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List of works by Bruno Wilhelm

1.4 kyrs of flash flood events in the Southern European Alps : implications for extreme precipitation patterns and forcing over the north-western Mediterranean area

conference paper published in 2012

1400 years of extreme precipitation patterns over the Mediterranean French Alps and possible forcing mechanisms

scientific article published in 2012

20th century global warming favoured enhanced intensity of extreme torrential events - a proglacial sediment record in NW French Alps

conference paper published in 2009

6-kyr record of flood frequency and intensity in the western Mediterranean Alps – Interplay of solar and temperature forcing

scholarly article

6600 years of earthquake record in the Julian Alps (Lake Bohinj, Slovenia)

journal article from 'Sedimentology' published in 2018

A 1400-years flood frequency reconstruction for the Basque country (N Spain): Integrating geological, historical and instrumental datasets

scientific article published in 2021

A 4D sedimentological approach to reconstruct the flood frequency and intensity of Rhône River (Lake Bourget, NW European Alps)

conference paper published in 2014

A coupled environmental monitoring and lake sediment study to understand factors generating torrential floods in an alpine catchment (Giffre valley, NW French Alps)

conference paper published in 2009

A multi-centennial record of past floods and earthquakes in Valle d'Aosta, Mediterranean Italian Alps


An assessment of centennial to millennial-scale torrential flood activity in mountain areas : towards a better understanding of the temperature-flood relationship

conference paper published in 2010

Assessing the evolution of Torrential flood activity from lake sediment records in French Alps Applications and implications to the current global warming

conference paper published in 2012

Bayesian MCMC flood frequency analysis with reconstructed paleofloods

conference paper published in 2018

Combining historical and sedimentary archives to reconstruct a calendar of extreme flood events in high alpine areas

conference paper published in 2010

Combining hyperspectral and XRF analyses to reconstruct high-resolution past flood frequency from lake sediments

conference paper published in 2020

Contrasting seasonal changes in temperature, precipitation and snow cover simulated over the European Alps during the twentieth century

scientific article

Contrasting seasonal changes in temperature, precipitation and snow cover simulated over the European Alps during the twentieth century

conference paper published in 2021

Contrasting seasonal changes in total and intense precipitation in the European Alps from 1903 to 2010

scientific article

Corrigendum to “6-kyr record of flood frequency and intensity in the western Mediterranean Alps - Interplay of solar and temperature forcing” [Quaternary Science Reviews 170 (2017) 121–135]

scientific article published in April 2018

Differentiating “floods” and “floods” : apparent paradox between flood intensity reconstructions at high and low elevation sites in NW Alps over the last 2 millennia

conference paper published in 2009

Erosion under climate and human pressures: An alpine lake sediment perspective


Flood hazard assessment of the Rhône River revisited with reconstructed discharges from lake sediments

journal article from 'Global and Planetary Change' published in 2019

Flood variability in northern Spain during the last millennium recorded in lacustrine sedimentary archives

scientific article

Frequency and intensity of high-altitude floods over the last 3.5 ka in northwestern French Alps (Lake Anterne)


From flood-event to climate in an alpine context (Arve valley, France): methodological issues toward the confrontation of historical documentation and geological records

conference paper published in 2014

Geo-historical analysis of flood impacts in Alpine catchments (HIFAVa database, Arve River, France, 1850–2015)

conference paper published in 2021

Geo-historical database of flood impacts in Alpine catchments (HIFAVa database, Arve River, France, 1850-2015)

journal article from 'Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences' published in 2022

High resolution geochemistry of lake sediments : return of experience from 6 years of use of Itrax and Avaatech core scanners

conference paper published in 2010

High-impact weather events: Is a socio-hydrometeorological characterization possible?

book section published in 2019

Historical floods reconstruction using NOAA 20CR global climate reanalysis over the last 150 years

conference paper published in 2017

Holocene erosion patterns in european alps viewed from lake sediment

conference paper published in 2016

Holocene geological records of flood regime in French Alps

conference paper published in 2014

Influence of sample location and livestock numbers on Sporormiella concentrations and accumulation rates in surface sediments of Lake Allos, French Alps

scholarly article

Investigating the apparent paradox between flood intensity reconstructions from high and low elevation lake sediment series in the NW Alps over the last 2 millennia

conference paper published in 2009

Is a regional flood signal reproducible from lake sediments?


Is precipitation the main trigger of medium-magnitude floods in large alpine catchments?

journal article from 'Water' published in 2019

Late holocene glacial fluctuations in the mont blanc massif: the mer de glace record (NW french alps).

conference paper published in 2011

Long-term impact of pesticides use on vineyard

conference paper published in 2014

Long-term relationships among pesticide applications, mobility, and soil erosion in a vineyard watershed

scientific article

Magnetic arameters as tools to evidence and date the seismic activity in lacustrine archives. Examples from the western Alps

conference paper published in 2013

Magnetic characterization of instantaneous sedimentary deposits : examples from alpine lakes.

conference paper published in 2017

Magnetic characterization of instantaneous sedimentary deposits : examples from alpine lakes.

conference paper published in 2019

Methodological issues using historical documentation

conference paper published in 2011

New pollen evidence from Nariani (Georgia) for delayed postglacial forest expansion in the South Caucasus

journal article from 'Quaternary Research' published in 2017

Occurrence of extreme flood events in high and low altitude mountain areas : A spatial and temporal difference of processes throughout the last 2 Millennia in NW Alps

conference paper published in 2010

Paravani, a puzzling lake in the South Caucasus

scientific article

Past soil erosion history recorded by lake sediments in mountain areas (north and south French Alps) : complex interactions with climatic and human activities

conference paper published in 2012

Quantified sensitivity of small lake sediments to record historic earthquakes: Implications for paleoseismology


Recent advances in paleoflood hydrology: From new archives to data compilation and analysis

scientific article

Recent ecological state evolution of four high altitude lakes (French Alps) : a multi-proxy study to assess climatic and anthropogenic influences

conference paper published in 2011

Reconstructing extreme flood events from high altitude lake sediment records : methodological issues and first results

conference paper published in 2011

Reconstructing flood event calendars from multi-archives approach in non-monitored areas

conference paper published in 2011

Reconstructing geomorphic patterns and forcing factors from Alpine Lake Sediment

conference paper published in 2017

Reconstructing high resolution glacier activity over the last centuries from a partially-varved lake sediment sequence (Lake Blanc, NW French Alps).

conference paper published in 2011

Reconstruction of summer/autumn flash-floods over the last millennium from a high-elevation lake sediment sequence (Lake Allos, France)

conference paper published in 2011

Regional reconstructions of the past extreme flood activity from Alpine lake sediments

conference paper published in 2013

Sediment archive of lake vens (sw european alps, france) as a record of large magnitude earthquakes

conference paper published in 2013

Sedimentary structure discrimination with hyperspectral imaging in sediment cores

journal article from 'Science of the Total Environment' published in 2021

Sediments of Lake Vens (SW European Alps, France) record large-magnitude earthquake events

scholarly article

TRAJECTORIES: Social-ecological trajectories of French alpine valleys under climate variability

conference paper published in 2017

The Alpine mediterranean highlands : geosystems under long-lasting natural and anthropogenic pressures (Millefonds catchment, southern alps, France )

conference paper published in 2011

The holocene deposits of lake petit (2200 m a.s.l., southern french alps) : climatic and anthropogenic controls on mountain sediment dynamics ?

conference paper published in 2011

The long-term variability of flood hazard in the Alps

conference paper published in 2017

Timescale-dependent interplays of solar and temperature forcing to explain 6kyrs of flood frequency and intensity in the western Mediterranean Alps

conference paper published in 2017

Twentieth century temperature and snow cover changes in the French Alps

journal article from 'Regional Environmental Change' published in 2021

Two millennia of torrential activity reconstructed from alpine lake sediments: towards regional patterns of extreme precipitation changes

conference paper published in 2012

What does a lake sediment record of terrigenous input actually tell us ? Tentative answers based on a multi-lakes source-to-sink approach in the 4000 km2 Arve-Rhône alpine catchment

conference paper published in 2012

What type of floods are rainfall-runoff models able to simulate based on a long-term atmospheric reanalysis?

conference paper published in 2018

XRF and hyperspectral analyses as an automatic way to detect flood events in sediment cores

journal article from 'Sedimentary Geology' published in 2020

”The Alps with little ice” : new evidences from a distant lake sediment record : Lake Bourget (NW French Alps)

conference paper published in 2011