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List of works by Georgios Papathanasiou

A symbol of uniqueness: the cluster bootstrap for the 3-loop MHV heptagon

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 3, March 2015

All-Order Amplitudes at any Multiplicity in the Multi-Regge Limit

scientific article published on 01 April 2020

Closed string self-energy on the lightcone worldsheet lattice

scholarly article

Cluster Algebras for Feynman Integrals

scientific article published in 2021

Evaluating the six-point remainder function near the collinear limit

Exact solutions forN-magnon scattering

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008 no. 8, August 2008

Giant magnons in symmetric spaces: explicit N-soliton solutions for CP n , SU(n) and S n

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010 no. 7, July 2010

Heptagons from the Steinmann cluster bootstrap

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 2, February 2017

Hexagon OPE resummation and multi-Regge kinematics

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 2, February 2016

Hexagon Wilson loop OPE and harmonic polylogarithms

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 11, November 2013

Multi-Regge kinematics and the moduli space of Riemann spheres with marked points

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 8, August 2016

Open string self-energy on the lightcone worldsheet lattice

scholarly article

Pohlmeyer reduction and Darboux transformations in Euclidean worldsheet AdS 3

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 no. 8, August 2012

Semiclassical quantization of the giant magnon

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007 no. 6, June 2007

The double pentaladder integral to all orders

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 7, July 2018

The morphology of 𝒩 = 6 Chern-Simons theory

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009 no. 7, July 2009

The seven-gluon amplitude in multi-Regge kinematics beyond leading logarithmic accuracy

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 6, June 2018

The two-loop symbol of all multi-Regge regions

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 5, May 2016

Two-loop spectroscopy of short ABJM operators

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010 no. 2, February 2010

Worldsheet propagator on the lightcone worldsheet lattice

scholarly article