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List of works by Jeffrey King

A New Modeling Technique to Analyze Safeguards Measurements in Large Systems

Analysis of irradiated U-7wt%Mo dispersion fuel microstructures using automated image processing

Benefits of utilizing CellProfiler as a characterization tool for U–10Mo nuclear fuel

Computational Analysis Supporting the Design of a New Beamline for the Mines Neutron Radiography Facility

Design and analysis of a single stage to orbit nuclear thermal rocket reactor engine

article by Satira Labib & Jeffrey King published June 2015 in Nuclear Engineering and Design

Design of a Low-Enrichment Uranium Reactor to Power a Future Martian Colony

scientific article published in 2022

EBSD and TEM characterization of high burn-up mixed oxide fuel

Examining Fuel-Cycle Scenarios with the Safeguards Analysis Toolbox

Fission gas bubble identification using MATLAB's image processing toolbox

Initial risk assessment for a single stage to orbit nuclear thermal rocket

article by Satira Labib & Jeffrey King published June 2015 in Nuclear Engineering and Design

Microstructural characterization of high burn-up mixed oxide fast reactor fuel

Modeling and Validation of Temperature and Void Effects on Reactivity Experiments at the Missouri S&T Research Reactor

Modeling and validation of approach to criticality and axial flux profile experiments at the Missouri S&T Reactor (MSTR)

Neutronic analysis of the Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor

Optimization of plutonium and minor actinide transmutation in an AP1000 fuel assembly via a genetic search algorithm

scholarly article by J. Washington & Jeffrey King published January 2017 in Nuclear Engineering and Design

Optimizing Nuclear Material Accounting and Measurement Systems

Optimizing high-level nuclear waste disposal within a deep geologic repository

Performance analyses of an Nb–1Zr/C-103 vapor anode multi-tube alkali-metal thermal-to-electric conversion cell

Selection and evaluation of potential burnable absorbers incorporated into modified TRISO particles

Target fuels for plutonium and minor actinide transmutation in pressurized water reactors

scholarly article by J. Washington et al published March 2017 in Nuclear Engineering and Design