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List of works by Roger Tomlin

'Plumbum Britannicum' and Other Remarks

'The Girl in Question': A New Text from Roman London

scientific article published in 2003

A Roman Will from North Wales

scientific article published in January 2001

Ammianus Marcellinus 26.4.5–6

scientific article published in December 1979

Exhibits at Ballots

II Inscriptions

article published in 1986

II Inscriptions

II Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

II. Inscriptions

III. Inscriptions

III. Inscriptions

III. Inscriptions

article published in 2006

III. Inscriptions

III. Inscriptions

III. Inscriptions

III. Inscriptions

III. Inscriptions

III. Inscriptions

Les Murs murmurent: Graffitis gallo-romains. Edited by A. Barbet and M. Fuchs with L. Roduit, with contributions by J.-P. Bost, G. Fabre, and P.-Y. Lambert. Infolio éditions, Gollion, 2008. Pp. 208, figs 165. Price: €20.00. isbn 978 2 88474 148 4

Non Coritani Sed Corieltauvi

scientific article

Numerus Supervenientium Petueriensium

chapter published in 1969

Reading a 1st-century Roman gold signet ring from Fishbourne

article published in 1997

Rescue Excavations in the 'Vicus' of the Fort at Greta Bridge, Co. Durham, 1972-4

article by P. J. Casey et al published 1998 in Britannia

Roman Britain in 1974

Roman Britain in 1975

Roman Britain in 1976

article published in 1977

Roman Britain in 1977

Roman Britain in 1978

Roman Britain in 1979

scientific article published in 1980

Roman Britain in 1980

Roman Britain in 1981

article published in 1982

Roman Britain in 1982

Roman Britain in 1983

scientific article published in 1984

Roman Britain in 1984

scientific article published in 1985

Roman Britain in 1985

article published in 1986

Roman Britain in 1986

Roman Britain in 1987

scientific article published in 1988

Roman Britain in 1988

article published in 1989

Roman Britain in 1989

Roman Britain in 1990

scientific article published in 1991

Roman Britain in 1991

scientific article published in 1992

Roman Britain in 1992

scientific article (publication date: 1993)

Roman Britain in 1993

scientific article published in 1994

Roman Britain in 1994

Roman Britain in 1995

scientific article published in 1996

Roman Britain in 1996

Roman Britain in 1997

Roman Britain in 1998

scientific article published in 1999

Roman Britain in 1999

Roman Britain in 2000

Roman Britain in 2001

Roman Britain in 2002

Roman Britain in 2003

Roman Inscriptions of Britain

3-volume corpus of inscriptions found in Britain from the Roman period

Roman Manuscripts from Carlisle: The Ink-Written Tablets


The Date of the 'Barbarian Conspiracy'

article by Roger Tomlin published 1974 in Britannia

The Monumental and the Mundane: A Common Epigraphic Tradition

The Sepulchral Monument of the Procurator C. Julius Classicianus

The Twentieth Legion at Wroxeter and Carlisle in the First Century: The Epigraphic Evidence


The Vindolanda Tablets

The Vindolanda Writing-Tablets (Tabulae Vindolandenses IV, Part 1)

article with full editions and commentaries of writing-tablets from Vindolanda discovered in the excavation seasons of 2001, 2002 and 2003

The Vindolanda Writing-Tablets (Tabulae Vindolandenses IV, Part 2)

article with full editions and commentaries of writing-tablets from Vindolanda discovered in the excavation seasons of 2001, 2002 and 2003

Understanding Roman Inscriptions

Where the Lightning Struck: R.I.B. 1426

article by Roger Tomlin published March 1986 in Antiquaries Journal