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List of works by Angelos Tsiaras

A Population Study of Gaseous Exoplanets

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL

scholarly article

A new approach to analyzing HST spatial scans: the transmission spectrum of HD 209458 b

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

ARES I: WASP-76 b, A Tale of Two HST Spectra

scientific article published on 9 June 2020

ARES III: Unveiling the Two Faces of KELT-7 b with HST WFC3

ARES IV: Probing the Atmospheres of the Two Warm Small Planets HD 106315c and HD 3167c with the HST/WFC3 Camera

scholarly article

ARES. II. Characterizing the Hot Jupiters WASP-127 b, WASP-79 b, and WASP-62b with the Hubble Space Telescope

scientific article published on 12 August 2020

Characterising a World Within the Hot Neptune Desert: Transit Observations of LTT 9779 b with HST WFC3

scientific article published on 15 September 2023

Detection of an atmosphere around the super-earth 55 Cancri e

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Evidence for Atmospheric Cold-trap Processes in the Noninverted Emission Spectrum of Kepler-13Ab Using HST/WFC3

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Exploring the Ability of Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 G141 to Uncover Trends in Populations of Exoplanet Atmospheres through a Homogeneous Transmission Survey of 70 Gaseous Planets

scientific article published in November 2023

Five Key Exoplanet Questions Answered via the Analysis of 25 Hot-Jupiter Atmospheres in Eclipse

scientific article published on 25 April 2022

Hubble WFC3 Spectroscopy of the Habitable-zone Super-Earth LHS 1140 b

scientific article published on 24 December 2020

Is the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-121b variable?

scholarly article

KELT-11 b: Abundances of Water and Constraints on Carbon-bearing Molecules from the Hubble Transmission Spectrum

scientific article published on 13 November 2020

Near-IR Transmission Spectrum of HAT-P-32b using HST/WFC3

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

On the Compatibility of Ground-based and Space-based Data: WASP-96 b, an Example*

scientific article published on 02 December 2020

Original Research by Young Twinkle Students (ORBYTS): ephemeris refinement of transiting exoplanets

scientific article published on 7 May 2020

Original Research by Young Twinkle Students (Orbyts): Ephemeris Refinement of Transiting Exoplanets II

scientific article published on 10 July 2020

Pushing the Limits of Exoplanet Discovery via Direct Imaging with Deep Learning

The Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Program for JWST


The Transmission Spectrum of WASP-17 b From the Optical to the Near-infrared Wavelengths: Combining STIS, WFC3, and IRAC Data Sets

scientific article published on 6 June 2022

WASP-117 b: An Eccentric Hot Saturn as a Future Complex Chemistry Laboratory

scientific article published on 29 October 2020

Water vapour in the atmosphere of the habitable-zone eight-Earth-mass planet K2-18 b

scientific article published on 11 September 2019

Wayne-A simulator for HST WFC3 IR grism spectroscopy

scientific article published in January 2017