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List of works by Mahendra Kumar Samal

A Comparative Assessment of Local and Nonlocal Damage Models for Prediction of Fracture Behavior during Mixed-Mode Loading

A Generalized Geometric Shape Function for Evaluation of SIF Values of Thin-Walled Axially-Cracked Fuel Pin Specimens

A finite element model for nonlinear behaviour of piezoceramics under weak electric fields

A finite element program for on-line life assessment of critical plant components


A new mesh-independent Rousselier's damage model: Finite element implementation and experimental verification

A phenomenological form of the q2 parameter in the Gurson model

A study on ductile fracture initiation in the PHT piping material of an Indian PHWR using local approach

An analytical formulation in 3D domain for the nonlinear response of piezoelectric slabs under weak electric fields

Analytical solution in 2D domain for nonlinear response of piezoelectric slabs under weak electric fields

Deformation Mechanisms Coupled with Phase Field and Crystal Plasticity Modeling in a High-Temperature Polycrystalline Ni-Based Superalloy

Dwell fatigue crack nucleation model based on crystal plasticity finite element simulations of polycrystalline titanium alloys


Estimation of fracture behavior of thin walled nuclear reactor fuel pins using Pin-Loading-Tension (PLT) test

Evaluation of Creep Deformation and Mechanical Properties of Nickel-based Superalloys through FE Analysis Based on Crystal Plasticity Models

scholarly article by Mahendra Kumar Samal & S. Ghosh published 2013 in Procedia Engineering

Evaluation of fracture toughness and its scatter in the DBTT region of different types of pressure vessel steels

Experimental and numerical investigation of ductile-to-brittle transition in a pressure vessel steel

Finite element formulation of a new nonlocal damage model

Investigation of Fracture Behavior of Steam Generator Tubes of Indian PHWR using PLT Specimens

Investigation of failure behavior of ferritic–austenitic type of dissimilar steel welded joints

Investigation of failure behavior of two different types of Zircaloy clad tubes used as nuclear reactor fuel pins

Nonlinear behaviour of piezoceramics under weak electric fields

Nonlinear behaviour of piezoceramics under weak electric fields. Part-II: Numerical results and validation with experiments

On critical assessment of the use of local and nonlocal damage models for prediction of ductile crack growth and crack path in various loading and boundary conditions

On the Application of Rousselier's Damage Model to Predict Fracture Resistance Behavior of Zircaloy Fuel Pin Specimens

Prediction of J–R curves of thin-walled fuel pin specimens in a PLT setup

Prediction of Temperature Dependence and Scatter in Fracture Toughness of Pressure Vessel Steel using Nonlocal Damage Models

Real-Time Monitoring of High Temperature Components

Transferability of fracture parameters from specimens to component level