carbonate sandwaves in Bass Strait

Chapter 18 East Antarctic continental shelf: Prydz Bay and the Mac.Robertson Land Shelf

Classification of Australian Clastic Coastal Depositional Environments Based Upon a Quantitative Analysis of Wave, Tidal, and River Power


Classification of submarine canyons of the Australian continental margin


Classification of the Australian continental shelf based on predicted sediment threshold exceedance from tidal currents and swell waves


Comment on “Is geomorphic zonation a useful predictor of patterns of benthic infauna in intermittent estuaries in New South Wales, Australia?” by A. H. Dye 2006.Estuaries and Coasts 29:455–464


Comment on: Williams et al. (2009) "Australia's deep-water reserve network: implications of false homogeneity for classifying abiotic surrogates of biodiversity". ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 214-224


Comparison of tropical, carbonate and temperate, siliciclastic tidally dominated sedimentary deposits: Examples from the Australian continental shelf


Competency-based medical education: theory to practice

scientific article published in January 2010

Continental shelf drift deposit indicates non-steady state Antarctic bottom water production in the Holocene

article published in 2001

Continental shelf record of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution: seismo-stratigraphic evidence from the George V Basin


Copper, lead, and zinc distribution in the sediments of the Fly River Delta and Torres Strait

article by Elaine K. Baker & Peter T. Harris published December 1991 in Marine Pollution Bulletin

Cross-shelf sediment transport in the Torres Strait - Gulf of Papua region : RV Franklin cruise, January-February 2002

Cu and Cd associated with suspended particulate matter in Torres Strait

Current and Glacial Erosion on the Shelf off Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica

Cyclone-induced net sediment transport pathway on the continental shelf of tropical Australia inferred from reef talus deposits


Deep-sea bio-physical variables as surrogates for biological assemblages, an example from the Lord Howe Rise

article by Tara J. Anderson et al published April 2011 in Deep-Sea Research. Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography

Dynamics of the turbidity maximum zone in a micro-tidal estuary: Hawkesbury River, Australia


Ecological Role of Submarine Canyons and Need for Canyon Conservation: A Review


Environmental management of clastic coastal depositional environments: inferences from an Australian geomorphic database


Estimating global shelf sediment mobility due to swell waves


Estimation of annual bedload flux in a macrotidal estuary: Bristol Channel, U.K

Evolution of subtidal sandbanks in Moreton Bay, eastern Australia


Existing global marine protected area network is not representative or comprehensive measured against seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats

Foraminifers as Facies Indicators in a Tropical Macrotidal Environment: Torres Strait–Fly River Delta, Papua New Guinea

scholarly article

Form drag is a major component of bed shear stress associated with tidal flow in the vicinity of an isolated sand bank, Torres Strait, northern Australia


Framing an independent, integrated and evidence-based evaluation of the state of Australia's biophysical and human environments


Geological and biological mapping and characterisation of benthic marine environments—Introduction to the special issue

Geology - benthos relationships on a temperate rocky bank, eastern Bass Strait, Australia


Geomorphology and sedimentology of the continental shelf adjacent to Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica: A scalped shelf

scholarly article by Peter T. Harris published in 1996

Geomorphology of the oceans

scientific article

Global Overview of Continental Shelf Geomorphology Based on the SRTM30_PLUS 30-Arc Second Database

Global distribution of large submarine canyons: Geomorphic differences between active and passive continental margins

Habitat Mapping and Marine Management

Habitats and Benthos of a Deep-Sea Marginal Plateau, Lord Howe Rise, Australia


Hanging canyons of Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada: Fault-control on submarine canyon geomorphology along active continental margins


High seas marine protected areas: Benthic environmental conservation priorities from a GIS analysis of global ocean biophysical data

Holocene sediment records from the continental shelf of Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica

Hydrodynamic and sand-transport controls on en echelon sandbank formation: an example from Moreton Bay, eastern Australia


Ice shelf grounding zone features of western Prydz Bay, Antarctica: sedimentary processes from seismic and sidescan images

Iceberg Plough Marks, Subglacial Bedforms and Grounding Zone Moraines in Prydz Bay Antarctica

Incised Valleys and Backstepping Deltaic Deposits in a Foreland-Basin Setting, Torres Strait and Gulf of Papua, Australia


Land-Sea Physical Interaction

Large-scale bedforms as indicators of mutually evasive sand transport and the sequential infilling of wide-mouthed estuaries

scientific article

Late Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentation on the George V Continental Shelf, East Antarctica

article published in 2003

Late Quaternary Deltaic and Carbonate Sedimentation in the Gulf of Papua Foreland Basin: Response to Sea-Level Change

Late Quaternary history of sedimentation on the Mac. Robertson shelf, East Antarctica: problems with 14C-dating of marine sediment cores

scholarly article by Peter T. Harris published in 1996

Late Quaternary sediment facies in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica and their relationship to glacial advance onto the continental shelf

article published in 1998

Late Quaternary sedimentation on the Great Barrier Reef continental shelf and slope east of Townsville, Australia


Lithofacies distribution in relation to the geomorphic provinces of Prydz Bay, East Antarctica

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 search data reveal geomorphology and seafloor processes in the remote southeast Indian Ocean

scholarly article by Kim Picard published in January 2018

Marine Zone Management and the EPBC Act—How Environmental Marine Geological Information Provides Certainty for Petroleum Exploration

Marine resources, biophysical processes, and environmental management of a tropical shelf seaway: Torres Strait, Australia–Introduction to the special issue


Mesophotic coral ecosystems — A lifeboat for coral reefs?

Neritic carbonate for six submerged coral reefs from northern Australia: Implications for Holocene global carbon dioxide


On Seabed Disturbance, Marine Ecological Succession and Applications for Environmental Management: A Physical Sedimentological Perspective

Origin and Geomorphic Characteristics of Ocean Basins

Patterns of Sedimentation in the Macrotidal Fly River Delta, Papua New Guinea

scholarly article

Patterns of glacial erosion and deposition in Prydz Bay and the past behaviour of the Lambert Glacier

Physical properties of sewage particles in seawater

Predicted benthic disturbance regimes on the Australian continental shelf: a modelling approach


Processes controlling the formation of the Mertz Drift, George Vth continental shelf, East Antarctica: evidence from 3.5kHz sub-bottom profiling and sediment cores


Recent investigations of the Mertz Polynya and George Vth Land continental margin, East Antarctica

Reversal of subtidal dune asymmetries caused by seasonally reversing wind-driven currents in Torres Strait, northeastern Australia


Ripple cross-laminated sediments on the East Antarctic Shelf: evidence for episodic bottom water production during the Holocene?


Sand and rhodolith-gravel entrainment on the mid- to outer-shelf under a western boundary current: Fraser Island continental shelf, eastern Australia


Sand transport in the Bristol Channel: bedload parting zone or mutually evasive transport pathways?

Sandwave movement under tidal and wind-driven currents in a shallow marine environment: Adolphus Channel, northeastern Australia


Seabed exposure and ecological disturbance on Australia's continental shelf: potential surrogates for marine biodiversity

Seafloor Geomorphology—Coast, Shelf, and Abyss

Seafloor morphology and acoustic facies of the George V Land shelf

Sediment core from beneath the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, suggests mid-Holocene ice-shelf retreat

scholarly article

Sediment mobility due to currents and waves in the Torres Strait–Gulf of Papua region


Sediment transport and flow over sandwaves in a non-rectilinear tidal environment: Bass Strait, Australia


Sediment transport in distributary channels and its export to the pro-deltaic environment in a tidally dominated delta: Fly River, Papua New Guinea

article by Peter T. Harris et al published December 2004 in Continental Shelf Research

Sedimentation and continental slope processes in the vicinity of an ocean waste‐disposal site, southeastern Tasmania

Sedimentological signatures of sub-ice-shelf circulation: An example from Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica

Sedimentological signatures of the sub-Amery Ice Shelf circulation

Sediments, bedforms and bedload transport pathways on the continental shelf adjacent to Torres Strait, Australia—Papua New Guinea


Sequence architecture during the Holocene transgression: an example from the Great Barrier Reef shelf, Australia - Comment


Shelf and deep-sea sedimentary environments and physical benthic disturbance regimes: A review and synthesis


Side-scan sonar investigation into temporal variation in sand wave morphology: Helwick sands, Bristol Channel

Submarine Canyons and Gullies

Submarine Cementation in Tide-Generated Bioclastic Sand Dunes: Epicontinental Seaway, Torres Strait, North-East Australia


Submarine glacial landforms on the cold East Antarctic margin

Submerged banks in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, greatly increase available coral reef habitat


Submerged coral reefs in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia


Submerged reefs and terraces on the shelf edge of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia


The Queen Charlotte Fault, British Columbia: seafloor anatomy of a transform fault and its influence on sediment processes

article by J. Vaughn Barrie et al published 9 June 2013 in Geo-Marine Letters

The distribution and formative processes of latent-heat polynyas in East Antarctica

The potential impact of bedform migration on seagrass communities in Torres Strait, northern Australia


Tidally incised valleys on tropical carbonate shelves: An example from the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia


Topographic features of the Bristol Channel sea-bed: a comparison of SEASAT (synthetic aperture radar) and side-scan sonar images

Toward a research agenda for competency-based medical education

scientific article

United Nations regular process for assessing the state of the marine environment

scholarly article by Peter T. Harris published January 2012 in Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs

What is a Bedload Parting?

Where rivers and oceans collide

article by J. S. Crockett et al published 2005 in Eos

Why Map Benthic Habitats?

scholarly article published 2012