1A 0535+262 is now three times as bright as the Crab
scholarly article
1E 1740.7-2942 (the Great Annihilator) enters a low-intensity state
scientific article published in January 2012
2012 Chandra non-detection of the fading X-ray transient IGR J17494-3030
scientific article published in January 2013
4U 1608-522 in X-ray outburst
4U 1715-390 and NGC 6440 in outburst
scientific article published in January 2005
4U 1820-303 is entering a low/hard X-ray state
scholarly article
A 10 day period in IGR J16328-4726 from Swift/BAT observations
scientific article published in January 2010
A 4.2 day period in the X-ray pulsar IGR J16393-4643 from Swift/BAT and RXTE/PCA observations
scientific article published in January 2010
A 49 day period in IGR J14488-5942/Swift J1448.4-5945 from Swift/BAT observations
scientific article
A 6.8 day period in IGR J16493-4348 from Swift/BAT and RXTE/PCA observations
scholarly article
A Chandra observation of the long-duration X-ray transient KS 1731-260 in quiescence: too cold a neutron star
scientific article published in January 2001
A NICER Look at the Aql X-1 Hard State
A NICER View of the Massive Pulsar PSR J0740+6620 Informed by Radio Timing and XMM-Newton Spectroscopy
scientific article published in September 2021
A New Transient X-ray Pulsar in the SMC (XTE J0051-727)
A New X-ray transient: XTE J1652-453
scientific article published in January 2009
A Radio/X-ray comparison of the Vela X region
scholarly article
A Sudden state change in 1E 1740.7-2942
scientific article published in January 2001
A Tale of Two Faint Bursts: GRB 050223 and GRB 050911
A bright outburst of IGR J17191-2821 and detection of a type-I X-ray burst
scientific article published in January 2007
A comparison of the variability of the symbiotic X-ray binaries GX 1+4, 4U 1954+31, and 4U 1700+24 from Swift BAT and RXTE ASM observations
scientific article published in January 2008
A decade of timing an accretion-powered millisecond pulsar: the continuing spin down and orbital evolution of SAX J1808.4-3658
scientific article
A giant γ-ray flare from the magnetar SGR 1806–20
scientific article published in Nature
A hard X-ray transient in the direction of Terzan 5 detected by INTEGRAL
A long look at the Be/X-ray binaries of the Small Magellanic Cloud
scientific article published in January 2008
A new outburst of 4U 1608-52
scientific article
A new outburst of the SFXT IGR J08408-4503 observed by Swift
A new outburst of the recurrent neutron star transient SAX J1747.0-2853
scientific article published in January 2007
A new population of Compton-thick AGNs identified using the spectral curvature above 10 kev
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
A new transient X-ray pulsar in the SMC (XTE J0055-727)
scientific article published in January 2003
A peculiar type-I X-ray burst from GRS 1747-312
scientific article
A powerful bursting radio source towards the Galactic Centre
scientific article
A refined orbital solution and the transient pulsar in Terzan 5 is not eclipsing
scientific article
A refined orbital solution for Swift J1749.4-2807
scholarly article
A second recent outburst of XTE J1748-361 (or A1744-36)
scientific article published in January 2004
A transition to the soft state in GRS 1758-258
scientific article published in January 2001
AT2018cow: Swift/BAT data search
AX J1700.2-4220 is a 54 second X-ray pulsar
scientific article published in January 2010
AXP 1E1547.0-5408 activity with SGR bursts
AXP 4U 0142+61: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
AXP 4U 0142+61: Swift-BAT refined analysis (trigger 511611)
scholarly article
Activity from SAX J1747.0-2853 and KS 1741-293 detected by INTEGRAL Galactic Bulge Monitoring
scientific article published in January 2016
Additional Observations of XTE J1752-223
scientific article published in January 2009
Advances in the RXTE proportional counter array calibration: nearing the statistical limit
An X-ray jet from the Vela pulsar
scientific article published in Nature
An improvement of the position of IGR J17191-2821
Analysis of variability in the burst oscillations of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338
Announcement of INTEGRAL Galactic Bulge monitoring program and (re)brightenning of GRO J1655-40
scientific article published in January 2005
Announcement of the Swift/BAT hard X-ray transient monitor
scientific article
Another X-ray brightening of H 1743-322 = IGR J1746-3213
scientific article
Aql X-1 back in outburst: multi-wavelength observations
scientific article
BAT GRB 060204C is probably not a GRB
BAT detection of a new gamma ray source SWIFT J1753.5-0127
scientific article published in January 2005
BAT detects a new outburst of 4U 1608-522
scientific article published in January 2006
BAT trigger 318150 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2008
BAT trigger 519207 was a burst from Cyg X-1, was not GRB 120402A
scientific article published in January 2012
Binaries period in optical countewrpart to CXOU J005455.6-724510 = RX J0054.9-7245 = AX J0054.8-7244 = SXP 504
scientific article published in January 2005
Black-hole candidate 1E 1740.7-2942 enters a faint soft state
scholarly article
Black-hole candidate GRS 1758-258 enters an "Off" state
scientific article published in January 2001
Bright new black hole transient XTE J1817-330
scholarly article by Remillard R. et al published 2006 in Astronomer's Telegram
Brightenong of H 1743-322 and the Rapid Burster
Broadband INTEGRAL analysis of IGR J17497-2821
scientific article published in January 2006
Broadband X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of the Crab nebula and pulsar with NuSTAR
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Burst oscillations from IGR J17191-2821 imply a 294 Hz spin frequency
scientific article published in January 2007
CXOU J180951.1-194351 = RXTE J1810-197
scientific article
Calibration of the NuSTAR high-energy focusing X-ray telescope
Calibration of the Rossi X-ray timing explorer proportional counter array
Chandra Localization and Detection of a Burst and Pulsations from GRO J1744-28
scientific article published in January 2014
Chandra Localization of IGR J16597-3704
Chandra Localization of Swift J1753.7-2544
Chandra Localization of the Accretion-Powered Millisecond Pulsar IGR J17498-2921
scientific article published in January 2011
Chandra Localization of the Black Hole X-ray Transient MAXI J1543-564
scientific article published in January 2011
Chandra Localization of the Galactic Center X-ray Transient Swift J174535.5-285921
Chandra Localization of the X-ray Transient MAXI J1957+032
scholarly article
Chandra Non-Detection of the Fading X-ray Transient MAXI J1421-613
scientific article published in January 2014
Chandra Observation of the MAXI J1749-200 Field
scientific article published in January 2017
Chandra localization of IGR J17451-3022
scientific article published in January 2014
Chandra localization of SAX J1806.5-2215
Chandra localization of the X-ray transient XTE J1728-295
scholarly article
Chandra localization of the neutron star X-ray transient SAX J1753.5-2349
scientific article published in January 2010
Chandra localization of the neutron star X-ray transients XTE J1739-285 and XTE J1701-462
scientific article published in January 2006
Chandra non-detection of the eclipsing millisecond X-ray pulsar SWIFT J1749.4-2807
scientific article published in January 2010
Chandra non-detection of the neutron star X-ray transient IGR J17191-2821
scientific article published in January 2007
Chandra observation of SAX J1818.6-1703: confirmation of optical counterpart & suggestion of non-transient nature
scientific article published in January 2006
Chandra observations of the millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J00291+5934 in quiescence
scientific article published in January 2005
Chandra position and possible IR counterpart for the very-faint X-ray transient XMMU J174716.1-281048
scientific article published in January 2007
Chandra positions for the neutron star X-ray transients XTE J1810-189 and SAX J1750.8-2900
scientific article
Characteristics of transients in the Galactic Bulge
scholarly article
Clarification on the association between IGR J17464-3213 and H 1743-322
scholarly article
Confirmation of GRS 1747-312 as the active transient in Terzan 6
scholarly article
Confirmation of the E^src^_peak_-E_iso_(Amati) relation from the X-ray flash XRF 050416A observed by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope
scholarly article
Confirmation of the cyclotron line at 50 keV from GX 304-1 by Swift/BAT
scientific article published in January 2010
Confirmed XRF nature for GRB050215b
scientific article published in January 2005
Constraints on neutron star parameters from burst oscillation light curves of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338
scientific article
Continued RXTE observations of GRO J1655-40
Continuous brightening of IGR J17473-2721
Corrected final Swift observations of GRB 070616
scientific article published in January 2007
Corrected final Swift observations of GRB 080229A
Corrected name for 5.54 s pulsar: XTE J1810-197
scientific article published in January 2003
Correction on Chandra Detection of Pulsations from GRO J1744-28
scientific article published in January 2014
Correction to ATEL#215, position of RXTE 82.4s pulsar (XTE J0052-725)
scholarly article
Correction to Atel #811: SWIFT and RXTE observations of Cir X-1 in an extended low-flux state
scholarly article
Correction: IGR J17191-2821 peak flux
scientific article published in January 2007
Correction: Rapid Burster = MXB 1730-335
scientific article published in January 2005
Corrections to ATEL #1102 on SWIFT J195509.6+261406
scientific article published in January 2007
Cosmic X-ray background and earth albedo spectra with Swift BAT
scientific article published in January 2008
Cygnus X-3 re-entering its high-soft state
scientific article
Cygnus X-3 re-enters the low-hard state
scientific article published in January 2007
Detection of Reflection Features in the Neutron Star Low-mass X-Ray Binary Serpens X-1 with NICER
Detection of X-ray eclipses from the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar SWIFT J1749.4-2807
scientific article published in January 2010
Detection of high speed knots in the compact nebula of the Vela pulsar
scholarly article
Detection of orbital period of EXO 1722-363
scientific article published in January 2003
Discovery and evolution of the new black hole candidate Swift J1539.2-6227 during its 2008 outburst
scholarly article by H. A. Krimm et al published 22 June 2011 in The Astrophysical Journal
Discovery and monitoring of a new black hole candidate XTE J1752-223 with RXTE: rms spectrum evolution, black hole mass, and the source distance
scholarly article by Shaposhnikov N. et al published 2010 in Letters of the Astrophysical Journal
Discovery of 245 Hz burst oscillations from the accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17511-3057
scientific article published in January 2009
Discovery of 442 Hz pulsations from an X-ray source in the globular cluster NGC 6440
scientific article published in January 2007
Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi‐Periodic Oscillations and State Transitions in the Low‐Mass X‐Ray Binary 1E 1724−3045 (Terzan 2)
scholarly article
Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi‐periodic Oscillations and Shifted Frequency Correlations in the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1807−294
Discovery of XTE J1747-274
scientific article published in January 2005
Discovery of a 1247 s pulsar in the Be X-ray binary SAX J2239.3+6116
scientific article
Discovery of a 205.89 hz accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar in the globular cluster NGC 6440
scientific article
Discovery of a fourth accreting millisecond pulsar, XTE J1807-294
article by Markwardt C. B. et al published 2003 in Astronomer's Telegram
Discovery of a new transient X-ray pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud
scientific article published in January 2002
Discovery of a second millisecond accreting pulsar: XTE J1751-305
scientific article published in January 2002
Discovery of a second transient low-mass X-ray binary in the globular cluster NGC 6440
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Discovery of a transient magnetar: XTE J1810-197
scientific article published in January 2004
Discovery of a ~205 Hz X-ray pulsar in the globular cluster NGC 6440
scholarly article
Discovery of eclipses from the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar Swift J1749.4-2807
scientific article published in January 2010
Discovery of soft X-ray pulsations from PSR J1231-1411 using NICER
scientific article published in January 2019
Discovery of the Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar SWIFT J1756.9-2508 with a Low-Mass Companion
scientific article (publication date: 26 September 2007)
Discovery of the accretion-powered millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J00291+5934
Discovery of the neutron star nature of SLX 1737-282
scientific article
Discovery of the orbital period of the bursting and dipping source XTE J1710-281
scientific article published in January 2001
Discovery of the spin frequency of 4U 0614+09 with the Swift burst alert telescope
scientific article published in January 2008
scholarly article published in The Astrophysical Journal
scholarly article published in The Astrophysical Journal
EXO 1745-248
scientific article published in January 2000
EXO 1745-248 = XB 1745-25
scholarly article
EXO 1745-248 is an 11 Hz eclipsing pulsar
scholarly article
E_peak_ estimator for gamma-ray bursts observed by the Swift burst alert telescope
article published in 2009
Earlier activity from XTE J1739-302/IGR J17391-3021 detected by INTEGRAL
scientific article published in January 2008
Enhanced x-ray emission coinciding with giant radio pulses from the Crab Pulsar
scientific article published on 9 April 2021
Erratum: “TheSwiftGamma‐Ray Burst Mission” (ApJ, 611, 1005 [2004])
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Evidence for a millisecond pulsar in 4U 1636-53 during a superburst
Evolution of a low luminosity outburst of the black hole candidate H 1743-322
scientific article published in January 2004
Extreme Properties of GRB 061007: a highly energetic or a highly collimated burst?
Extreme properties of GRB 061007: a highly energetic or a highly collimated burst?
scientific article
Fast X-ray transients towards the Galactic bulge with the {\em Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer}
scientific article published in January 2012
Final Swift observations of GRB 061126
scientific article published in January 2007
Final Swift observations of GRB 070328
scientific article published in January 2007
Final Swift observations of GRB 070330
scientific article published in January 2007
Final Swift observations of GRB 070508
scientific article published in January 2007
Final Swift observations of GRB 070520A
scientific article published in January 2007
Final Swift observations of GRB 070531
scientific article published in January 2007
Final Swift observations of GRB 070616
scientific article published in January 2007
Final Swift observations of GRB 080205
scientific article published in January 2008
Final Swift observations of GRB 080210
Final Swift observations of GRB 080229A
scientific article published in January 2008
Final Swift observations of GRB 080315
scientific article published in January 2008
Final Swift observations of GRB 080320
scientific article published in January 2008
Final Swift observations of GRB 080325
scholarly article
Final Swift observations of INTEGRAL GRB 070311
scientific article published in January 2007
Final Swift observations of the GRB 070913
scientific article published in January 2007
First detection of a type-I X-ray burst from the transient Z source XTE J1701-462
scientific article published in January 2007
First multi-wavelength campaign on the gamma-ray-loud active galaxy IC 310
scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics
First superburst observed by INTEGRAL, from SAX J1747.0-2853
scientific article published in January 2011
Flux transition in Terzan 2
scientific article published in January 2004
Further Chandra observations of SAX J1747.0-2853 and the region around Sgr A*
scholarly article
Further INTEGRAL observations of IGR J17497-2821
scientific article published in January 2006
Further INTEGRAL observations of the transient X-ray burster EXO 1745-248
scientific article published in January 2010
Further X-ray observations of Swift J0045.2+4151 (aka Sw J0045 aka GRB 150301C aka [PFH2005] 622)
scientific article published in January 2015
Further X-ray observations of Swift J0045.2+4151 (aka Sw J0045 aka GRB 150301C aka [PFH2005] 622)
Further analysis of the short Swift-BAT GRB 050202
Further observations of GRO J1750-27 (AX J1749.1-2639) with INTEGRAL
scientific article published in January 2008
GM Sagittarii and SAX J1819.3-2525 = XTE J1819-254
scholarly article
GRB 030329: fading X-ray afterglow with RXTE
scientific article
GRB 041223 fluence measured by Swift-BAT
scientific article published in January 2004
GRB 050117: Simultaneous Gamma‐Ray and X‐Ray Observations with theSwiftSatellite
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
GRB 050202: short burst detected by Swift-BAT
scientific article
GRB 050215a: no Swift UVOT detection of afterglow emission
GRB 050219: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050219b: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050223 Swift/BAT detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 050306: Swift-BAT detection of a long burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050315: Swift-BAT further refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050318: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 050319: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050326 BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050401 BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050406 BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 050412: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 050416: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050416b: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 050418: Swift-BAT refined analysis
article published in 2005
GRB 050421: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050422: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 050509a: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050509b: Swift-BAT refined analysis of the short hard burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050525 - very bright, not short
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050525, spectral lag pseudo-redshift
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050525: Swift detection of a bright, possibly short burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050525A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050525B: Swift-BAT observations
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050603: Swift-BAT refined analysis of a long three-spiked burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050712: Swift detection of a weak burst
scholarly article
GRB 050712: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050713: Swift detection of bright burst
GRB 050713A : Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050713B
scholarly article
GRB 050713B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050717: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050721A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 050724: a short-burst detected by Swift
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050801: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 050802: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050803: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 05080: Swift gamma-ray burst
GRB 050813: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 050813: possible short Swift-BAT GRB
scholarly article
GRB 050814: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 050819 Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 050820 Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 050820A BAT observations of second, larger episode of emission
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050822: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050824: BAT refined analysis of a soft weak burst
scientific article
GRB 050826: BAT refined analysis
GRB 050827: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050904 BAT refined analysis of complete data set
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050904: BAT refined analysis of partial data set
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050906: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050908: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050908: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050911: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050911: a black hole-neutron star merger or a naked GRB
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
GRB 050915: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 050915B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 050916: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 050922B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 050922B: correction to BAT refined analysis, longer burst
scientific article
GRB 050922C: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051001: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 051001: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051006: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 051012: Swift-BAT detection of burst yesterday
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051016: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051016: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 051016B: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051021B: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051105: Swift detection of a short burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051105: Swift-BAT improved refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 051105: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 051109: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051109B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051111: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051113: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051114: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051117A: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051117B: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scholarly article
GRB 051127: Swift-BAT detection of a possible burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051210: Swift-BAT refined analysis of a short burst
scientific article
GRB 051213: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051213: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051221: Swift detection of a bright short burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051221: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT short hard burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 051221B: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 051227: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB 060102: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060105: BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 060108: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060109: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 060110: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060110: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060111: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 060111: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 060111B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060111B: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scholarly article
GRB 060115: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060116: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060116: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060117: Swift-BAT detection of a bright burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060117: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060123: Swift refined analysis of an unusual GRB
GRB 060123: swift detection of a very long, faint burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060124: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
GRB 060124: extremely long burst, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060202: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060203: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 060204B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060204C: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 060206: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060209(?): Swift-BAT detection of a possible burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060210: further refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article
GRB 060210: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060210: swift detection of a burst
GRB 060211A: further refined analysis of the swift burst
GRB 060211A: partial refined analysis on the Swift-BAT burst
scholarly article
GRB 060211B: BAT detects no additional burst emission beyond T +
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060211B: Swift/BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 060218/SN 2006aj: Swift-BAT fluence and peak flux
scholarly article
GRB 060218: further refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060219: Swift-BAT detection of a weak burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060219: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060219: partial refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060223: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 060223: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060223B: Swift detection of a bright burst
scholarly article
GRB 060223B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060306: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060312: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article
GRB 060313: Swift-BAT detection of a bright short hard burst
scientific article
GRB 060313: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT bright short hard burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060319: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060322: Swift-BAT detection of a 200-sec burst
scientific article
GRB 060322: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060323: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060403: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scholarly article
GRB 060413: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060418: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article
GRB 060421: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060424: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060424: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060427: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article
GRB 060428: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060428A: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060428B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060428B: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article
GRB 060501: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 060501: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060502: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060502B: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT short burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060505 BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060505: Swift-BAT detection of a weak burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060507: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060507: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 060507: final refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060510A: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060510B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060512: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 060515 BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060516: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060516: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060522: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060526: Swift detection of a burst with X-ray and optical afterglow
GRB 060526: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scholarly article
GRB 060602A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
article published in 2006
GRB 060602B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 060604: BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060605 BAT refined analysis
GRB 060607: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060607A: a gamma-ray burst with bright asynchronous early X-ray and optical emissions
scholarly article
GRB 060607B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060614: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060707: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 060707: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060708: Swift detection of a burst with an UVOT countpart
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060708: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060712: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060714: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060717: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060719: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060728: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060728: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scholarly article
GRB 060729: Swift detection of a burst with an UVOT optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060729: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060801: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT short hard burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060804: Swift detection of a burst with a possible UVOT counterpart
GRB 060804: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060805: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 060805: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 060807: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060813: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 060813: Swift/BAT, konus-wind, and Suzaku/WAM joint prompt
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060813: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB 060814: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060825: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060904: Swift detection of a bright burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060904A: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scholarly article
GRB 060904B: Swift detection of a burst with optical counterpart
scientific article
GRB 060904B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060906, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060906, Swift-BAT refined spectral analysis
GRB 060908, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060912, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 060919, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 060923, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 060923B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 060923B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 060923C, Swift-BAT partial refined analysis
GRB 060923C, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 060926, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 060926: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 060927, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 060929, Swift-BAT further refined analysis - late-time flare
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060929, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 060929: BART observation
scholarly article
GRB 060929: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 060929: Swift/UVOT optical observations
scientific article
GRB 060929: further XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061002, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 061004, Swift BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 061006: Swift-BAT refined analysis of the short-hard burst
scientific article
GRB 061007: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 061019, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 061021, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 061021: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 061027, Swift refined analysis of a possible burst
scientific article
GRB 061028, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061028: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 061102, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 061102B: Swift detection of a possible burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061109: Swift detection of a possible burst
GRB 061110A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061110B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061121, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 061126, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 061201, Swift-BAT refined analysis of the SHB
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061201: Swift detection of a short hard burst
scholarly article
GRB 061202, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061210, Swift-BAT refined analysis of the SHB
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061210: Swift-BAT detection of a short burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061217, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061217: Swift detection of a short hard burst
GRB 061218, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 061222A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 061222B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB 070103, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070107, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070107: possible UVOT afterglow
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070110, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 070110: Swift detection of a burst with a possible optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070126, Swift-BAT refined analysis of a very faint burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070126: Swift detection of a possible burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070129, Swift-BAT refined analysis of a particularly long
GRB 070129: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070208, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070209, Swift-BAT refined analysis of the short hard burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070219, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070220 Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070223, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070224, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070227, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 070306, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 070306: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 070318, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 070328, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070328: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 070328: Swift/UVOT upper limits
scientific article
GRB 070328: Swift/XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070330, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070330: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 070406, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070411, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 070412, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070419: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070419A Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 070419B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070419B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070420 Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070420: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070427, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 070427: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 070429: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 070429A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 070429B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 070429B: Swift XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070429B: Swift detection of a short burst
scholarly article
GRB 070429B: possible UVOT detection of an optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070506, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070506: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070508, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070508: Swift detection of an intense burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070509, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070509: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070517, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070518, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 070520A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070520B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070521, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070521: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 070529, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 070531: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 070531: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070531: Swift-XRT position
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070610, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070610: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070610: a curious galactic transient
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
GRB 070611, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 070611: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070612: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 070612A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070612B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 070612B: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 070616, Swift-BAT partial refined analysis
GRB 070616: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 070621: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070621: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 070628, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070704, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 070714A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070714B, Swift-BAT refined analysis of the short hard burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070714B: Swift/BAT and Suzaku/WAM joint spectral analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070721A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070721B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070721B, further Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070724, Swift-BAT refined analysis of a short burst
GRB 070729, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070729: Swift detection of a short hard burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070731, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 070802, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070802: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070805, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 070805: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070808, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070809, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070810: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070810A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 070810B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070810B: Swift detection of a short burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070810B: XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070911, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070911: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070911: Swift/BAT and Suzaku/WAM joint spectral analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070913: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 070913: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070913: Swift-XRT detection of the possible X-ray afterglow
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070913: corrected BAT position
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070917, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070917: Swift detection of a bright burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070920, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 070920B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070920B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 070923, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071001, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 071001: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071003, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071003: Swift detection of a bright burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071006, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 071008, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 071010, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 071010B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071010B: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 071011, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071011: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071013, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 071013: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 071018, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071020, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071021, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071021: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071025, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071025: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 071028, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071031, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071101, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 071112: Swift detection of a possible burst
GRB 071112B, Swift-BAT partial refined analysis of the SHB
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071112B: Swift detection of a short hard burst
GRB 071112C: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071112C: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071117, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071118, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 071118: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 071122, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 071122: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 071129, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB 080123, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080123: early afterglow detection with BATSS (BAT slew survey)
GRB 080129, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080130?: detection of a possible burst by BATSS
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080205, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080205: Swift XRT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080205: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080205: Swift/UVOT observations
scientific article
GRB 080207, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080207, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080207: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080210, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080210: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080212, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080212: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 080218A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080218B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080229, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 080229: Swift detection of a bright burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080303, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080307, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080307, preliminary Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080307: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080310, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080310: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080315: Swift detection of a possible burst
scholarly article
GRB 080319A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080319A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 080319B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080319B: Swift detection of an intense burst with a bright optical counterpart
GRB 080319C, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 080319D, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080320, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080320: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080325, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080325: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080328, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080328: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080330, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080405: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 080409: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 080409: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080411, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080411: Swift detection of a bright burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080413: Swift detection of a burst with an optical afterglow
scientific article
GRB 080413A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080413A: Suzaku/WAM and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080413B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080413B: Swift detection of a possibly short burst with optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080420?: Swift detection of a possible short burst
scientific article
GRB 080426, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080426: Swift detection of a possibly short burst
scholarly article
GRB 080430, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080430: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080503, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080503: Swift detection of a short burst
scholarly article
GRB 080506, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080515, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080515: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080516, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 080517, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080517: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 080520, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080523, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080524: Swift-BAT detection of a burst in ground analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080602, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080602: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 080603B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080603B: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scholarly article
GRB 080604, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080605, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080605, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 080605: Swift detection of a burst with an optical afterglow
scientific article
GRB 080607, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080607: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080613A: Swift-XRT detection of the afterglow
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080613B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080613B: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 080613B: Swift-XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080623, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 080701A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080702A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080702B Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080703, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080703: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080707, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080707: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 080710, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080710: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080714: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080721, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080723, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080723: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080725, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080727: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 080727A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080727B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 080727B: Swift detection of a bright burst
scientific article
GRB 080727C, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080727C: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 080802, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080802: Swift detection of a probable burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080804, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080805, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080810, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080810: konus-wind and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scientific article
GRB 080822B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080903, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 080903: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 080905: Swift detection of a probably-short burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080905A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080905B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080906, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080906: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
GRB 080912 Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080913, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080913: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 080913: konus-wind and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080915, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080915B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 080916A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080916B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080916B: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 080919, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 080919: Swift detection of a short burst
GRB 080928, Swift-BAT final refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 080928, Swift-BAT initial refined analysis
GRB 081003B: Swift-XRT upper limit
scientific article
GRB 081007: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scholarly article
GRB 081008, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081011, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081011: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081012, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 081016B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 081016B: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 081017, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081022, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081022: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081024, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 081024: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 081025: burst detection from Swift-BAT slew data
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081028, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 081029: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 081102: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 081104: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081109A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 081118: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 081121: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081121: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081126: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 081127: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081128: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081128: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 081203A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081203A: burst detection from Swift-BAT slew data
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081203B: naming correction for burst detected in Swift-BAT slew data
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081210: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 081211: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 081211B(?): possible burst detection from Swift-BAT slew data
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081221, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 081221: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081222, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 081222: Swift detection of a burst with a bright optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081226A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 081228, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081228: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 081230, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB 090102: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scholarly article
GRB 090102: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090107: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 090111, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 090113: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 090113: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090118: possible burst detection from Swift-BAT slew data
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090123: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090129: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 090129: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090201: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090205: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 090205: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090301: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090301A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090305, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090305: Swift detection of a short burst
scholarly article
GRB 090306B: burst detection from Swift-BAT slew data
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090307: Swift-BAT refined analysis of trigger 345551
scholarly article
GRB 090308: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090308: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090309, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090313: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 090401, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090401: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090401B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090404: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090404: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090407: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 090410: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090417: Swift detection of a short burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090417A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 090417B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090418: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090418A: Konus-wind and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090418B: detection of a bright burst from Swift-BAT slew data
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090419: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090422: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090423 at a redshift of z approximately 8.1.
scientific article
GRB 090423: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090424: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 090426: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090429: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090429A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 090429A: Swift-XRT refined analysis
GRB 090429A: Swift/UVOT upper limits
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090429B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090429B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090509: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090510: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090515: Swift detection of a short burst
GRB 090515: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090516: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090516A: Konus-wind and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090518, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090519, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090520 Swift-BAT detection of a burst in ground analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090529: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090529: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090530: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
GRB 090530: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 090531: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090531B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090531B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090607: Swift-BAT refined analysis of the SHB
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090618: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 090621: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090621A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090621B: Swift detection of a short hard burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090621B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090628: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090705: Swift detection of a possible burst
scientific article
GRB 090708, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090708: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090709: Swift detection of a bright burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090709A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090709A: quasiperiodic variations in the BAT light curve
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090709B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090712: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090715A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090715B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 090726, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090727: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 090727: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090728: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090807, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090809: Swift detection of a burst with a possible optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090809: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090809: Swift-XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090812: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090812: konus-wind and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090813, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 090814: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 090814A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090823: confirmation of Swift-BAT position by BAT slew survey
GRB 090827 burst discovered in BAT ground analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090831B: Swift detection of a possible burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090831C BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090831C: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 090904A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090904B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090904B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090912, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090915 Swift-BAT detection of a burst in ground analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090916, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090916: Swift detection of a short burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090926B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 090927, Swift-BAT refined analysis of the possibly short burst
GRB 090927: Swift detection of a short burst
scientific article
GRB 090929A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 090929B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091018: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091018: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091020, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091024: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091024: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091026: Swift detection of a gamma ray burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091026: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 091026: Swift-XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091026: Swift/UVOT upper limits
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091029: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 091102: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 091104: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091109, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 091109: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091109: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 091109B: Swift detection of a short burst
scholarly article
GRB 091112: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 091117 BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091127: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 091130, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 091208: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB 091208A Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 091208B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 091208B: Swift detection of a burst with an optical afterglow
scholarly article
GRB 091221 Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 091221: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 100111A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical afterglow
scholarly article
GRB 100111A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100117A: Swift detection of a short hard burst
scholarly article
GRB 100117A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100119A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100205A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 100205A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100206A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100212A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100213A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 100213A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100213B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 100213B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100219A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 100302A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 100305A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 100316A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 100316A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 100316B: Swift detection of a burst with optical counterpart
scholarly article
GRB 100316B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 100316C: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100316C: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100316D: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100316D: pre-burst emission measured by BAT
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100322B or possible galactic transient detected in ground analysis of BAT data
scholarly article
GRB 100413A: Swift-BAT initial refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100418A: Swift detection of a burst with a possible optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100418A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100420A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 100420A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100423A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 100423A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100424A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 100424A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 100425A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 100425A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 100504A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 100508A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 100508A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100513A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100513A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100514A: Swift XRT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 100514A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 100514A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 100514A: Swift/UVOT observations
scientific article
GRB 100522A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100526A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100526B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100606A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100606A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100614A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100615A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100615A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100619A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100621A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100621A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100625A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100628A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100702A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100704A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100719A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100719A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100724A: Swift XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100724A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100724A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100724A: Swift/BAT spectral lag results
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100724A: Swift/UVOT observations
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100725A: Swift XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100725A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100725A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100725A: Swift/UVOT upper limits
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100725B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100727A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100728A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100728A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 100728B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100728B: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scholarly article
GRB 100802A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100805A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100807A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100814A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100814A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100816A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100816A: Swift detection of a possibly short burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100823A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 100901A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 100902A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100904A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 100905A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100906A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100906A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100906A: Swift-XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100906A: Swift/UVOT observations
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100915A: Swift detection of a likely burst
GRB 100915A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100917A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 100917A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 100924A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 100924A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100925A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 100928A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 100928A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 101008A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 101011A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 101017A: Swift detection of a burst with optical counterpart
scientific article
GRB 101017A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 101020A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 101020A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 101023A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 101023A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 101023A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 101024A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 101030A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 101114A, Swift-BAT GRB detected by ground processing
scientific article
GRB 101117B: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 101117B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 101213A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 101213A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 101219A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 101219B: Swift detection of a burst with an optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 101219B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 101224A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 101225A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2010
GRB 110102A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical detection
scholarly article
GRB 110102A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110106A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110106A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110106B: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 110106B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110119A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical detection
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110119A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110128A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110128A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110201A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110201A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110205A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical candidate
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110205A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110205A: Swift/BAT and Suzaku/WAM joint spectral analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110207A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110208A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110208A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110210A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110210A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110212A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110212A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110213A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110213A: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110223A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110223B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110305A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110305A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110312A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110312A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110315A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110315A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110318A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110318B: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 110318B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110318B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110319A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 110319A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110319B BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110328A / Swift J164449.3+573451: BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110402A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110402A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110407A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110411A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110411A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110412A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110412A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110414A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 110420A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110420B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110422A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110422A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110503A: Swift detection of a burst with a bright optical counterpart
scholarly article
GRB 110503A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110519A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
article published in 2011
GRB 110519A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110520A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 110520A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110521A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110521A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 110530A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110610A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 110610A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110625A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110709A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110709A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110709B BAT refined analysis
GRB 110709B: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 110709B: Swift detection of renewed activity at T+11 minutes
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110709B: burst detection from Swift-BAT slew data
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110709B: preliminary Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110715A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110719A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110719A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110726A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110726A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110731A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110801A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 110801A: konus-wind and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110807A: Swift detection of a burst or a posible new Sgr
GRB 110808A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110815A: Swift-XRT and UVOT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 110818A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110818A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110818A: Swift-XRT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110818A: Swift/UVOT upper limits
GRB 110820A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 110820A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110827A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 110827A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110906A(?): burst detection (unconfirmed) from Swift-BAT slew data
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110915A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110915A: konus-wind and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 110921A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 110928A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 110928A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 111005A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 111008A, Swift-BAT refined analysis,
scientific article
GRB 111016A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111018A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111020A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 111022A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111022A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111022B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111022B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111026A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111029A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111103A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 111103B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111107A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article
GRB 111107A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 111109A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111109A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 111117A: Swift-BAT refined analysis of a short hard burst
scientific article
GRB 111121A: Swift detection of a short hard burst
scientific article
GRB 111121A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 111123A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 111129A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scholarly article
GRB 111129A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111201A found in ground analysis of BAT data
GRB 111204A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111208A found in ground analysis of BAT data
scientific article
GRB 111209A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 111210A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111210A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111212A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111215A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 111225A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111228A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 111228A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
GRB 111229A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
GRB 120102A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article
GRB 120102A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 120106A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120114A found in ground analysis of BAT data
GRB 120116A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120118B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120119A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120121A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120211A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120212A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120213A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 120213A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120215A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120215A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120218A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120218A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 120219A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120224A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120224A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120229A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 120302A found in ground analysis of BAT data
scholarly article
GRB 120302A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 120305A: Swift detection of a short burst
scientific article
GRB 120305A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 120308A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 120308A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120311A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120311A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120311A: Swift-XRT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 120311A: Swift/UVOT upper limits
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120311B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 120312A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120320A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120320A: Swift-XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120320A: Swift/UVOT upper limits
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120324A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 120326A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120327A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120328A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 12032A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120401A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120403A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120403A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 120403B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 120403B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120404A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120422A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 120514A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120521A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120521B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120521C: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 120612A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120624B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120701A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 120703A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120711B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120712A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120714A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120714B: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 120714B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120722A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120724A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120728A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120728A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120729A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120802A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 120803A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120803B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120804A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 120804A: konus-wind and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scientific article
GRB 120805A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120807A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120807A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120811A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120811C: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120815A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120816A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 120816A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 120817A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120817B: BAT location in ground analysis and refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 120819A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 120907A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 120909A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120911A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120911A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120913A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 120913A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 120913B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120918A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120922A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 120923A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120927A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 120927A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 121011A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 121014A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 121017A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 121017A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 121024A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 121024A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 121027A: Swift detection of a burst
article published in 2012
GRB 121027A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 121027A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 121028A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 121031A, early peak observed with Swift-BAT
GRB 121031A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 121102A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 121108A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 121117A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 121123A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 121125A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 121128A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
article published in 2012
GRB 121128A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scholarly article
GRB 121201A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 121202A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 121209A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 121209A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 121211A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 121212A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 121212A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 121217A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 121217A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 121226A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
GRB 121229A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130102A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 130122A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130131A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130131A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130131B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130206A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130211A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130211A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130215A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130215A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130216A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130216B BAT refined analysis
GRB 130305A draft BAT refined circular
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130306A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 130306A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130313A: Swift detection of a short burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130313A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130315A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130327A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130327A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130408A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130418A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130418A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130419A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130420A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130420B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130420B: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 130427A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130427B: Swift detection of a burst with optical counterpart
scholarly article
GRB 130427B: Swift-BAT refined analysi
GRB 130502A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130502A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130504A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130505A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130505A: Swift detection of a burst with optical afterglow
scientific article
GRB 130508A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 130511A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 130514A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 130514A: konus-wind and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scientific article
GRB 130515A: Swift detection of a short burst
GRB 130515A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130521A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130527A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130528A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130529A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130603A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 130603A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130603B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130604A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 130604A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130605A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130605A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130606A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130608A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130609A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 130609B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130609B: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130610A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 130610A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130612A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article
GRB 130612A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130615A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130625A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130626A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130626A: Swift detection of a short burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130627A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130627B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130701A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130719A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130725A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 130725B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130727A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 130803A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 130806A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130807A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130812A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130812A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130816A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130816A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130816B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130822A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130831A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130831B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 130907A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130907A: further Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 130912A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 130912A: Swift detection of a short burst
GRB 130913A detected in ground analysis of Swift-BAT data
scientific article
GRB 130919A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130919A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130925A Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 130925A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 130929A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131001A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 131002A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131002B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 131004A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 131018A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 131024A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 131024B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131024B: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 131030A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131030A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131103A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 131103A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131105A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131110A BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 131117A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 131117A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131120A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 131127A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131127A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 131127A: Swift-XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131127A: Swift/UVOT upper limits
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131128A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131128A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131202A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131205A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131205A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131226A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 131227A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2013
GRB 131229A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140102A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 140103A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140108A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140114A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140118A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 140118A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140129A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140129B, Swift-BAT refined analysis (probably not a short burst)
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140206A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140209A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140209A: Swift-BAT spectral lag analysis
scientific article
GRB 140211A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140211A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140213A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140215A: Swift detection of a burst with optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140215A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140215A: Swift-XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140215A: Swift/UVOT detection
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140301A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140302A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 140302A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140304A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 140304A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140305A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140311A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 140311B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140318A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 140320A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140323A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140331A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 140408A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140412A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140413A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140419A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140423A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140428A: Swift Detection of a Possible Burst
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140428A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140430A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140502A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140506A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 140509A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140509A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140512A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 140515A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140516A: Swift detection of a short burst
GRB 140516A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140518A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 140521A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 140529A BAT refined analysis
GRB 140606A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140607A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 140607A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 140610A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140614A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 140614B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140619A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 140622A: An unusual short event, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140626A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140626A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140628A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140629A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140703A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140705A: Swift-BAT refined analysis of a possible newly discovered SGR 1935+2154
scholarly article
GRB 140706A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140709A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140709B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140710A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140713A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140716A BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140719A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140719B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140730A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140730A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140730A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140730A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140817A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140818B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140824A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140828A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 140903A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 140907A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 140916A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 140919A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140919A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 140927A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 140927A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 140930B Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 140930B: Swift detection of a short burst
GRB 141004A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 141005A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 141015A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141017A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 141020A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141022A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141026A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141031A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141031B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141109A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141109B: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 141109B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141121A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 141121A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141130A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141205A Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141212A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141212B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141220A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141221A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141225A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 141229A Swift-BAT observations
scientific article published in January 2014
GRB 150101A Swift-BAT refined analysis of the short hard burst
scholarly article
GRB 150103A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150120A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 150120B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 150201A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150202A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150203A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 150204A BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 150206A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150211A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 150212A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 150213B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 150222A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 150301A: Swift detection of a short burst or new SGR
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150301A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 150301B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 150301C : (Swift trigger 633105) Swift observations
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150302A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 150309A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 150314A Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 150317A: Swift detection of a burst
GRB 150317A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 150318A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150323A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150323C, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150403A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150413A: Konus-Wind and Swift/BAT joint spectral analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150413A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150413A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150413A: Swift-XRT observations
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150423A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150424A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 150428A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150428B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150430A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 150513A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 150527A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150530A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150607A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150615A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150616A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150626A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150626B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150710A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 150710B refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150711A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150716A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150720A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150722A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 150724A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150727A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 150728A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 150801B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150811A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150817A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 150818A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150819A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150821A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150831A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150831B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150901A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 150907B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150910A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150911A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 150915A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 150925A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151001A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151001B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 151006A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 151006A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151021A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151022A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151023A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 151027A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151027B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151029A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 151031A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151107A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151107A: Further investigation of the source nature
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151111A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151112A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151114A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151118A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151127A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151205A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151205B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151210A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
GRB 151215A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 151228A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 151228B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 151229A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160104A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160117A: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 160117A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160117A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
GRB 160119A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160121A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160123A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160127A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 160131A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160203A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160216A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 160220A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160220B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160223A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160223A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 160225A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160227A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 160228A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160303A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160313A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 160314A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160321A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 160325A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160327A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 160408A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160410A: Swift-BAT refined analysis of the short GRB
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160411A: Swift-BAT refined analysis of the short burst
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160412A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160417A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160419A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160419A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160424A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160425A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160501A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 160504A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160506A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160519A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160525A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 160525B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160530A: Swift follow-up and X-ray afterglow candidate
scientific article
GRB 160530A: further Swift-XRT follow-up observations
GRB 160601A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160607A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160611A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 160624A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160625A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 160629A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
scholarly article
GRB 160630A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 160703A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 160705B: Swift detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB 160705B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 160709A, Swift-BAT detection and localization
scholarly article
GRB 160712A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 160714A: Swift-BAT refined analysis,
scientific article
GRB 160716A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 160726A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 160801A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160804A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160815A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160815A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160815A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160815A: Swift/UVOT Afterglow Detection
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160815A: Swift/UVOT Detection
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160821A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160821B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160824A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160826A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160827A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160905A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160912A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160917A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 160927A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161001A, Swift-BAT refined analysis (likely a short GRB)
scholarly article
GRB 161004A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 161004B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 161007A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 161011A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161014A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161017A: Swift detection of a burst with a bright optical afterglow
scholarly article
GRB 161017A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 161022A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161104A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161105A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161108A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161113A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161117A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 161117B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161129A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161202A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 161214B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 161217A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 161218A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 161219B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 161220A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 161224A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
GRB 170101A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170111A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170112A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170113A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170115A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170126A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170127A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 170127A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170127A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
scholarly article
GRB 170127B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170202A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170203A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170205A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170206B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170208A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170208B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170306A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170306A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170306A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170307A (trigger 741528): Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170311A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170317A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 170318A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170318B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170325A, Swift-BAT detection of a short GRB
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170330A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170331A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170405A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170419A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170419B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170428A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170516A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 170519A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170524A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170526A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 170531A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170531B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170604A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170607A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170626A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170629A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170710A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170711A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170714A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 170724A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170728A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 170728B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 170803A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170804A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170807A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170810A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170813A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170822A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170823A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170827A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170902A: Swift detection of a burst or possible Galactic transient
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170903A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170903A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170903A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170903A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170906A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170906B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170906C: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170912A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170912B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 170921A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 171001A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 171004A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 171007A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 171011A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 171020A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 171027A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 171102B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 171103A: Swift-BAT refined analysis of a short GRB
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 171115A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 171120A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 171123A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 171205A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 171209A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 171211A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 171212A/Swift J1935.7+2036: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 171216A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 171222A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
GRB 180102A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180111A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180113A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180115A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180204A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 180205A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180222A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180224A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180311A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 180314A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180314B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180316A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 180324A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 180325A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180329A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180329B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180331A: Swift detection of a burst
scientific article
GRB 180331A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180331A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
scholarly article
GRB 180331A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
scholarly article
GRB 180331B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 180402A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180404A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180404B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180407A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180410A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180411A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180418A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180425A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180504A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180510A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 180510B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180512A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180514A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180602A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180613A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180614A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180618A: Swift-BAT refined analysis (a short GRB with extended emission)
scholarly article
GRB 180620A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180620B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180623A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 180624A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180626A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 180630A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180704A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180705A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180706A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180709A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180715A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180720B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180720C: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180721A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180727A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180728A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180805A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180805B: Swift-BAT refined analysis (short GRB with extended emission)
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180809B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180812A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180818A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180818B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180821A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180823A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180828A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180904A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180905A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 180924A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180925A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 180930A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181002A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181003A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181010A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181013A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181016A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181020A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181022A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181023A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181027A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181030A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181103A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181110A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181123A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181123B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181125A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181126A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
GRB 181202A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 181203A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 181213A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 181224A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 181228A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 190103B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190106A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190109A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190109B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190110A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190114A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190114B, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190114C: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190123A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190202A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190203A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190204A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190211A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190219A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190220A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190311A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190320A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190324A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190326A: Swift-BAT refined analysis - a soft-short GRB or an SGR
scholarly article
GRB 190331A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 190422A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB 190424A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRB 190427A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB 190511A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190512A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190515B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB 190519A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2019
GRB041217: the first GRB located on-board Swift
scientific article published in January 2004
GRB041219b: a Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2004
GRB041219c: third burst in one day from Swift-BAT
GRB041220: Swift-BAT burst
GRB041223: Swift-BAT detection of a bright long burst
scientific article published in January 2004
GRB041224: Swift-BAT detection of a soft burst
scientific article
GRB041226: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2004
GRB041228: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB050117: Swift-BAT detection of a long multi-peaked burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050117a: refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050117b: Swift-BAT detection of a weak burst
GRB050124: Swift-BAT position of a double-peaked burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050124: refined BAT position, spectral and fluence information
scholarly article
GRB050126: burst parameters measured by BAT
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050128 Swift-BAT observations
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050315: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050502B Swift-BAT refined analysis
GRB050505 Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
GRB050701: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050714B: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB050715: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050716: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scholarly article
GRB050721A: Swift-BAT detection of a weak burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050724: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT possible short burst
scholarly article
GRB050730: refined BAT analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scholarly article
GRB050803: Swift-BAT detection of a very long burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050814: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050815: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050815: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050819: Swift-BAT detection of a weak burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050826: Swift-BAT detection of a long burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB050827: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scholarly article
GRB050911: Swift-BAT detection of a long burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB051006: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB051008: final refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scientific article published in January 2005
GRB051008: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
GRB060105: Swift detection of a bright long burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB060206: Swift-BAT detection of a burst
scientific article published in January 2006
GRB060929: Swift-XRT refined analysis
GRB071010B: Swift/XRT detection
scientific article published in January 2007
GRB080613B: Swift/UVOT upper limits
scientific article published in January 2008
GRB090809: Swift/UVOT observations
scientific article published in January 2009
GRB140430A: Swift detection of a burst with an optical counterpart
GRO J1655-40 flux is rising (slowly)
scientific article published in January 2005
GRO J1655-40 rising again
GRO J1655-40: early stages of the 2005 outburst
scientific article published in January 2007
GRS 1716-249/GRO J1719-24/V2293 Oph, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
GRS 1758-258
GX 354-0 is rising in hard X rays
GettingNuSTARon target: predicting mast motion
Global properties of X-ray flashes and X-ray-rich gamma-ray bursts observed by Swift
scholarly article
H 1743-322 X-ray rise
scientific article published in January 2005
Hard X-ray activity of IGR J17473-2721
scientific article published in January 2008
Hard X-ray brightening of Ginga 1843+009 seen by Swift/BAT
scientific article published in January 2006
Heated polar caps in PSR 0656+14 and PSR 1055-52
scientific article published in January 1996
IC 751: a new changing look AGN discovered by NuSTAR
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
IGR J00291+5934 X-ray decay rate is increasing
scientific article published in January 2004
IGR J00291+5934 is a 598 Hz X-ray pulsar
scientific article published in January 2004
IGR J00291+5934, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2015
IGR J00291+5934: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
IGR J11435-6109: Faded, but variable - Possibly ~ 166 s pulsations
scientific article published in January 2004
IGR J14536-5522 is identified by Swift
scientific article published in January 2006
IGR J17453-2853 = Granat 1741.9-2853?
IGR J17464-3213 (= H1743-322) is active again
scientific article published in January 2011
IGR J17497-2821: Swift/BAT detects the new hard X-ray transient
scholarly article
IGR J17597-2201 = XTE J1759-220
scholarly article
IGR J18175-1530 = XTE J1817-155 detected in September 2007
scholarly article
IGR J19294+1816 is an X-ray pulsar
scientific article published in January 2009
INTEGRAL Bulge monitoring program detects several active transients with JEM-X
scholarly article
INTEGRAL Galactic Bulge monitoring detects activity from XMMU J174445.5-295044 with JEM-X
scientific article published in January 2012
INTEGRAL Galactic Bulge monitoring: transient activity from KS 1741-293, MXB 1730-335, and IGR J17498-2921
scientific article published in January 2011
INTEGRAL Galactic bulge monitoring observations of GRO J1750-27 (AX J1749.1-2639), H1743-322 and SLX 1746-331
scientific article published in January 2008
INTEGRAL and RXTE monitoring of XTE J1817-330: evolving through a state change?
scientific article published in January 2006
INTEGRAL and Swift detection of high energy emission from Swift J1749.4-2807
scientific article published in January 2010
INTEGRAL catches a type-I X-ray burst from the unclassified X-ray source 1RXS J180408.9-342058
scientific article published in January 2012
INTEGRAL confirms that XTE J1728-295 = IGR J17285-2922
INTEGRAL detect XTE J1739-285
scholarly article
INTEGRAL detection of a hard X-ray transient in NGC 6440
scientific article published in January 2015
INTEGRAL detection of the neutron-star X-ray transient Swift J1734.5-3027
scholarly article
INTEGRAL detection of the new MAXI transient MAXI J1659-152
scientific article published in January 2010
INTEGRAL detection of the on-going outburst from NGC 6440 and a new outburst likely from GRS 1747-312 in Terzan 6
scientific article published in January 2017
INTEGRAL detects SWIFT J174535.5-290135.6
scientific article published in January 2006
INTEGRAL detects a new outburst from the millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J17511-3057
INTEGRAL detects an X-ray burst from SAX J1747.0-2853 with no detectable persistent emission
scientific article
INTEGRAL detects hard X-ray emission from XTE J1817-330
scientific article
INTEGRAL discovered a new hard X-ray source: IGRJ17511-3057
scientific article published in January 2009
INTEGRAL discovery of two faint hard X-ray sources in the Galactic Bulge
scientific article published in January 2006
INTEGRAL finds renewed X-ray activity of the Neutron star X-ray transient SAX J1750.8-2900
scholarly article
INTEGRAL monitoring of IGR J17098-3628
scientific article published in January 2005
INTEGRAL observation of GRS 1739-278 in outburst
scientific article
INTEGRAL observations of SAX J1808.4-3658 currently in outburst
INTEGRAL observations of Swift J174540.7-290015
scientific article published in January 2016
INTEGRAL observations of XTE J1818-245
scholarly article
INTEGRAL observes fading of GRO J1655-40 above 20 keV
scientific article published in January 2005
INTEGRAL reports renewed activity from KS 1741-293
scientific article published in January 2010
INTEGRAL resumes monitoring the Galactic bulge: IGR J17329-2731 still active
scientific article published in January 2018
INTEGRAL sees IGR J17544-2619 active again
scientific article published in January 2010
INTEGRAL sees Swift J174510.8-2624, Swift J1753.7-2544, XTE J1810-189, XTE J1739-285 to be still on, while 1E 1740.7-2942 is off
INTEGRAL sees XTE J1739-285 change to hard state
scientific article published in January 2005
INTEGRAL sees continuing activity from SAX J1747.0-2853, but not from SAX J1750.8-2900
INTEGRAL sees transient activity in the Galactic Bulge: XTE J1751-305 and GRS 1741.9-2853 in outburst
scholarly article
INTEGRAL shows MAXI J1659-152 further declines in hard X-rays
scientific article published in January 2010
INTEGRAL/JEM-X detection of a possible new outburst from GRS 1747-312
scholarly article
INTEGRAL/JEM-X detection of an X-ray burst from Swift J1749.4-2807
INTEGRAL/JEM-X detects a new outburst of the Rapid Burster (MXB 1730-335)
scientific article published in January 2013
INTEGRAL/JEM-X detects an X-ray burst from SAX J1753.5-2349
scientific article published in January 2010
Improved position of the new X-ray transient XTE J1637-498
scientific article published in January 2008
Initial NICER observations of a broadened iron line and QPOs in MAXI J1535a571
scientific article published in January 2017
Initial Swift/BAT detections of bright galactic sources
scientific article published in January 2004
LS I +61 303: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
Large High-precision X-Ray Timing of Three Millisecond Pulsars with NICER: Stability Estimates and Comparison with Radio
Large Torque Variations in Two Soft Gamma Repeaters
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Long-term behaviour of high mass X-ray binaries in the SMC
scientific article published in January 2004
Long-term spectral and timing behavior of the black hole candidate XTE J1908+094
scientific article published in January 2004
MAXI J1659-152: Swift-BAT refined analysis (triggers 434928 and 434931)
scholarly article
MAXI J1836-194 (originally GRB 110905A): Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
MXB 1659-29
scientific article published in January 1999
Mid-infrared properties of the Swift burst alert telescope active galactic nuclei sample of the local universe. I. Emission-line diagnostics
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Monitoring campaign of 1RXS J171824.2-402934, the low-mass X-ray binary with the lowest mass accretion rate
scientific article published in January 2009
More RXTE PCA observations of SWIFT J1626.6-5156: a peculiar pulsating object
scientific article published in January 2006
NGC 6440 active again
scientific article
NICER Detection of Strong Photospheric Expansion during a Thermonuclear X-Ray Burst from 4U 1820–30
NICER Detects Pulsations from Swift J1756.9-2508
NICER Detects a Soft X-Ray Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation in 4U 0614+09
scientific article
NICER Discovers the Ultracompact Orbit of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar IGR J17062–6143
article published in 2018
NICER Observes the Effects of an X-Ray Burst on the Accretion Environment in Aql X-1
NICER and Fermi GBM Observations of the First Galactic Ultraluminous X-Ray Pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
NICER discovers millisecond pulsations from the neutron star LMXB IGR J17379-3747
scientific article
NICER observations of MAXI J1820+070 suggest a rapidly-brightening black hole X-ray binary in the hard state
scientific article published in January 2018
New INTEGRAL source, IGR J17354-3255, and continuation of the INTEGRAL Galactic Bulge monitoring program
scientific article published in January 2006
New Swift/BAT survey source Swift J045106.8-694803 is a HMXB with a 187 s X-ray period and 21.6 day optical period in the Large Magellanic Cloud
article published in 2009
New indicators for AGN power: the correlation between [O IV] 25.89 {mu}m and hard X-ray luminosity for nearby Seyfert galaxies
scientific article published in January 2008
New orbital period, plus clarification on pulse periods, for X-ray pulsars in the SMC
scholarly article
New outburst of GRO J1655-40?
scholarly article
New outburst of SAX J1808.4-3658
scientific article
New outburst of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar NGC 6440 X-2 and discovery of a strong 1 Hz modulation in the light-curve
scholarly article
New outburst of the accreting-millisecond X-ray pulsar NGC 6440 X-2
scholarly article
New outbursts of two faint X-ray transients (GRS 1741.9-2853 and XMM J174457-2850.3) located in the Galactic center region
scientific article published in January 2005
New transient X-ray pulsars in the SMC (XTE J0103-728, XTE SMC144s
scientific article published in January 2003
New transient XTE J1450-603
scholarly article
No Swift-BAT lightcurves in real-time for next 3 weeks
scientific article published in January 2005
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
NuSTAR and NICER reveal IGR J17591–2342 as a new accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar
scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics
NuSTAR observatory science operations: on-orbit acclimation
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Nuclear-powered millisecond pulsars and the maximum spin frequency of neutron stars.
scientific article
Observation of kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations from the atoll source 4U 1702-429 by the Rossi X-ray timing explorer
scientific article published in January 1999
On the (hard) X-ray activity of SAX J1747.0-2853 as seen with INTEGRAL
scientific article published in January 2005
On the 2018 Outburst of the Accreting Millisecond X-Ray Pulsar Swift J1756.9–2508 As Seen with NICER
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
On the curious pulsation properties of the accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17379-3747
scientific article published in January 2019
On the frequency evolution of X-ray brightness oscillations during thermonuclear X-ray bursts: evidence of coherent oscillations
scientific article published in January 1999
Optical Observations of XTE J1810-197 and SGR 1806-20
scientific article published in January 2003
Optical, Infrared, and Ultraviolet Observations of the X-Ray Flash XRF 050416A
scientific article published in Astronomical Journal
Orbit solution for the millisecond pulsar IGR J00291+5934
Orbital parameters of SWIFT J1756.9-2508
scientific article published in January 2007
Outburst and post-outburst active phase of the black hole X-ray binary V4641 Sagittarii in 2002
scientific article published in January 2004
Outburst from the SFXT IGR J17544-2619 detected by INTEGRAL
scientific article published in January 2015
Outburst of millisecond X-ray pulsar XTE J1751-305
PCA discovery of a new 11 minute X-ray pulsar, XTE J1716-379
scientific article published in January 2009
Pointed RXTE observations of SAX J1808.4-3658
scientific article published in January 2005
Position of RXTE 82.4s pulsar (XTE J0052-725) determined using archive Chandra Data
scientific article published in January 2003
Possible GRB 050805B: Swift-BAT trigger 149131 may be a burst
Possible outburst in neutron star LMXB SAX J1806.5-2215
scientific article published in January 2011
Preliminary candidate binary orbit solutions for IGR J17498-2921
scientific article published in January 2011
Preliminary refined analysis of the Swift-BAT trigger 191157
scientific article published in January 2006
Probable intermediate-mass black holes in NGC 4559: XMM-Newton spectral and timing constraints
scientific article published in January 2004
Prompt shutoff of XTE J1739-302
Proper motion of Vela pulsar
scientific article published in January 1994
RFO: new outburst of A 1744-36 = XTE J1748-361
scientific article published in January 2005
ROSAT observations of the Vela pulsar
scientific article
RXTE Detection of 1E 1740.7-2942
scientific article published in January 2004
RXTE Detects a Transient, XTE J1812-182 ( = XMMU J181227.8-181234 ? )
scientific article published in January 2008
RXTE PCA Observations of XTE J1118+480
scientific article published in January 2005
RXTE PCA and Swift BAT detects the millisecond pulsar Swift J1756.9-2508 in outburst
scientific article
RXTE PCA and Swift BAT detects the millisecond pulsar Swift J1756.9-2508 in outburst
RXTE PCA detection of a new outburst of XTE J1728-295 (probably IGR J17285-2922)
scientific article published in January 2010
RXTE PCA detections of transient activity of X-ray bursters in the Galactic Center Region
scientific article published in January 2004
RXTE PCA detects a new outburst of SAX J1750.8-2900
scientific article published in January 2008
RXTE PCA detects a new transient, XTE J1810-189
RXTE PCA observations of IGR J17497-2821
scientific article
RXTE PCA observations of SGR1806-20 region
scientific article published in January 2003
RXTE PCA observations of SWIFT J1626.6-5156
scientific article published in January 2005
RXTE PCA observations of XTE J1751-305
RXTE PCA observations show the Rapid Burster undergoing continuous Type II bursting
scientific article published in January 2009
RXTE PCA pointed observations of IGR J11215-5952
scientific article published in January 2007
RXTE PCA position for XTE J1818-245
RXTE PCA position of HETE J1900.1-2455
scientific article published in January 2005
RXTE PCA position of XTE J1701-462
scientific article published in January 2006
RXTE PCA snapshots of IGR J16318-4848 and IGR J19140+098
RXTE Pointed Observations of XTE J1701-462
scientific article published in January 2006
RXTE and Swift discovery of the intermittent source XTE J1704-445
scientific article published in January 2007
RXTE and Swift observations of XTE J1751-305 show a return to quiescence
RXTE and Swift: IGR J17511-3057 fading, XTE J1751-305 detected
scientific article
RXTE confirms persistent activity of burster IGR J17473-2721
scientific article
RXTE detection of rapidly varying transient Swift J164449.3+573451
scientific article published in January 2011
RXTE detects 245 Hz X-ray pulsations from IGR J17511-305
scientific article
RXTE discovers XTE J1824-141 - An intermittent 120 sec pulsar
scientific article
RXTE discovers faint transient XTE J1637-498
scientific article published in January 2008
RXTE high energy flare follow-up observation of the Crab Nebula
scientific article
RXTE observaations of the X-ray transient XTE J1859+226
RXTE observations of 1A 1744-361: correlated spectral and timing behavior
scientific article published in January 2006
RXTE observations of GRB050318
scientific article published in January 2005
RXTE observations of IGR J16283-4838 and IGR J16493-4348
scientific article published in January 2005
RXTE observations of Sgr 1900+14
scientific article published in January 2002
RXTE observations of Swift J1753.5-0127
scientific article
RXTE observations of the Rapid Burster
scholarly article
RXTE/PCA observations reveal fast-transient nature of IGR J17191-2821
Recent PCA measurements of SAX J1747.0-2853 and GX 339-4
Recent activity of the Rapid Burster (MXB 1730-335)
scientific article published in January 2008
Recent and past activity of the supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR J17544-2619 as seen by INTEGRAL
scientific article published in January 2007
Refined Orbital Timing Solution for IGR J17498-2921
scientific article published in January 2011
Refined analysis of Swift trigger 316063, is IGR J08408-4503
Refined analysis of the SWIFT J1626.6-5156
scientific article published in January 2005
Refined analysis of the Swift-BAT detection of the RS CVn star II Peg
scientific article published in January 2005
Refined analysis of the Swift-BAT soft short burst
scientific article published in January 2005
Refined position and spectrum for XTE J1720-318
Renewed activity of IGR J16479-4514
scientific article published in January 2006
Renewed activity of the Galactic center transients Swift J174535.5-290135.6 and GRS 1741.9-2853 as observed with Swift/XRT
scientific article published in January 2007
Renewed activity of the neutron star X-ray transient SAX J1747.0-2853
scientific article published in January 2005
Renewed activity of the neutron star X-ray transient SAX J1747.0-2853
Renewed activity of the very faint X-ray transient CXOGC J174535.5-290124 and continued activity of the neutron-star X-ray transient SAX J1747.0-2853
scientific article
Renewed low level X-ray activity of GX 339-4
Report on (non-)activity in the Galactic bulge region as seen by INTEGRAL
scientific article published in January 2013
Retraction of Swift Trigger 149131 (GRB 050805B)
scientific article
Retraction of Swift trigger 317393
scientific article published in January 2008
Retraction of Swift-BAT trigger #153355
scientific article published in January 2005
Revised orbit and burst oscillations from the millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338
scientific article published in January 2003
Rossi X-ray timing explorer observations of the X-ray pulsar EXO 1722-363: a candidate eclipsing supergiant system
scientific article published in January 2005
SAX J1747.0-2853
scientific article published in January 2000
SAX J1805.5-2031
scientific article
SAX J1808.4-3658
SAX J1808.4-3658 is in outburst again
SAX J1818.6-1703: Swift detection (trigger 306379)
scientific article
SAX J1819.3-2525
scholarly article
SAX J2103.5+4545 continues to be observable with Swift/BAT
scientific article published in January 2007
SGR 0623-0006 or GRB 081101: Swift-BAT/-XRT refined analysis
scholarly article
SGR 0755-2933, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
SGR 1745-29 (Swift trigger 565443), Swift-BAT refined analysis
SGR 1806-20 outburst (trigger 549841), Swift-BAT refined analysis
SGR 1806-20: RXTE/PCA pulse frequency during flare
SGR 1900+14: BAT observations
SGR 1900+14: Swift detection of renewed activity
scientific article published in January 2006
SGR 1900+14: Swift-BAT detection of a cluster of outbursts
scientific article published in January 2006
SGR 1900+14: Swift-BAT detection of renewed activity of a Soft Gamma Repeater
scientific article published in January 2006
SGR 1900+14: refined Swift-BAT analysis of the renewed activity
scientific article published in January 2006
SGR 1900+14: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT outburst
scholarly article
SGR 1935+2154: Swift-BAT refined analysis
SGR 1E 1841-045: Swift detection of a soft gamma repeater burst
scientific article published in January 2011
SGR 1E 1841-045: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2011
SGR 1E 1841-045: Swift-BAT refined analysis
SGR Swift J1834.9-0846: Swift-BAT refined analysis of trigger 501752
scholarly article
SGR-like outburst from the magnetar 1E 1841-04.5
scientific article published in January 2011
SGR1806-20, Swift-BAT refined analysis (Trigger 519868)
SGR1806-20: RXTE-PCA observation of the 041227 super-flare
scientific article
SGR1806-20: Swift-BAT detection of a large normal burst
SGR1806-20: Swift-BAT observation of the 041227 super-flare
SGR1806-20: Swift-BAT observations of two additional bursts
scientific article published in January 2005
SLX 1746-331
scientific article published in January 2003
SLX 1746-331 in outburst
scientific article published in January 2007
SMC X-3 identified with RXTE 7.78s pulsar from archive Chandra data
scientific article
SUBJECT: GRB050820B: refined analysis of the Swift-BAT burst
scholarly article published 2005
SWIFT J1729.9-3437: X-ray position and likely 530 sec pulsations
SWIFT J174540.2-290037, Swift-BAT refined analysis (trigger 689956)
SWIFT J174540.2-290037, Swift-BAT refined analysis (trigger 690197)
scientific article
SWIFT J1756.9-2508 is a 182 Hz millisecond X-ray pulsar
scientific article published in January 2007
SWIFT J195456.7+261301: a flaring coronal X-ray emitting star
scientific article published in January 2007
SWIFT J195509.6+261406 / GRB 070610: A potential galactic transient
scientific article published in January 2007
SWIFT J195509.6+261406 / GRB 070610: Swift continued observations
scientific article published in January 2007
SWIFT and RXTE observations of Cir X-1 in an extended low-flux state
scientific article published in January 2006
SWIFT/BAT detection of SWIFT J1009.3-4250: a probable Compton-Thick object
scientific article published in January 2006
SWIFT/BAT detections of hard X-ray sources
scientific article published in January 2005
SWIFT/BAT detections of hard X-ray sources II
scientific article published in January 2005
SWIFT/BAT detections of hard X-ray sources III
scholarly article
SWIFT/BAT detections of hard X-ray sources: IV
scientific article published in January 2006
Sax J1808.4-3658
scientific article
SimultaneousSwiftand REM Monitoring of the Blazar PKS 0537−441 in 2005
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Six new candidate ultracompact X-ray binaries
scientific article published in January 2007
Spectral cross-calibration of the Konus-Wind, the Suzaku/WAM, and the Swift/BAT data using Gamma-Ray Bursts
scientific article published in January 2011
Spin-down measurement of PSR J1745-2900: a new magnetar
scholarly article
Studying faint ultra-hard X-ray emission from AGN in GOALS LIRGs with Swift/BAT
scientific article
Subject: GRB 050820: swift detection of a GRB
scholarly article published 2005
Support for Temporally Varying Behavior of the Pioneer Anomaly from the Extended Pioneer 10 and 11 Doppler Data Sets
scientific article
Suzaku observations of active galactic nuclei detected in the Swift BAT survey: discovery of a ``New type'' of buried supermassive black holes
scholarly article by Ueda Y. et al published 2007 in Letters of the Astrophysical Journal
Suzaku observations of four heavily absorbed HMXBs
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Swift BAT and RXTE observations of the peculiar X-ray binary 4U 2206+54: disappearance of the 9.6 day modulation
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift BAT survey reports 3 new hard X-ray sources near the Galactic Plane
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift BAT trigger 146986 is SWIFT J1753.5-0127
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift BAT trigger 433953 probably not a GRB
Swift BAT/XRT detection of GRB 050416
scientific article
Swift J1242.9-3530, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
Swift J1658.2-4242: Swift BAT and XRT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2018
Swift J1658.2-4242: Swift BAT and XRT refined analysis
scientific article
Swift J1734.5-3027: Swift discovery of a possible new superbursting transient
Swift J174510.8-262411 (to be known as Sw J1745-26): 0.5 Crab and rising
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift J1753.7-2544: Swift localization of a bright X-ray counterpart
scholarly article
Swift J181723.1-164300: Swift detection of another pulse of the new Galactic source
scholarly article
Swift J181723.1-164300: Swift-BAT refined analysis
Swift J1843.5-0343 is a 42.5 second pulsar
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift J185003.2-005627: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scholarly article
Swift J1910.2-0546: Swift localization of a bright X-ray and optical counterpart
Swift Observation of GRB 080330
scientific article published in January 2008
Swift Observation of GRB 080702B
scientific article published in January 2008
Swift Observation of GRB 080804
scientific article published in January 2008
Swift Observation of GRB 090129
scholarly article
Swift Observation of GRB 100915A
Swift Observation of GRB 100917A
Swift Observation of GRB 111229A
scholarly article
Swift Observation of GRB 120815A
Swift Observation of GRB140129A
scientific article published in January 2014
Swift Observation of the possibly short GRB 100816A
Swift Observations of GRB 080613B
scientific article
Swift Observations of GRB 081109A
scientific article
Swift Observations of GRB 100425A
scholarly article
Swift Observations of GRB 100619A
scholarly article
Swift Observations of GRB 101011A
article published in 2010
Swift Observations of GRB 101017A
scientific article published in January 2010
Swift Observations of GRB 110128A
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift Observations of GRB 110201A
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift Observations of GRB 110305A
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift Observations of GRB 110521A
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift Observations of GRB 110915A
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift Observations of GRB 120118B
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift Observations of GRB 120911A
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift Observations of GRB 130102A
Swift Observations of GRB 130215A
scientific article published in January 2013
Swift Observations of GRB 130420B
scholarly article
Swift Observations of Swift J1933.9+3258: a probable radio-quiet AGN
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift Observations of the INTEGRAL-detected GRB 080613A
scholarly article
Swift Sgr 1834.9-0846: Swift-BAT refined analysis
article published in 2011
Swift Trigger 150823 is HETE J1900.1-2455
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift Trigger 596958 is probably the flare star: DG CVn
scientific article published in January 2014
Swift Trigger 600114: Preliminary BAT analysis
scientific article published in January 2014
Swift Trigger 607506 is probably noise
Swift Trigger 652046 is a particle shower event
scientific article published in January 2015
Swift Trigger 722681 is probably not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2016
Swift Trigger 770431 (GRB 170902A) is a not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2017
Swift X-ray spectrum and V-band upper limit for XTE J1701-462
scientific article
Swift XRT observation of the XTE J1747-274 field
scholarly article
Swift XRT observations of SWIFT J1626.6-5156
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift XRT position for SWIFT J1753.5-0127
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift XRT position of XTE J1652-453
Swift and RXTE discovery of a new X-ray transient, SWIFT J1729.9-3437
scientific article
Swift and RXTE observe an extended low state of 4U 1820-30
scientific article
Swift and RXTE report the detection of a new galactic transient source Swift J1713.4-4219
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift and RXTE report the detection of a new transient pulsar Swift J0513.4-6547 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift burst alert telescope CdZnTe properties
Swift burst alert telescope calibration and response
scientific article published in January 2002
Swift burst alert telescope, Fermi large area telescope, and the blazar sequence
scientific article published in January 2010
Swift confirms identification of RT Cru as the IGR J12349-6434 hard X-ray source
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift detection of GRB 050319
scientific article
Swift detection of GRB 050717
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift detection of GRB050421
scholarly article
Swift detection of GRB050509b: a short duration burst
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift detection of IGR J17497-2821 (trigger 230504)
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift detection of IGR J18245-2452
Swift detection of LS V +44 17
scientific article published in January 2010
Swift detection of SWIFT J174540.2-290037
Swift detection of XTE J1701-407
Swift detection of a flare from IGR J16328-4726
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift detection of a long thermonuclear X-ray burst from 4U 1850-08
scientific article
Swift detection of a long transient (GRB 050714B?)
Swift detection of a outburst from SAX J1810.8-2609
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift detection of a possible GRB (trigger 325707)
scholarly article
Swift detection of an outburst from the 4U 1246-58 LMXB burster
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift detection of flares from V711 Tau
scientific article
Swift detection of flaring X-ray activity from IGR J16479-4514
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift detection of short bursts from PSR J1647-4552
Swift detection of the burst GRB050509
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift detection/confirmation of the hard X-ray source SWIFT J2114.3+8206/S52116+81
Swift detects a new outburst of the millisecond accreting pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift detects an X-ray burst and renewed activity from KS 1741-293
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift discovers a new hard X-ray bright polar
Swift follow-up observations of the fast-transient IGR J17191-2821
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift follow-up of the newly discovered burster millisecond pulsar IGR J17511-3057
Swift observation of GRB 090708
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift observation of GRB 090709A
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift observation of GRB 090831C
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift observation of GRB 091109B
scholarly article
Swift observation of long GRB 090422
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift observation of long GRB 090422
scientific article
Swift observation of long GRB 090429B
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift observation of the short GRB100117A
scholarly article
Swift observations of GRB 060929
Swift observations of GRB 061007
scholarly article
Swift observations of GRB 061110A
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift observations of GRB 061126
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift observations of GRB 061210
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift observations of GRB 070328
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift observations of GRB 070330
scientific article
Swift observations of GRB 070411
scholarly article
Swift observations of GRB 070429A
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift observations of GRB 070429B
scholarly article
Swift observations of GRB 070508
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift observations of GRB 070520A
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift observations of GRB 070612A
scholarly article
Swift observations of GRB 070612B
scholarly article
Swift observations of GRB 071006
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift observations of GRB 071010B
Swift observations of GRB 090102
scholarly article
Swift observations of GRB 090308
scholarly article
Swift observations of IGR J18245-2452
Swift observations of MAXI J1659-152: a compact binary with a black hole accretor
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Swift observations of Swift J0911.2+4533
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift observations of a new outburst of the SFXT IGR J08408-4503
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift observations of a new outburst of the SFXT IGR J17544-2619
scientific article
Swift observes an outburst of the high mass X-ray binary IGR J01572-7259 in the SMC
scientific article published in January 2016
Swift possible detection of the Be star HD 305560
scientific article published in January 2014
Swift reports a recent brightening of XTE J1543-568
scholarly article
Swift reports a refined position for IGR J17586-2129 ( = Swift J175834.6-212331)
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift reports an outburst of the HMXB RX J1037.5-5647
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift reports the detection of a new LMC transient source Swift J0549.7-6812
scholarly article
Swift reports the detection of a new galactic transient source Swift J1808.4-1754
scientific article published in January 2014
Swift reports the detection of a new transient source Swift J1112.2-8238
scholarly article
Swift reports the detection of a new transient source Swift J1741.5-6548
scientific article
Swift reports the detection of a new transient source Swift J2058.4+0516
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift reports the detection of the transient source Swift J1836.6+0341/XTE J1837+037
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift reports the detection of the transient source XMMSL1 J182155.0-134719
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift reports the detection of the transient source XMMSL1 J184555.4-003941 = Swift J1845.7-0037
Swift reports the discovery of the galactic transient Swift J1753.7-2544
Swift reports the discovery of the galactic transient Swift J1910.2-0546
Swift reports the discovery of the galactic transient Swift J1943.4+0228
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift transient Swift J174510.8-262411: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article
Swift trigger #152652 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift trigger 143708 is really GRB 050701
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift trigger 154073 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift trigger 172767 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift trigger 306323: Swift-BAT/XRT refined analysis
scientific article
Swift trigger 306616 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2008
Swift trigger 314975 is not a GRB
scientific article
Swift trigger 315630: probably not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2008
Swift trigger 322590: BAT detection of a possible burst
Swift trigger 324112 is known source Swift J1842.5-1124
scientific article published in January 2008
Swift trigger 324362 (LS I +61 303 ?)
scholarly article
Swift trigger 343319 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift trigger 346250 is probably not a burst
scholarly article
Swift trigger 358760 is probably a noise event
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift trigger 381434 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift trigger 381591 is probably not a burst
scholarly article
Swift trigger 381591: retraction of reported UVOT source
scientific article published in January 2010
Swift trigger 381591: uncatalogued UVOT source
Swift trigger 422437 is probably not a GRB
Swift trigger 435520 is probably not a GRB
scientific article
Swift trigger 442539 is probably not a GRB
Swift trigger 456659 is probably not astrophysical
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift trigger 457076 is not a GRB
Swift trigger 457076: a possible GRB
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift trigger 458942 is probably not a burst
scholarly article
Swift trigger 516027 is CC Eri
Swift trigger 522245 is a noise fluctuation near IGR J17091-3624
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift trigger 524949: noise fluctuation near a galaxy
Swift trigger 533836 is a new galactic transient
scholarly article
Swift trigger 535026 is GRB 121001A: Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift trigger 535026: galactic transient or possible GRB
scholarly article
Swift trigger 557910 is not astrophysical
Swift trigger 559108 is not astrophysical
scientific article published in January 2013
Swift trigger 569022 is a new galactic source Swift J1734.5-3027
scientific article
Swift trigger 609139 is probably 4U 1850-03
Swift trigger 748858: Swift BAT, XRT, and UVOT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2017
Swift trigger 811074 (possible GRB 180221A): Swift refined analysis
scholarly article
Swift trigger on 4U 1700-377 while star tracker loss-of-lock
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift triggered on the HMXB 1A 1118-61
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift's ability to detect gamma-ray bursts
scientific article
Swift,INTEGRAL,RXTE, andSpitzerReveal IGR J16283−4838
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Swift-BAT GRB 050528: a soft burst
scholarly article
Swift-BAT detection of GRB 050315
scholarly article
Swift-BAT detection of GRB 050318
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT detection of GRB 050331
Swift-BAT detection of GRB 050331b
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT detection of GRB 050401
scientific article
Swift-BAT detection of GRB 050406
scholarly article
Swift-BAT detection of GRB 050410
Swift-BAT detection of GRB 050412: a bright, long burst
scientific article
Swift-BAT detection of GRB 050416b
scientific article
Swift-BAT detection of GRB 050507
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT detection of GRB050505
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT detection of Mrk 421
scholarly article
Swift-BAT detection of a bright GRB 050326
scientific article
Swift-BAT detection of a bright outburst from SGR1806-20
Swift-BAT detection of a possible burst
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT detection of possible GRB 050528
Swift-BAT detection of the bright and long GRB 050418
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT detection of the bright long burst GRB041219
scientific article published in January 2004
Swift-BAT detects a bright hard X-ray outburst from GX 339-4
scientific article
Swift-BAT detects two bursts: GRB050215a and GRB050215b
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT discovery of a transient pulsar SWIFT J1626.6-5156
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT monitoring for additional bursts from SGR J1745-29 (Trigger 554491)
Swift-BAT notices back to autonomous real-time distribution
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift-BAT observations of SGR 1900+14
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift-BAT refined analysis for trigger 311603: galactic source
scholarly article
Swift-BAT refined analysis of AXP 1E1547.0-5408 (Trigger 330353)
Swift-BAT refined analysis of SFXT IGR J08408-4503 (trigger 501368)
scholarly article
Swift-BAT refined analysis of Sgr 1E 1841-045 (Trigger=543763)
Swift-BAT refined analysis of magnetar 4U 0142+61 (Trigger 632888)
Swift-BAT refined analysis of outburst from 1E 1841-04.5
Swift-BAT refined analysis of short GRB 071227
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift-BAT refined analysis of the Sgr 1806-20 outburst (trigger 535747)
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift-BAT refined analysis of the probable new Sgr 1833-0832
scientific article published in January 2010
Swift-BAT refined analysis of the recent outburst from SGR 1617-5103 (a.k.a. 1E 161348-5055 and 2E 1613.5-5053)
Swift-BAT refined analysis of the recent outburst from SGR 1617-5103 (a.k.a. 1E 161348-5055 and 2E 1613.5-5053)
Swift-BAT refined analysis of trigger 420256
scholarly article
Swift-BAT refined analysis of trigger 421262
scientific article
Swift-BAT refined analysis of trigger 664624 from SGR J1819-1600
scientific article published in January 2015
Swift-BAT refined analysis on the bright event from SGR 1935+2154
Swift-BAT time history of GRB041219
scientific article published in January 2004
Swift-BAT trigger 107873 (GRB050309): possible X-ray counterparts
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 112060 is not a real GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 115881 is not a real GRB
scientific article
Swift-BAT trigger 122203 is not a real GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 145729 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 147325 is not due to a real GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 150131 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 150993 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 150993 is probably not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 152038 is definitely not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 152038 is probably not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 155072 ground analysis
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 155764 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 158700 is a probable cosmic ray shower event
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 158700 is definitely a cosmic ray shower event
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 160640 is not a real GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 165579 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT trigger 180931 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift-BAT trigger 215279 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift-BAT trigger 221873 is not a GRB or a transient
scholarly article
Swift-BAT trigger 226614 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift-BAT trigger 236481 is a cosmic ray shower event
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift-BAT trigger 237821 is a cosmic ray shower event
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift-BAT trigger 239987 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift-BAT trigger 255685 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift-BAT trigger 257213 is a galactic center transient
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift-BAT trigger 259527 is a cosmic ray shower
Swift-BAT trigger 260304 is NOT a burst or transient
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift-BAT trigger 276045 is a cosmic ray shower event
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift-BAT trigger 278809 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift-BAT trigger 278987 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift-BAT trigger 296491 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift-BAT trigger 314975 possible burst
scientific article
Swift-BAT trigger 322590 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2008
Swift-BAT trigger 349718 is not a burst
Swift-BAT trigger 358760 is most likely not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift-BAT trigger 373691 is a galactic bulge transient
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift-BAT trigger 421072 is not astrophyical
Swift-BAT trigger 442539 is not a GRB
scientific article
Swift-BAT trigger 442771 is a noise fluctuation
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift-BAT trigger 535733 is not astrophysical
Swift-BAT trigger 704327 was due to noise
scientific article
Swift-BAT trigger is GRB 060203
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift-BAT triggered on a probable GRB 081101 (trigger=333320)
scholarly article
Swift-BAT triggers 158261 and 158262 retraction
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift-BAT/-XRT refined analysis on trigger 324362 (LS I +61 303)
scholarly article
Swift-UVO observations of X-ray transient Swift J1753.5-0127
Swift/BAT Transient Monitor results for Swift J185003.2-005627
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift/BAT and RXTE/ASM discovery of the orbital period of IGR J16418-4532
Swift/BAT confirms renewed hard X-ray activity from pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545
scientific article published in January 2010
Swift/BAT confirms the giant outburst of H 1417-624
scientific article published in January 2018
Swift/BAT confirms the outburst from 2S 1417-624
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift/BAT confirms the outburst of Swift J1756.9-2508
Swift/BAT detection of GRB050603
scholarly article
Swift/BAT detection of IGR J19294+1816
scientific article
Swift/BAT detection of a 5 hour period in 4U 1954+31
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift/BAT detection of a new X-ray source, SWIFT J1656.3-3302, in the Galactic Center region
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift/BAT detection of an SGR-like flare from near Sgr A*
scholarly article
Swift/BAT detection of hard X-rays from Tycho's Supernova Remnant: evidence for Titanium-44 emission
scientific article published in January 2014
Swift/BAT detection of hard x-rays from Tycho's supernova remnant: evidence for Titanium-44
scholarly article by Eleonora Troja et al published 21 November 2014 in Letters of the Astrophysical Journal
Swift/BAT detection of the current outburst of XTE J1859+083
scientific article published in January 2015
Swift/BAT detects a hard X-ray outburst from PKS 1510-089
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift/BAT detects a new outburst from 1E 1145.1-6141
scientific article published in January 2008
Swift/BAT detects a new outburst from the HXMB/BHC XTE J1908+094
scientific article published in January 2013
Swift/BAT detects a new outburst likely from RX J0059.2-7138
scientific article published in January 2014
Swift/BAT detects a new outburst of the blazar Mrk 501
scientific article published in January 2013
Swift/BAT detects a new outburst of the transient accreting pulsar GS 1843-02
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift/BAT detects a strong outburst from GRO J1008-57
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift/BAT detects an outburst from EXO 2030+375
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift/BAT detects an outburst from IGR J17544-2619
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift/BAT detects an outburst from UX Ari
scientific article published in January 2014
Swift/BAT detects an outburst from XTE J1901+014
scholarly article
Swift/BAT detects an outburst from XTE J1901+014
scientific article
Swift/BAT detects an outburst from the X-ray nova and black hole candidate GRS 1739-278
scientific article published in January 2014
Swift/BAT detects an outburst from the neutron star binary 1RXS J180408.9-342058
scientific article published in January 2015
Swift/BAT detects continued brightening of Be/X-ray binary pulsar, GRO J1008-57
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift/BAT detects flaring activity from 3C 454.3
Swift/BAT detects hard X-ray emission from RX J0520.5-6932
scientific article published in January 2013
Swift/BAT detects increased activity from accreting pulsar H 1553-542
Swift/BAT detects increased activity from the accreting pulsar GRO J1750-27
scholarly article
Swift/BAT detects increased hard X-ray activity from GX 304-1
scientific article published in January 2010
Swift/BAT detects renewed activity from Ginga 1843+009
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift/BAT detects renewed activity from V0332+53
Swift/BAT detects renewed hard X-ray activity from XTE J1946+274
scientific article published in January 2010
Swift/BAT detects renewed hard X-ray activity from pulsar XTE J1858+034
scientific article published in January 2010
Swift/BAT detects renewed hard X-ray activity from the highly-absorbed X-ray binary IGR J16318-4848
scientific article
Swift/BAT detects renewed hard X-ray activity from the neutron star transient XTE J1701-462
scientific article
Swift/BAT discovers a new galactic transient: SWIFT J1756.9-2508
scientific article
Swift/BAT discovery of the orbital period of IGR J16320-4751
scientific article published in January 2005
Swift/BAT observations of the X-ray flare from Mrk 421
scholarly article
Swift/BAT reports a flaring state of PKS 0405-385
scientific article published in January 2009
Swift/BAT reports a new outburst from the HMXB XTE J1855-026
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift/BAT reports an increase in flux from MAXI J1836-194
scientific article published in January 2012
Swift/BAT reports increased activity from 4U 1724-307
scholarly article
Swift/BAT reports increased activity from IGR J18483-0311
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift/BAT reports increased activity from three galactic sources
scientific article published in January 2008
Swift/BAT reports new flaring activity from Mrk 421
scientific article published in January 2008
Swift/BAT reports new flaring activity from Mrk 421
scientific article
Swift/BAT reports renewed activity from Cir X-1
scientific article
Swift/BAT reports renewed activity from H 1743-322
scholarly article
Swift/BAT reports renewed activity from IGR J17091-3624
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift/BAT reports the detection of a new galactic source Swift J1816.7-1613
scientific article
Swift/BAT reports the detection of a new galactic transient source Swift J1843.5-0343
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift/BAT reports the detection of a new transient source Swift J1357.2-0933
scientific article published in January 2011
Swift/BAT spectral analysis of the Crab after September 2010 gamma-ray flare
scientific article published in January 2010
Swift/BAT teams announces website with catalog of AGN from the first 9
scientific article
Swift/BAT trigger 547142 is new source Swift J1753.7-2544
scholarly article
Swift/UVOT observations of GRB070429B
article published in 2007
Swift/UVOT refined analysis of GRB070531
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift/XRT and RXTE/PCA results from SWIFT J1756.9-2508
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift/XRT detection of SWIFT J1756.9-2508
scholarly article
Swift/XRT detection of the hard X-ray source SWIFT J1656.3-3302
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift/XRT detection of the hard X-ray sources IGR J18244-5622 and IGR J21178+5139
scientific article published in January 2006
Swift/XRT follow-up observations of IGR J17473-2721
scholarly article
Swift/XRT localization of XRT J1701-462
scholarly article
Swift/XRT non-detection of millisecond X-ray pulsar SWIFT J1756.9-2508
scientific article published in January 2007
Swift/XRT observations of INTEGRAL detections in the Coma Field
scholarly article
Swift/XRT observations of INTEGRAL sources
scientific article published in January 2007
SwiftBAT Survey of AGNs
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
SwiftPanchromatic Observations of the Bright Gamma‐Ray Burst GRB 050525a
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Swiftfollow-up of the Gravitational Wave source GW150914
scientific article
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
The 105-Month Swift-BAT All-sky Hard X-Ray Survey
scientific article
The 2002 outburst of the millisecond accreting pulsar XTE J1751-305
scientific article published in January 2002
The 22 month Swift-BAT all-sky hard X-ray survey
The ASCA spectrum of the Vela pulsar jet
scientific article published in January 1997
The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) on the SWIFT Midex Mission
The Erratic Luminosity Behavior of SAX J1808.4−3658 during Its 2000 Outburst
scholarly article
The Long‐Term Evolution of the Spin, Pulse Shape, and Orbit of the Accretion‐powered Millisecond Pulsar SAX J1808.4−3658
scientific article
The Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER): design and development
The Polarimeter for Relativistic Astrophysical X-ray Sources
The Swift BAT X-ray survey. III. X-ray spectra and statistical properties
scientific article
The Swift/BAT hard X-ray transient monitor
The Swift/BAT high-latitude survey: first results
scientific article published in January 2005
The X-ray bow shock nebula of the Vela pulsar
scientific article published in January 1998
The X-ray position and optical counterpart of the accretion-powered millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338
scientific article
The binary period and outburst behaviour of the Small Magellanic Cloud X-ray binary pulsar system SXP504
scientific article published in January 2005
The black hole binary V4641 Sagitarii: activity in quiescence and improved mass determinations
scientific article published in January 2014
The discovery of a neutron star with a spin frequency of 530 hz in A1744-361
scientific article published in January 2006
The first Swift BAT gamma-ray burst catalog
scientific article published in January 2008
The likely optical counterpart of X-ray transient KS 1731-260
The nature of the X-ray transient SAX J1711.6-3808
scientific article published in January 2002
The nature of the torus in the heavily obscured AGN Markarian 3: an X-ray study
scholarly article
The nuclear spectroscopic telescope array (NuSTAR) high-energy X-ray mission
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
The nuclear spectroscopic telescope array (NuSTAR) high-energy X-ray mission
The orbital period of the SMC X-ray pulsat XTE J0055-727
scientific article published in January 2004
The orbital period of the X-ray pulsar XTE SMC144s
scientific article published in January 2003
The orbital period of the recurrent X-ray transient in Terzan 6
scholarly article
The second Swift Burst Alert Telescope gamma-ray burst catalog
article by Sakamoto T. et al published 2011 in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
The soft spectral state of the black hole candidate IGR J17091-3624 observed by INTEGRAL and Swift
scholarly article by Del Santo M. et al published 2011 in Astronomer's Telegram
The spectrum of the cosmic X-ray background observed by RTXE/PCA
scientific article
The symbiotic system SS73 17 seen with Suzaku
scientific article published in January 2008
The third Swift burst alert telescope gamma-ray burst catalog
scientific article published in January 2016
The transition from outburst to low level activity in the low-mass X-ray binary SAX J1747.0-2853
scholarly article
TheSwiftGamma‐Ray Burst Mission
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
TheSwift Burst Analyser
scientific article
Three active neutron star X-ray transients: SAX J1747.0-2853, XTE J1739-285 and GRS 1747-312
scientific article published in January 2006
Three new X-ray pulsars detected in the Small Magellanic Cloud and the positions of two other known pulsars determined
scientific article published in January 2004
Timing and flux evolution of the Galactic Center magnetar Sgr J1745-2900
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Timing and spectral properties of the accreting millisecond pulsar Swift J1756.9-2508
scientific article published in January 2008
Transient X-ray burster KS 1741-293 active again
scholarly article
Transient X-ray pulsars
scientific article published in January 2002
Trigger 276045: Swift detection of a possible burst
scientific article published in January 2007
Trigger 316063: Swift detection of a transient
scientific article published in January 2008
Trigger 317205: Swift detection of an outburst from XTE J1701-407
scholarly article
Trigger 317393: Swift detection of a possible GRB
scholarly article
Trigger 330353: Swift detection of a galactic short soft burst
scientific article published in January 2008
Trigger 371210: Swift/BAT triggered on IGR J17511-3057
scientific article published in January 2009
Trigger 381434: Swift detection of a possible burst
scientific article published in January 2009
Trigger 381591: Swift detection of a possible burst
scientific article published in January 2009
Trigger 416226 is probably not a GRB
Trigger 419015 is probably not a GRB
scientific article
Trigger 420256: Swift detection of a possible GRB
Trigger 421072: possible Swift detection of a GRB or transient
scholarly article
Trigger 430975: Swift detection of a possible burst
scientific article published in January 2010
Trigger 510075 is not a GRB
scientific article published in January 2011
Trigger 519868: Swift detection of SGR1806-20
scientific article published in January 2012
Trigger 535733: Swift possible detection of SAX J1828.5-1037
scientific article published in January 2012
Trigger 538084: Swift detection of XTE J1739-302
scientific article
Trigger 553930: Swift detection of a possible flare from HR 5110
scientific article published in January 2013
Trigger 554491: Swift detection of a spike possibly from Sgr a*
scientific article
Trigger 590503: Swift-BAT triggered on noise
scientific article
Trigger 607399: Swift detection of SGR1806-20
scientific article published in January 2014
Trigger 657564 / GRB 151004A: Swift BAT and XRT refined analysis
Trigger 668949: Swift detection of V 404 Cyg
scientific article published in January 2015
Trigger 689353 (possible transient near Sgr A*), Swift-BAT refined analysis
Trigger 728094, Swift-BAT refined analysis
scientific article published in January 2016
Two active X-ray transients in the Galactic Center region as seen by INTEGRAL
scientific article published in January 2007
Type -I X-ray bursts from XTE J1739-285
scientific article published in January 2005
Type I X-ray bursts, burst oscillations and kHz quasi-periodic oscillations in the neutron star system IGRâ J17191â 2821
scientific article
US government shutdown May impact GRB operation of GCN
scholarly article
Update on Swift-BAT GRB 050528 (Trigger 130679)
scientific article published in January 2005
Updated Swift observations of GRB 070328
scientific article published in January 2007
Updated position, flux and spectrum of XTE J1652-453
Upper limits on variability of the Crab flux (2-50 keV)
V4641 Sgr X-Ray activity
scientific article published in January 2005
Variable-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations from the galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105
scientific article published in January 1999
Very questionable identity of Swift-BAT GRB050402 (Trig=113225)
scientific article published in January 2005
What ignites on the neutron star of 4U 0614+091?
scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics
X-Raying the MOJAVE Sample of Compact Extragalactic Radio Jets
X-ray bursts from the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338
scientific article published in January 2003
X-ray bursts from the transient magnetar candidate XTE J1810-197
X-ray localization and possible IR counterpart of the XTE J1747-274/IGR J17473-2721
scientific article published in January 2005
X-ray polarization capabilities of a small explorer mission
X-ray properties of an unbiased hard X-ray-detected sample of active galactic nuclei
scholarly article
X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions from two previously quiescent galaxies
scientific article published in April 2021
X-ray spectral evolution of SAX J1747.0-2853 during outburst activity and confirmation of its transient nature
scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics
X-ray spectroscopy for Swift J1753.5-0127
scientific article published in January 2005
XMMSL1 J171900.4-353217 and XTE J1719-356 are probably the same source
scholarly article
XMMU J054134.7-682550 is a 61 s X-ray pulsar with cyclotron features
scientific article published in January 2007
XTE J0052-723
scientific article published in January 2001
XTE J0119-731
XTE J1550-564
XTE J1650-500
scientific article
XTE J1710-281 = 1RXS J171012.3-280754
XTE J1719-291: A brief X-ray Transient
scientific article published in January 2008
XTE J1720-318
scholarly article
XTE J1723-376
XTE J1723-376
scientific article published in January 1999
XTE J1739-285
scientific article published in January 1999
XTE J1739-302 as a supergiant fast X-ray transient
scientific article published in January 2006
XTE J1746-322 = IGR J17464-3213 = H 1743-322
scientific article published in January 2003
XTE J1751-305
scientific article published in January 2002
XTE J1751-305
XTE J1751-305
scientific article
XTE J1751-305
XTE J1752-223: RXTE PCA observation shows black hole candidate
scientific article published in January 2009
XTE J1752-223: a new RXTE and Swift detected X-ray transient in the galactic center region
scientific article published in January 2009
XTE J1807-294
XTE J1807-294
scientific article published in January 2003
XTE J1807-294 - precise position and orbit determination
scientific article published in January 2003
XTE J1810-189 is a neutron star
scientific article published in January 2008
XTE J1810-189 measurements by INTEGRAL and Swift
XTE J1810-197
scientific article
XTE J1811-197
scientific article published in January 2003
XTE J1811-197: position and fluxes of a new 5.54 s pulsar
scientific article published in January 2003
XTE J1814-338
scientific article published in January 2003
XTE J1814-338
XTE J1819-254, XTE J1743-363, XTE J1710-281, XTE J1723-376
scientific article published in January 1999
XTE J1829-098 predicted for another outburst in early April
XTE J1829-098: a new 7.8 s period pulsar
scientific article published in January 2004
XTE J1856+053 observed by Swift/BAT
scientific article published in January 2007
XTE J1859+083
scholarly article
XTE J1859+226
scholarly article (IAU Circular, vol. 7274, 1999)
XTE J1908+094
scientific article
kHz QPOs during the decay of the outburst of IGR J17191-2821
scholarly article