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List of works by Clayton Neighbors

"A tutorial on count regression and zero-altered count models for longitudinal substance use data": Correction to Atkins et al. (2012)

scholarly article published in Psychology of Addictive Behaviors

"I will take a shot for every 'like' I get on this status": posting alcohol-related Facebook content is linked to drinking outcomes

scientific article published on May 2014

21st birthday celebratory drinking: evaluation of a personalized normative feedback card intervention

scientific article published on June 2008

A Hierarchy of 21st Birthday Drinking Norms

scientific article published on July 1, 2012

A Longitudinal Examination of the Associations Between Shyness, Drinking Motives, Alcohol Use, and Alcohol-Related Problems

scientific article

A Marijuana Consequences Checklist for Young Adults with Implications for Brief Motivational Intervention Research

scientific article published on 24 October 2020

A Personality-Based Latent Class Analysis of Emerging Adult Gamblers

scientific article published on 17 September 2014

A Telephone Intervention for Substance-Using Adult Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence

scientific article published on August 18, 2010

A Text Message Intervention to Reduce 21st Birthday Alcohol Consumption: Evaluation of a Two-Group Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article

A brief intervention for at-risk drinking in an employee assistance program.

scientific article

A brief live interactive normative group intervention using wireless keypads to reduce drinking and alcohol consequences in college student athletes

scientific article published on January 2009

A brief, web-based personalized feedback selective intervention for college student marijuana use: a randomized clinical trial

scientific article

A cross-lagged evaluation of eating disorder symptomatology and substance-use problems

scientific article published on January 2009

A multisite randomized trial of normative feedback for heavy drinking: Social comparison versus social comparison plus correction of normative misperceptions

scientific article published on 4 January 2016

A randomized clinical trial of a brief, mailed intervention for symptoms of depression

scientific article published in April 2006

A randomized controlled trial of a web-based, personalized normative feedback alcohol intervention for young-adult veterans

scientific article

A randomized controlled trial of event-specific prevention strategies for reducing problematic drinking associated with 21st birthday celebrations

scientific article

A randomized motivational enhancement prevention group reduces drinking and alcohol consequences in first-year college women

scientific article

A review of decisional balance research and directions for brief alcohol intervention among college students.

scientific article

A review of implicit and explicit substance self-concept as a predictor of alcohol and tobacco use and misuse

scientific article

A road paved with safe intentions: Increasing intentions to use alcohol protective behavioral strategies via Deviance Regulation Theory

scientific article published on 25 February 2016

A self‐determination model of childhood exposure, perceived prevalence, justification, and perpetration of intimate partner violence

scientific article published on January 21, 2013

A tutorial on count regression and zero-altered count models for longitudinal substance use data

scientific article

ALDH2, ADH1B and alcohol expectancies: integrating genetic and learning perspectives

scientific article published on September 2009

Alcohol and drug-related negative consequences in college students with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder

scientific article published in September 2002

Alcohol and marijuana protective behavioral strategies mediate the relationship between substance use identity and use-related outcomes: A multi-sample examination

scientific article published on 18 August 2020

Alcohol and risky sex in athletes and nonathletes: what roles do sex motives play?

scientific article published in July 2007

Alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence perpetration among college students: the role of self-determination

scientific article

Alcohol evaluations and acceptability: examining descriptive and injunctive norms among heavy drinkers

scientific article published on 18 November 2014

Alcohol poisoning among college students turning 21: do they recognize the symptoms and how do they help?

scientific article published on July 2009

Alcohol-induced risky sexual behavior among socially anxious drinkers

journal article; published in Addiction Research & Theory in 2017

An Update of Research Examining College Student Alcohol‐Related Consequences: New Perspectives and Implications for Interventions

scientific article published on December 14, 2012

An examination of college student activities and attentiveness during a web-delivered personalized normative feedback intervention

scientific article

An interdependent look at perceptions of spousal drinking problems and marital outcomes

scientific article

An introduction to body vandalism: What is it? Who does it? When does it happen?

scientific article published on 10 August 2016

Anxiety Sensitivity in Association With Alcohol-Related Behaviors Among College Students: The Role of Negative Urgency

scientific article published in March 2018

Anxiety sensitivity and hazardous drinking among persons living with HIV/AIDS: An examination of the role of emotion dysregulation

scientific article

Anxiety, depression, and HIV symptoms among persons living with HIV/AIDS: the role of hazardous drinking

scientific article published on 16 September 2014

Appearance-related social comparisons: the role of contingent self-esteem and self-perceptions of attractiveness

scientific article published in April 2004

Are drinking games sports? College athlete participation in drinking games and alcohol-related problems

scientific article published on 01 January 2007

Are social norms the best predictor of outcomes among heavy-drinking college students?

scientific article published on July 2007

Assessing readiness to change binge eating and compensatory behaviors

scientific article published in September 2003

Assessing the effectiveness of peer-facilitated interventions addressing high-risk drinking among judicially mandated college students

scientific article published on July 2009

Associations of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms With Marijuana and Synthetic Cannabis Use Among Young Adult U.S. Veterans: A Pilot Investigation.

scientific article published on May 2016

Attempted Training of Alcohol Approach and Drinking Identity Associations in US Undergraduate Drinkers: Null Results from Two Studies

scientific article

Attitudes and perceived approval of drinking as mediators of the relationship between the importance of religion and alcohol use.

scientific article published in May 2007

Automatic alcohol associations: gender differences and the malleability of alcohol associations following exposure to a dating scenario

scientific article published on July 2009

Being controlled by normative influences: self-determination as a moderator of a normative feedback alcohol intervention

scientific article published on September 2006

Benefit finding as a moderator of the relationship between spirituality/religiosity and drinking

scientific article published on July 3, 2013

Blood is thicker than booze: Examining the role of familism and gender in alcohol use and related consequences among Hispanic college students

scientific article published on 02 October 2015

Body Image Concerns and Contingent Self-Esteem in Male and Female College Students

scientific article published on 13 September 2008

Brief motivational feedback and cognitive behavioral interventions for prevention of disordered gambling: a randomized clinical trial

scientific article

Brief online interventions targeting risk and protective factors for increased and problematic alcohol use among American college students studying abroad

scientific article published on 12 January 2017

Caregiver alcohol use and mental health among children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in South Africa

scientific article published on 29 August 2016

Celebration intoxication: an evaluation of 21st birthday alcohol consumption

scientific article published in September 2005

College prevention: a view of present (and future) web-based approaches

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

College students' perceptions of class year-specific drinking norms

scientific article

Comorbidity of Alcohol and Gambling Problems in Emerging Adults: A Bifactor Model Conceptualization

scientific article published on 03 June 2016

Computer-delivered personalized feedback intervention for hazardous drinkers with elevated anxiety sensitivity: A pilot randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 19 March 2021

Computer-delivered personalized feedback intervention for hazardous drinkers with elevated anxiety sensitivity: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 04 March 2020

Concurrent validity of an online version of the Timeline Followback assessment

scientific article published on 09 April 2012

Coping Motives Moderate Efficacy of Personalized Normative Feedback Among Heavy Drinking U.S. College Students

scientific article published on May 2016

Coping motives as a mediator of the relationship between sexual coercion and problem drinking in college students

scientific article

Coping with jealousy: the association between maladaptive aspects of jealousy and drinking problems is mediated by drinking to cope

scientific article published on 07 September 2013

Cultural differences and shame in an expressive writing alcohol intervention

scientific article published on 30 September 2015

Curiosity killed the cocktail? Curiosity, sensation seeking, and alcohol-related problems in college women

scientific article

Decisional Balance: Alcohol Decisional Balance Intervention for Heavy Drinking Undergraduates

scientific article

Defending girlfriends, buddies and oneself: injunctive norms and male barroom aggression

scientific article published on 10 December 2010

Descriptive drinking norms: For whom does reference group matter?

scientific article

Development and preliminary validation of a comprehensive marijuana motives questionnaire

scientific article published on March 2009

Development of a Marketing Campaign to Recruit Non-adjudicated and Untreated Abusive Men for a Brief Telephone Intervention

scientific article published on July 1, 2008

Development of a Personalized Feedback Intervention Targeting Pain-Related Anxiety for Adults Reporting Hazardous Drinking and Chronic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial

scholarly article

Differential alcohol expectancies based on type of alcoholic beverage consumed

scientific article

Differential effects of acculturation on drinking behavior in Chinese- and Korean-American college students

scientific article

Difficulties regulating emotions: Do binge eaters have fewer strategies to modulate and tolerate negative affect?

scientific article published on 22 May 2006

Do Undergraduate Student Research Participants Read Psychological Research Consent Forms? Examining Memory Effects, Condition Effects, and Individual Differences

scientific article published on July 14, 2011

Do different types of social identity moderate the association between perceived descriptive norms and drinking among college students?

scientific article

Do drinking motives mediate the association between sexual assault and problem drinking?

scientific article published on 18 October 2011

Do men find "bony" women attractive?: Consequences of misperceiving opposite sex perceptions of attractive body image

scientific article published on 01 May 2004

Do we learn from our mistakes? An examination of the impact of negative alcohol-related consequences on college students' drinking patterns and perceptions.

scientific article published on March 2006

Does providing a brief internet intervention for hazardous alcohol use to people seeking online help for depression reduce both alcohol use and depression symptoms among participants with these co-occurring disorders? Study protocol for a randomised

scientific article published on 19 July 2018

Drink refusal self-efficacy and implicit drinking identity: an evaluation of moderators of the relationship between self-awareness and drinking behavior

scientific article

Drinking games and contextual factors of 21st birthday drinking.

scientific article

Drinking motives and alcohol outcome expectancies as mediators of the association between negative urgency and alcohol consumption

scientific article published on 15 November 2016

Drinking motives as moderators of the effect of ambivalence on drinking and alcohol-related problems

scientific article

Drinking to Cope Moderates the Efficacy of Changing Veteran Drinking Norms as a Strategy for Reducing Drinking and Alcohol-Related Problems Among U.S. Veterans.

scientific article published on 25 January 2018

Drowning the pain: intimate partner violence and drinking to cope prospectively predict problem drinking.

scientific article published on 30 October 2014

EXPOSURE TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND CHILDHOOD EMOTIONAL ABUSE: Childhood Domestic Violence Exposure among a Community Sample of Adult Perpetrators: What Mediates the Connection?

scientific article published on 21 February 2012

Effectiveness of social norms media marketing in reducing drinking and driving: A statewide campaign

scientific article published on 02 June 2010

Effects of normative feedback for drinkers who consume less than the norm: Dodging the boomerang

scientific article

Efficacy of personalized normative feedback as a brief intervention for college student gambling: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on June 2015

Efficacy of web-based personalized normative feedback: a two-year randomized controlled trial

scientific article

Emotion Dysregulation: An Explanatory Construct in the Relation Between HIV-Related Stigma and Hazardous Drinking among Persons Living with HIV/AIDS

scientific article published on 07 June 2018

Enhancement Motives Mediate the Positive Association Between Mind/Body Awareness and College Student Drinking

scientific article published on May 2009

Epidemiological trends in drinking by age and gender: providing normative feedback to adults

scientific article published on 28 August 2006

Ethnicity specific norms and alcohol consumption among Hispanic/Latino/a and Caucasian students

scientific article

Evaluating Within-Person Change In Implicit Measures Of Alcohol Associations: Increases In Alcohol Associations Predict Increases In Drinking Risk And Vice Versa

scientific article published in March 2018

Evaluating guilt and shame in an expressive writing alcohol intervention

scientific article published on 18 May 2015

Evaluating implicit drinking identity as a mediator of drinking motives and alcohol consumption and craving

scientific article

Evaluating level of specificity of normative referents in relation to personal drinking behavior

scientific article published on July 2009

Evaluating personal alcohol feedback as a selective prevention for college students with depressed mood

scientific article published on 14 April 2007

Evaluating the impact of intimate partner violence on the perpetrator: the Perceived Consequences of Domestic Violence Questionnaire

scientific article published on 5 February 2010

Evaluations and Perceptions of Others' Evaluations of Negative Alcohol-Related Consequences Predict Negative Alcohol-Related Consequences Among College Drinkers

scientific article published in March 2017

Event- and context-specific normative misperceptions and high-risk drinking: 21st birthday celebrations and football tailgating.

scientific article published on March 2006

Event-Specific Prevention: addressing college student drinking during known windows of risk

scientific article

Event-specific drinking among college students

scientific article

Examining HIV-Related stigma in relation to pain interference and psychological inflexibility among persons living with HIV/AIDS: The role of anxiety sensitivity

scientific article published on 30 November 2017

Examining moment to moment affective determinants of smoking rate following a quit attempt among homeless daily smokers

scientific article published on 16 December 2020

Examining the associations among severity of injunctive drinking norms, alcohol consumption, and alcohol-related negative consequences: the moderating roles of alcohol consumption and identity

scientific article

Examining the relationship between typical drinking behavior and 21st birthday drinking behavior among college students: implications for event-specific prevention

scientific article published on 13 March 2008

Exercise and Alcohol Consumption: What We Know, What We Need to Know, and Why it is Important

scientific article

Expectancies and evaluations of alcohol effects among college students: self-determination as a moderator

scientific article published on March 1, 2003

Explicit drinking identity and alcohol problems: The mediating role of drinking to cope

scientific article

Exploring college student gambling motivation

scientific article published on January 2002

Exploring relationships between facets of self-esteem and drinking behavior among diverse groups of young adults

scientific article published on June 13, 2013

Exploring the role of positive and negative consequences in understanding perceptions and evaluations of individual drinking events

scientific article published on 12 March 2010

Expressive writing as a brief intervention for reducing drinking intentions

scientific article published on 04 September 2013

Feedback interventions for college alcohol misuse: what, why and for whom?

scientific article

Financial strain and cognitive-based smoking processes: The explanatory role of depressive symptoms among adult daily smokers

scientific article published on 26 January 2017

Fitting in and feeling fine: conformity and coping motives as mediators of the relationship between social anxiety and problematic drinking

scientific article

Fitting in and standing out: increasing the use of alcohol protective behavioral strategies with a deviance regulation intervention

scientific article published on 23 March 2015

Friends in low places: The impact of locations and companions on 21st birthday drinking

scientific article

Gambling in primary care patients: why should we care and what can we do about it?

scientific article published on March 2006

Gender and dating relationship status moderate the association between alcohol use and sex-related alcohol expectancies

scientific article published on 03 May 2009

Gender-specific misperceptions of college student drinking norms

scientific article published in December 2004

Group identification as a moderator of the relationship between perceived social norms and alcohol consumption

scientific article

Growth Mindsets of Alcoholism Buffer Against Deleterious Effects of Drinking Identity on Problem Drinking Over Time

scientific article published on 04 December 2019

Guilt and expressive writing for reducing alcohol use in college students: Study protocol for a randomized control trial

scientific article published on 10 August 2020

Habit doesn't make the predictions stronger: implicit alcohol associations and habitualness predict drinking uniquely

scientific article

Harm reduction and individually focused alcohol prevention

scientific article published on July 2006

Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) Among Homeless Smokers: Risk and Protective Factors of Latent Class Membership

scientific article published on 20 March 2018

I Want You to Like Me: Extraversion, Need for Approval, and Time on Facebook as Predictors of Anxiety

scientific article published on September 2016

I drink therefore I am: validating alcohol-related implicit association tests

scientific article

I like people who drink like me: Perceived appeal as a function of drinking status

scientific article

I think I can't: drink refusal self-efficacy as a mediator of the relationship between self-reported drinking identity and alcohol use

scientific article

Implicit Coping and Enhancement Motives Predict Unique Variance in Drinking in Asian Americans

scientific article published on December 2011

Implicit alcohol associations, especially drinking identity, predict drinking over time

scientific article

Implicit drinking identity: Drinker+me associations predict college student drinking consistently

scientific article published on February 5, 2013

Implicit theories of relationships: moderators of the link between conflict and commitment

scientific article published in May 2004

Impulsivity moderates the association between physical activity and alcohol consumption

scientific article published on 16 January 2014

Incapacitated rape and alcohol use: a prospective analysis

scientific article published on 30 January 2006

Incorporating Writing into a Personalized Normative Feedback Intervention to Reduce Problem Drinking Among College Students

scientific article published on 21 March 2019

Indicated prevention for college student marijuana use: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 10 June 2013

Indicated prevention for incoming freshmen: personalized normative feedback and high-risk drinking

scientific article

Indicated prevention of problem gambling among college students

scientific article published in January 2004

Injunctive Norms and Alcohol Consumption: A Revised Conceptualization

scientific article published on 31 March 2016

Injunctive norms and problem gambling among college students

scientific article published on 30 March 2007

Interest and participation in a college student alcohol intervention study as a function of typical drinking

scientific article published in November 2004

Internet-based personalized feedback to reduce 21st-birthday drinking: a randomized controlled trial of an event-specific prevention intervention

scientific article published on February 2009

Intimate partner violence perpetration and problem drinking among college students: The roles of expectancies and subjective evaluations of alcohol aggression

scientific article published on September 2007

Intrapersonal and interpersonal pathways linking 21st birthday celebration beliefs, intentions, and drinking behavior

scientific article published on 26 June 2020

Latent Class Analysis of DSM-5 Alcohol Use Disorder Criteria Among Heavy-Drinking College Students

scientific article

Live interactive group-specific normative feedback reduces misperceptions and drinking in college students: a randomized cluster trial

scientific article

Marijuana motives: young adults' reasons for using marijuana

scientific article

Marijuana use, risk perception, and consequences: is perceived risk congruent with reality?

scientific article published on 3 August 2007

Measuring Protective Behavioral Strategies for Marijuana Use Among Young Adults.

scientific article published on May 2016

Measuring Sojourner Adjustment among American students studying abroad

scientific article published on November 2011

Measuring gambling outcomes among college students

scientific article published on January 2002

Mood selectively moderates the implicit alcohol association-drinking relation in college student heavy episodic drinkers

Morally based self-esteem, drinking motives, and alcohol use among college students

scientific article published in September 2007

Motivational Profiles of Gambling Behavior: Self-determination Theory, Gambling Motives, and Gambling Behavior

scientific article published on 17 August 2014

Motivational enhancement therapy and self-help treatment for binge eaters

scientific article published in March 2006

Negative Affectivity and Problematic Alcohol Use Among Latinos in Primary Care: The Role of Emotion Dysregulation

scientific article published on 11 April 2016

Normative Misperceptions about Alcohol Use in a General Population Sample of Problem Drinkers from a Large Metropolitan City

scientific article published on October 25, 2011

Normative misperception and the impact of descriptive and injunctive norms on college student gambling

scientific article published on 01 September 2003

Normative misperceptions and temporal precedence of perceived norms and drinking.

scientific article published on March 2006

Normative misperceptions of abuse among perpetrators of intimate partner violence

scientific article published on 3 March 2010

Normative misperceptions of peer seat belt use among high school students and their relationship to personal seat belt use

scientific article published on January 2014

Not all those who wander are lost: examining the impact of sojourner adjustment and drinking motives on alcohol consequences experienced by Americans studying in foreign countries

scientific article

Not the same old thing: Establishing the unique contribution of drinking identity as a predictor of alcohol consumption and problems over time

scientific article published on 18 July 2016

Online personalized feedback intervention for cannabis-using college students reduces cannabis-related problems among women

scientific article published on 02 July 2019

Online personalized normative feedback intervention to reduce event-specific drinking during Mardi Gras

scientific article published on 18 February 2019

Optimizing personalized normative feedback: the use of gender-specific referents

scientific article published on March 2007

Perceived approval of friends and parents as mediators of the relationship between self-determination and drinking

scientific article published on January 2009

Perceived marijuana norms and social expectancies among entering college student marijuana users

scientific article published in September 2008

Perceived norms and alcohol consumption: differences between college students from rural and urban high schools

scientific article

Perceived norms for thinness and muscularity among college students: what do men and women really want?

scientific article

Perceptions of partner drinking problems, regulation strategies and relationship outcomes

scientific article published on 06 September 2013

Perceptions of partners’ problematic alcohol use affect relationship outcomes beyond partner self-reported drinking: Alcohol use in committed romantic relationships

scientific article published on February 25, 2013

Personalized feedback interventions for college alcohol misuse: An update of Walters & Neighbors (2005)

scientific article published on December 31, 2012

Personalized mailed feedback for college drinking prevention: a randomized clinical trial

scientific article published on April 2007

Positive and negative alcohol-related consequences: associations with past drinking

scientific article

Pragmatic randomized controlled trial of providing access to a brief personalized alcohol feedback intervention in university students

scientific article published on 10 October 2012

Predicting risky and angry driving as a function of gender

scientific article published on 7 November 2006

Preliminary examination of spring break alcohol use and related consequences

scientific article

Priming effects of self-reported drinking and religiosity

scientific article published on 25 March 2013

Problematic alcohol use and marital distress: An interdependence theory perspective

journal article; published in Addiction Research & Theory in 2014

Prototype Willingness Model Drinking Cognitions Mediate Personalized Normative Feedback Efficacy

scientific article

Psychometric evaluation of the Barriers to Cessation Scale

scientific article published on 15 August 2016

Questions and reflections: the use of motivational interviewing microskills in a peer-led brief alcohol intervention for college students

scientific article

RCT of web-based personalized normative feedback for college drinking prevention: are typical student norms good enough?

scientific article published on 12 August 2013

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Problem Gambling among College Students

scientific article published on 25 July 2015

Randomized controlled trial of a Spring Break intervention to reduce high-risk drinking

scientific article

Randomized controlled trial of a very brief, multicomponent web-based alcohol intervention for undergraduates with a focus on protective behavioral strategies

scientific article published on 5 September 2016

Randomized trial of motivational interviewing plus feedback for soldiers with untreated alcohol abuse

scientific article published on 13 October 2016

Reaching Soldiers with Untreated Substance Use Disorder: Lessons Learned in the Development of a Marketing Campaign for the Warrior Check-Up Study

scientific article published on July 1, 2013

Reasons for not drinking and perceived injunctive norms as predictors of alcohol abstinence among college students

scientific article published on March 5, 2013

Reliance on God, Prayer, and Religion Reduces Influence of Perceived Norms on Drinking

scientific article published on May 1, 2013

Remote versus in-lab computer-delivered personalized normative feedback interventions for college student drinking

scientific article published on 23 March 2015

Richard I. Evans (1922-2015).

scientific article


scientific article published on May 2016

Self-Determination Theory and Motivational Interviewing: Complementary Models to Elicit Voluntary Engagement by Partner-Abusive Men.

scientific article

Self-Determination, Perception of Peer Pressure, and Drinking Among College Students1

Self-affirmation theory and cigarette smoking warning images

scientific article published on 15 October 2014

Self-consciousness as a moderator of the effect of social drinking motives on alcohol use

scientific article published on January 17, 2013

Self-consciousness moderates the relationship between perceived norms and drinking in college students

scientific article

Self-control and implicit drinking identity as predictors of alcohol consumption, problems, and cravings

scientific article

Self-control, implicit alcohol associations, and the (lack of) prediction of consumption in an alcohol taste test with college student heavy episodic drinkers

scientific article published in PLoS ONE

Self-determination, perceived approval, and drinking: Differences between Asian Americans and Whites

scientific article published on 08 October 2012

Self-identification as a moderator of the relationship between gambling-related perceived norms and gambling behavior

scientific article

Self-presentation as a function of perceived closeness and trust with romantic partners, friends, and acquaintances

scientific article published on 17 February 2016

Sex differences in smoking constructs and abstinence: The explanatory role of smoking outcome expectancies

scientific article published on 01 September 2018

Smoking Consequences Questionnaire: A Reevaluation of the Psychometric Properties Across Two Independent Samples of Smokers

scientific article published on 07 August 2017

Social Identity as a Moderator of the Association Between Perceived Norms and Marijuana Use

scientific article published on May 1, 2013

Social Network Factors and Addictive Behaviors among College Students

scientific article published on 14 October 2016

Social anxiety as a moderator of the relationship between perceived norms and drinking

scientific article published on 01 January 2007

Social comparison as a moderator of the association between perceived norms and alcohol use and negative consequences among college students

scientific article

Social influence on temptation: perceived descriptive norms, temptation and restraint, and problem drinking among college students

scientific article published on 04 September 2013

Social motives and the interaction between descriptive and injunctive norms in college student drinking.

scientific article published in September 2007

Social norms and self-efficacy among heavy using adolescent marijuana smokers

scientific article published on August 15, 2011

Social norms approaches using descriptive drinking norms education: a review of the research on personalized normative feedback

scientific article

Social norms campaigns: examining the relationship between changes in perceived norms and changes in drinking levels.

scientific article published in July 2004

Social-norms interventions for light and nondrinking students

scientific article published on September 2011

Spicing up the military: Use and effects of synthetic cannabis in substance abusing army personnel

scientific article published on 3 March 2014

Spring break versus spring broken: predictive utility of spring break alcohol intentions and willingness at varying levels of extremity

scientific article published on February 2014

Support Buffers Financial Strain's Effect on Health-related Quality of Life

scientific article published in July 2017

Targeting misperceptions of descriptive drinking norms: efficacy of a computer-delivered personalized normative feedback intervention

scientific article

Tears in your beer: Gender differences in coping drinking motives, depressive symptoms and drinking

scientific article

Testing a motivational model of delivery modality and incentives on participation in a brief alcohol intervention

scientific article published on 28 March 2018

The Angel and the Devil on your shoulder: Friends mitigate and exacerbate 21st birthday alcohol-related consequences

scientific article published on 18 September 2017

The Chicken or the Egg: Examining Temporal Precedence Among Attitudes, Injunctive Norms, and College Student Drinking.

scientific article published in July 2015

The Effect of Positive and Negative Affect on Early Treatment Milestones in the Context of Integrated Smoking Treatment

scientific article published on 01 January 2019

The Influence of Social Media on Addictive Behaviors in College Students

scientific article

The Price of Distrust: Trust, Anxious Attachment, Jealousy, and Partner Abuse

scientific article published on July 2015

The Relationship Between Collective Self-Esteem, Acculturation, and Alcohol-Related Consequences Among Asian American Young Adults

scientific article published on January 1, 2013

The Role of Self-Efficacy for Bystander Helping Behaviors in Risky Alcohol Situations

scientific article

The changing influences of self-worth and peer deviance on drinking problems in urban American Indian adolescents

scientific article

The factor structure of a dichotomously scored Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index.

scientific article published in July 2007

The green eyed monster in the bottle: Relationship contingent self-esteem, romantic jealousy, and alcohol-related problems

scientific article published on 16 May 2015

The impact of a tailgating policy on students' drinking behavior and perceptions

scientific article

The influence of confidence on associations among personal attitudes, perceived injunctive norms, and alcohol consumption

scientific article published on September 19, 2011

The longitudinal effects of military spouses' concern and behaviors over partner drinking on relationship functioning

scientific article published on 17 July 2018

The men's domestic abuse check-up: a protocol for reaching the nonadjudicated and untreated man who batters and who abuses substances

scientific article published in May 2008

The relationship among alcohol use, related problems, and symptoms of psychological distress: gender as a moderator in a college sample

scientific article

The relationship between sex-related alcohol expectancies and hazardous drinking among persons with HIV disease

scientific article published on 22 November 2020

The relative impact of injunctive norms on college student drinking: the role of reference group

scientific article published on December 2008

The relative strength of attitudes versus perceived drinking norms as predictors of alcohol use.

scientific article published on 20 December 2017

The role of alcohol perceptions as mediators between personality and alcohol-related outcomes among incoming college-student drinkers

scientific article

The role of self-consciousness in the experience of alcohol-related consequences among college students

scientific article published on 11 January 2008

The roles of negative affect and coping motives in the relationship between alcohol use and alcohol-related problems among college students.

scientific article published on May 2008

The sequential pathway between trauma-related symptom severity and cognitive-based smoking processes through perceived stress and negative affect reduction expectancies among trauma exposed smokers

scientific article published on 22 September 2016

The social norms of alcohol-related negative consequences

scientific article

The use of protective behaviors in relation to gambling among college students

scientific article published on March 2014

Tobacco-related knowledge following a comprehensive tobacco-free workplace program within behavioral health facilities: Identifying organizational moderators

scientific article published on 10 April 2019

Treating addictive behaviors in the employee assistance program: implications for brief interventions

scientific article published in December 2004

Treatment attrition: Associations with negative affect smoking motives and barriers to quitting among treatment-seeking smokers

scientific article published in August 2016

Treatment non-response: Associations with smoking expectancies among treatment-seeking smokers

scientific article

Ultra-Brief Intervention for Problem Drinkers: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article published on October 24, 2012

Ultra-brief intervention for problem drinkers: research protocol

scientific article

Understanding the Context of Romantic Partner Relational Victimization: Links between Relationship Satisfaction, Depressive Symptoms, and Alcohol-Related Problems

scientific article published on 6 June 2016

Use of mobile devices to answer online surveys: implications for research

scientific article published on 8 July 2013

Use of protective behavioral strategies and their association to 21st birthday alcohol consumption and related negative consequences: a between- and within-person evaluation

scientific article

Web-based intervention to change perceived norms of college student alcohol use and sexual behavior on spring break

scientific article

What Should We Do When Participants Report Dangerous Drinking? The Impact of Personalized Letters Versus General Pamphlets as a Function of Sex and Controlled Orientation

scientific article

What men want: the role of reflective opposite-sex normative preferences in alcohol use among college women

scientific article

Which came first: the readiness or the change? Longitudinal relationships between readiness to change and drinking among college drinkers

scientific article published on September 20, 2010

Who is the typical college student? Implications for personalized normative feedback interventions

scientific article published on 20 February 2006

Whose opinion matters? The relationship between injunctive norms and alcohol consequences in college students

scientific article

Young adult veteran perceptions of peers' drinking behavior and attitudes

scientific article published on 28 September 2015