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List of works by Simone Baldi

A DSC method for strict-feedback nonlinear systems with possibly unbounded control gain functions

scientific article

A Hybrid Recursive Implementation of Broad Learning With Incremental Features

scientific article published on 22 December 2020

A Message Passing Algorithm for Automatic Synthesis of Probabilistic Fault Detectors from Building Automation Ontologies

scientific article

A New Adaptive-Robust Design for Time Delay Control Under State-Dependent Stability Condition

scientific article

A New Continuous-Time Stability Perspective of Time-Delay Control: Introducing a State-Dependent Upper Bound Structure

A Semi-Physical Platform for Guidance and Formations of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

scientific article published on 19 February 2020

A Separation-Based Methodology to Consensus Tracking of Switched High-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems

A Simulation-Based Traffic Signal Control for Congested Urban Traffic Networks

A Simultaneous Adaptation Law for a Class of Nonlinearly Parametrized Switched Systems

A Switching Control Perspective on the Offshore Construction Scenario of Heavy-Lift Vessels

scientific article

A Switching-Based Adaptive Dynamic Programming Method to Optimal Traffic Signaling

A cognitive stochastic approximation approach to optimal charging schedule in electric vehicle stations

scientific article

A distributed disagreement-based protocol for synchronization of uncertain heterogeneous agents

scientific article

A model for controlled dosing of femto-litre volume liquids using hollow microcantilever

scientific article

A novel Lyapunov function for a non-weightedL2 gain of asynchronously switched linear systems

scientific article

A software-in-the-loop implementation of adaptive formation control for fixed-wing UAVs

A supervisory approach to microgrid demand response and climate control

scientific article

Adaptive Asymptotic Tracking Control of Uncertain Time-Driven Switched Linear Systems

scientific article

Adaptive Asymptotic Tracking for a Class of Uncertain Switched Positive Compartmental Models With Application to Anesthesia

scientific article

Adaptive Leader–Follower Synchronization Over Heterogeneous and Uncertain Networks of Linear Systems Without Distributed Observer

scientific article

Adaptive Neural Control for Pure Feedback Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Actuator Nonlinearity

scientific article

Adaptive Optimal Control for Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems

scientific article

Adaptive Tracking Control of Switched Linear Systems Using Mode-Dependent Average Dwell Time

scientific article

Adaptive control of interconnected networked systems with application to heterogeneous platooning

scientific article

Adaptive hierarchical formation control for uncertain Euler–Lagrange systems using distributed inverse dynamics

Adaptive hybrid synchronisation in uncertain Kuramoto networks with limited information

Adaptive optimization for active queue management supporting TCP flows

scientific article

Adaptive optimization for smart operation of cyber-physical systems: A thermostatic zoning test case

scientific article

Adaptive path following for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in time-varying unknown wind environments

scientific article

Adaptive pulse width modulation design for power converters based on affine switched systems

Adaptive stabilization of impulsive switched linear time-delay systems: A piecewise dynamic gain approach

Adaptive state-feedback synchronization with distributed input: the cyclic case

scientific article

Adaptive synchronization in networks with heterogeneous uncertain Kuramoto-like units

scientific article

Adaptive synchronization of unknown heterogeneous agents: An adaptive virtual model reference approach

Adaptive tracking of switched nonlinear systems with prescribed performance using a reference-dependent reparametrisation approach

Addressing Unmodeled Path-Following Dynamics via Adaptive Vector Field: A UAV Test Case

An Adaptive Approach to Cooperative Longitudinal Platooning of Heterogeneous Vehicles with Communication Losses * *The research leading to these results has been partially funded by the European Commission FP7-ICT-2013.3.4, Advanced computing, embedd

scientific article

An Adaptive Learning-Based Approach for Nearly Optimal Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicle Fleets

scientific article

An Adaptive Switched Control Approach to Heterogeneous Platooning With Intervehicle Communication Losses

scientific article

An adaptive approach to longitudinal platooning with heterogeneous vehicle saturations

An adaptive approach to zooming-based control for uncertain systems with input quantization

scientific article

An adaptive design for quantized feedback control of uncertain switched linear systems

scientific article

An integrated control-oriented modelling for HVAC performance benchmarking

scientific article

An iterative Sum-of-Squares optimization for static output feedback of polynomial systems

scientific article

Automating occupant-building interaction via smart zoning of thermostatic loads: A switched self-tuning approach

scientific article

Beyond the Waterbed Effect: Development of Fractional Order CRONE Control with Non-Linear Reset

scientific article

Broad Learning for Optimal Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction

Consensus in High-Power Multiagent Systems With Mixed Unknown Control Directions via Hybrid Nussbaum-Based Control

scientific article published on 04 November 2020

Control configurations in distillation columns: A comparative study

scientific article

Cooperative Output Regulation of Heterogeneous Unknown Systems via Passification-Based Adaptation

scientific article

Distributed Chance-Constrained Model Predictive Control for Condition-Based Maintenance Planning for Railway Infrastructures

scientific article

Distributed Disturbance-and-Leader Estimation for Controlling Networks of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots

scientific article published in 2022

Distributed Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Dynamic Economic Dispatch With Unknown Generation Cost Functions

scholarly article by Pengcheng Dai et al published April 2020 in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Dual estimation: Constructing building energy models from data sampled at low rate

scientific article

Eligibility traces and forgetting factor in recursive least‐squares‐based temporal difference

scientific article

Establishing Platoons of Bidirectional Cooperative Vehicles With Engine Limits and Uncertain Dynamics

scientific article

Fault detection and identification for a class of continuous piecewise affine systems with unknown subsystems and partitions

scientific article

Global Frequency Synchronization over Networks of Uncertain Second-Order Kuramoto Oscillators via Distributed Adaptive Tracking

Hybrid Adaptive Chassis Control for Vehicle Lateral Stability in the Presence of Uncertainty

scientific article

Impact of Network Topology on the Resilience of Vehicle Platoons

scientific article published in 2022

Integrated condition-based track maintenance planning and crew scheduling of railway networks

scientific article

Integrated dynamic modelling and multivariable control of HVAC components

scientific article

Integration of auto‐steering with adaptive cruise control for improved cornering behaviour

scientific article

Intelligent energy and thermal comfort management in grid-connected microgrids with heterogeneous occupancy schedule

scientific article

Joint energy demand and thermal comfort optimization in photovoltaic-equipped interconnected microgrids

scientific article

Joint estimation of vessel position and mooring stiffness during offshore crane operations

Leaderless Synchronization of Heterogeneous Oscillators by Adaptively Learning the Group Model

Lyapunov-Equation-Based Stability Analysis for Switched Linear Systems and Its Application to Switched Adaptive Control

scientific article

Model Predictive Control for Maintenance Operations Planning of Railway Infrastructures

scientific article

Model Predictive Control for rail condition-based maintenance: A multilevel approach

scientific article

Model Reference Switched Adaptive Control with Nonnegative Orthant State Constraints

Model-based and model-free “plug-and-play” building energy efficient control

scientific article

Monitoring energy efficiency of condensing boilers via hybrid first-principle modelling and estimation

scientific article

Multi-level condition-based maintenance planning for railway infrastructures – A scenario-based chance-constrained approach

scientific article

Neuro-Adaptive Cooperative Tracking Rendezvous of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots

Nonlinear Control of Large Scale complex Systems using Convex Control Design tools

Nonlinear Systems With Uncertain Periodically Disturbed Control Gain Functions: Adaptive Fuzzy Control With Invariance Properties

scientific article

Nonlinear control of large scale complex systems using convex optimization tools and self-adaptation

Observer-based Robust Control for Dynamic Positioning of Large-Scale Heavy Lift Vessels

Occupancy-based demand response and thermal comfort optimization in microgrids with renewable energy sources and energy storage

scientific article

On Distributed Implementation of Switch-Based Adaptive Dynamic Programming

scientific article published on 06 November 2020

On Training Traffic Predictors via Broad Learning Structures: A Benchmark Study

On a weaker notion of ring stability for mixed traffic with human-driven and autonomous vehicles

On adaptive sliding mode control without a priori bounded uncertainty

On reduced-complexity robust adaptive control of switched Euler–Lagrange systems

On robust adaptive control of switched linear systems

scientific article

On vanishing gains in robust adaptation of switched systems: A new leakage-based result for a class of Euler–Lagrange dynamics

article by Spandan Roy et al published October 2020 in Systems & Control Letters

Online identification of continuous bimodal and trimodal piecewise affine systems

scientific article

Online policy iterations for optimal control of input-saturated systems

scientific article

Optimal nonlinear solutions for reverse Stackelberg games with incomplete information

Output Synchronization of Unknown Heterogeneous Agents via Distributed Model Reference Adaptation

Overcoming the Underestimation and Overestimation Problems in Adaptive Sliding Mode Control

article published in 2019

Passive versus active learning in operation and adaptive maintenance of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Platooning merging maneuvers in the presence of parametric uncertainty

scientific article

Reachable set estimation for switched linear systems with dwell-time switching

scientific article

Real-Life Implementation of a GPS-Based Path-Following System for an Autonomous Vehicle


Real-time Performance and Safety Validation of an Integrated Vehicle Dynamic Control Strategy

scientific article

Real-time monitoring energy efficiency and performance degradation of condensing boilers

scientific article

Robust Adaptive Stabilization of Switched Higher-Order Planar Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Time-Varying Delays

Robust adaptive tracking control of uncertain slowly switched linear systems

scientific article

Stability Margins in Adaptive Mixing Control Via a Lyapunov-Based Switching Criterion

scientific article

Stabilization of switched linear systems using quantized output feedback via dwell-time switching

scientific article

Stable Adaptation in Multi-Area Load Frequency Control Under Dynamically-Changing Topologies

scientific article published in 2021

Switched Adaptive Control of Air Handling Units With Discrete and Saturated Actuators

scientific article

The Non-Smoothness Problem in Disturbance Observer Design: A Set-Invariance-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Control Method

The Role of Uncertainty in Adaptive Control of Switched Euler-Lagrange Systems

The Set-Invariance Paradigm in Fuzzy Adaptive DSC Design of Large-Scale Nonlinear Input-Constrained Systems

article by Maolong Lv et al published 2019 in IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Systems

The issue of transients in leakage-based model reference adaptive control of switched linear systems

Towards structure-independent stabilization for uncertain underactuated Euler–Lagrange systems

Towards tactical behaviour planning under uncertainties for automated vehicles in urban scenarios

scientific article

Traffic Flow on a Ring With a Single Autonomous Vehicle: An Interconnected Stability Perspective