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List of works by Keith Bateman

An experimental evaluation of the reaction of granite with streamwater, seawater and NaCl solutions at 200°C

Analcime reactions at 25–90°C in hyperalkaline fluids

Biologically induced clay formation in subsurface granitic environments

CO2 -porewater-rock reactions–Large-scale column experiment (Big Rig II)

Can CO2 hydrate assist in the underground storage of carbon dioxide?

scholarly article by C. A. Rochelle et al published 2009 in Geological Society Special Publication

Carbonate dissolution in Mesozoic sand- and claystones as a response to CO2 exposure at 70°C and 20MPa

Experimental simulation of the alkaline disturbed zone around a cementitious radioactive waste repository: numerical modelling and column experiments

scholarly article by Keith Bateman et al published 1999 in Geological Society Special Publication

Geochemical Interactions Between CO2 and Minerals within the Utsira Caprock: A 5-year Experimental Study

Geochemical impacts of CO2 storage in saline aquifers with various mineralogy—Results from laboratory experiments and reactive geochemical modelling


Granite-water interactions in a flow-through experimental system with applications to the Hot Dry Rock geothermal system at Rosemanowes, Cornwall, U.K

Influence of bacteria on rock-water interaction and clay mineral formation in subsurface granitic environments

Influence of biofilms on transport of fluids in subsurface granitic environments — some mineralogical and petrographical observations of materials from column experiments

Microbiological influences on fracture surfaces of intact mudstone and the implications for geological disposal of radioactive waste

Mineral changes in CO2 experiments — Examples from Danish onshore saline aquifers


Post-CO2injection alteration of the pore network and intrinsic permeability tensor for a Permo-Triassic sandstone

scientific article published in 2015

Potential impact of CO2 on subsurface microbial ecosystems and implications for the performance of storage reservoirs

Rate and mechanism of the reaction of silicates with cement pore fluids

The precipitation of solids from potential heat exchange fluids for use in a hdr geothermal system in granite

The role of biofilms in subsurface transport processes

Towards improved ground models for slope instability evaluations through better characterization of sediment-hosted gas-hydrates

scientific article published in 2002