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List of works by Adam Leroy

A 33 GHz Survey of Local Major Mergers: Estimating the Sizes of the Energetically Dominant Regions from High-resolution Measurements of the Radio Continuum

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A 50 pc Scale View of Star Formation Efficiency across NGC 628

scientific article published on 14 August 2018

A High-resolution Mosaic of the Neutral Hydrogen in the M81 Triplet

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A Model for the Onset of Self-gravitation and Star Formation in Molecular Gas Governed by Galactic Forces. I. Cloud-scale Gas Motions

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A comparative study of giant molecular clouds in M51, M33, and the Large Magellanic Cloud

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A constant molecular gas depletion time in nearby disk galaxies

scientific article

A high-dispersion molecular gas component in nearby galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

A high-resolution study of the H I-H_2_ transition across the Perseus molecular cloud

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A low H I column density filament in NGC 2403: signature of interaction or accretion

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

A molecular star formation law in the atomic-gas-dominated regime in nearby galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

A multi-wavelength classification system for the evolution of star clusters

A portrait of cold gas in galaxies at 60 pc resolution and a simple method to test hypotheses that link small-scale ISM structure to galaxy-scale processes

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A study of heating and cooling of the ISM in NGC 1097 with Herschel-PACS and Spitzer-IRS

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

AGN feedback in the nucleus of M 51

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AGN feedback in the nucleus of M 51(Corrigendum)

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

ALMA multi-line imaging of the nearby starburst NGC 253

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

ALMA observations of the antennae galaxies. I. A new window on a prototypical merger

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

ALMA resolves 30 Doradus: sub-parsec molecular cloud structure near the closest super star cluster

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

ALMA reveals the molecular medium fueling the nearest nuclear starburst

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

An Updated View of Giant Molecular Clouds, Gas Flows and Star Formation in M51 with PAWS

Andromeda's dust

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Arm and interarm star formation in spiral galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Attenuation Modified by DIG and Dust as Seen in M31

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

CARMA survey toward infrared-bright nearby galaxies (STING). II. Molecular gas star formation law and depletion time across the blue sequence

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

CARMA survey toward infrared-bright nearby galaxies (STING). III. The dependence of atomic and molecular gas surface densities on galaxy properties

scholarly article

CARMA survey toward infrared-bright nearby galaxies (STING): molecular gas star formation law in NGC 4254

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

CO Excitation, Molecular Gas Density, and Interstellar Radiation Field in Local and High-redshift Galaxies

scientific article published in 2021

Calibrating Star Formation Rate Prescriptions at Different Scales (10 pc–1 kpc) in M31

scholarly article

Cloud-scale ISM Structure and Star Formation in M51

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Cloud-scale Molecular Gas Properties in 15 Nearby Galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Clumping and the interpretation of kpc-scale maps of the interstellar medium: smooth H I and clumpy, variable H_2_ surface density

scholarly article

Complex radio spectral energy distributions in luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies

scientific article

Dense Gas, Dynamical Equilibrium Pressure, and Star Formation in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Dense Molecular Gas Tracers in the Outflow of the Starburst Galaxy NGC 253

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Dense gas fraction and star-formation efficiency variations in the Antennae galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Do Spectroscopic Dense Gas Fractions Track Molecular Cloud Surface Densities?

scholarly article

Dust continuum emission as a tracer of gas mass in galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Dust-to-gas ratio in the extremely metal-poor galaxy I Zw 18

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Dust/gas correlations from Herschel observations

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Dynamical Equilibrium in the Molecular ISM in 28 Nearby Star-forming Galaxies

scientific article published in 2020


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Early results from the SAGE-SMC Spitzer legacy

Enhanced dust heating in the bulges of early-type spiral galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Erratum: “A 33 GHz Survey of Local Major Mergers: Estimating the Sizes of the Energetically Dominant Regions from High-resolution Measurements of the Radio Continuum” (2017, ApJ, 843, 117)

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Erratum: “Modeling Dust and Starlight in Galaxies Observed by Spitzer and Herschel : The KINGFISH Sample” (2020, ApJ, 889, 150)

correction of a scholarly article

Estimating the star formation rate at 1 kpc scales in nearby galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Faint CO line wings in four star-forming (ultra)luminous infrared galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Far-infrared line imaging of the starburst ring in NGC 1097 with the Herschel/PACS spectrometer

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Fast, Collimated Outflow in the Western Nucleus of Arp 220

Full-disc ¹³CO(1–0) mapping across nearby galaxies of the EMPIRE survey and the CO-to-H₂ conversion factor

scholarly article

Gas kinematics on giant molecular cloud scales in M51 with PAWS: cloud stabilization through dynamical pressure

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Gravitational torques imply molecular gas inflow towards the nucleus of M 51

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics


scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

H i Kinematics along the Minor Axis of M82

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

HI in Galactic Disks

Heracles: the HERA CO line extragalactic survey

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Herschel far-infrared and submillimeter photometry for the KINGFISH sample of nearby galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

High-resolution imaging of PHIBSS z ~ 2 main-sequence galaxies in CO J = 1 -> 0

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

High-resolution radio continuum measurements of the nuclear disks of Arp 220

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Interactions of the Galactic bar and spiral arm in NGC 3627

scientific article published in January 2017

KINGFISH—Key Insights on Nearby Galaxies: A Far-Infrared Survey with Herschel: Survey Description and Image Atlas

scholarly article

Low CO luminosities in dwarf galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Mapping far-IR emission from the central kiloparsec of NGC 1097

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Microwave continuum emission and dense gas tracers in NGC 3627: combining Jansky VLA and ALMA observations

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Modeling Dust and Starlight in Galaxies Observed by Spitzer and Herschel : The KINGFISH Sample

scientific article published on 3 February 2020

Modeling dust and starlight in galaxies observed by Spitzer and Herschel: NGC 628 and NGC 6946

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Molecular Gas Cloud Properties and Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies

Molecular Gas Properties and CO-to-H<sub>2</sub> Conversion Factors in the Central Kiloparsec of NGC 3351

scientific article published on 26 January 2022

Molecular Gas Properties on Cloud Scales across the Local Star-forming Galaxy Population

scientific article published in 2020

Molecular Gas in Nearby Dwarf Galaxies: Single Dish and Interferometric Results

Molecular Gas in the Low‐Metallicity, Star‐forming Dwarf IC 10

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Molecular gas and star formation in nearby disk galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Observational evidence against long-lived spiral arms in galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Optical depth estimates and effective critical densities of dense gas tracers in the inner parts of nearby galaxy discs


PHANGS–ALMA: Arcsecond CO(2–1) Imaging of Nearby Star-forming Galaxies

scientific article published in 2021

Physical Properties of Molecular Clouds at 2 pc Resolution in the Low-metallicity Dwarf Galaxy NGC 6822 and the Milky Way

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Probability distribution functions of ^12^CO(J = 1 --> 0) brightness and integrated intensity in M51: the PAWS view

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Radio-line Broadening from a Spectral Response Function

scholarly article

Relationship between the line width of the atomic and molecular ISM in M33

scientific article

Resolved Star Formation Efficiency in the Antennae Galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Scaling Relations between Gas and Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies

Scaling relations of the properties for CO resolved structures in nearby spiral galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Shock excited molecules in NGC 1266: ULIRG conditions at the center of a bulge-dominated galaxy

scholarly article

Short GMC lifetimes: an observational estimate with the PdBI arcsecond whirlpool survey (PAWS)

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Spatially extended and high-velocity dispersion molecular component in spiral galaxies: single-dish versus interferometric observations

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Spitzer Space TelescopeDetection of the Young Supernova Remnant 1E 0102.2-7219

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Star Formation Efficiency per Free-fall Time in nearby Galaxies

scholarly article

Suppression of star formation in the galaxy NGC 253 by a starburst-driven molecular wind

scientific article

Surveying the agents of galaxy evolution in the tidally stripped, low metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (SAGE-SMC). I. Overview

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

THINGS: The H I Nearby Galaxy Survey

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The CO-to-H_2_ conversion factor and dust-to-gas ratio on kiloparsec scales in nearby galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The CO-to-H_2_ conversion factor from infrared dust emission across the Local Group

The EDGE-CALIFA Survey: An Extragalactic Database for Galaxy Evolution Studies

scientific article published on 24 January 2024

The EDGE-CALIFA Survey: Interferometric Observations of 126 Galaxies with CARMA

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The EDGE-CALIFA Survey: Molecular Gas and Star Formation Activity across the Green Valley

scholarly article

The EDGE–CALIFA Survey: Variations in the Molecular Gas Depletion Time in Local Galaxies

The EDGE–CALIFA survey: the influence of galactic rotation on the molecular depletion time across the Hubble sequence

scientific article

The Gas Phase in a Low Metallicity ISM

The Gas–Star Formation Cycle in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies. I. Assessment of Multi-scale Variations

scientific article published in 2019

The Gas–Star Formation Cycle in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies. II. Resolved Distributions of CO and Hα Emission for 49 PHANGS Galaxies

scientific article published in 2022

The Large Binocular Telescope Panoramic View of the Recent Star Formation Activity in IC 2574

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Low CO Content of the Extremely Metal‐poor Galaxy I Zw 18

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The PHANGS-HST Survey: Physics at High Angular Resolution in Nearby Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope

scientific article published in 2022

The PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS): The Role of Spiral Arms in Cloud and Star Formation

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Mass Fraction on a 10 pc Scale in the Magellanic Clouds

The Porosity of the neutral ISM in 20 THINGS Galaxies

The Resolved Distributions of Dust Mass and Temperature in Local Group Galaxies

scientific article

The Resolved Properties of Extragalactic Giant Molecular Clouds

The Resolved Properties of Extragalactic Giant Molecular Clouds

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Spatially Resolved Dust-to-metals Ratio in M101

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Spitzer spectroscopic survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (S^4^MC): probing the physical state of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a low-metallicity environment

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Star Formation Law at Sub-Kiloparsec Resolution

The VIRUS-p exploration of nearby galaxies (VENGA): the X_CO_ gradient in NGC 628

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The fine-scale structure of the neutral interstellar medium in nearby galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The green bank telescope maps the dense, star-forming gas in the nearby starburst galaxy M82

scholarly article

The heating of dust by old stellar populations in the bulge of M31

scientific article

The impact of molecular gas on mass models of nearby galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The ionized gas in nearby galaxies as traced by the [N II] 122 and 205 {mu}m transitions

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The lifecycle of molecular clouds in nearby star-forming disc galaxies

scientific article published in 2019

The molecular wind in the nearest Seyfert galaxy Circinus revealed by ALMA

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The multi-phase cold fountain in M82 revealed by a wide, sensitive map of the molecular interstellar medium

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The panchromatic Hubble Andromeda treasury. VIII. A wide-area, high-resolution map of dust extinction in M31

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The panchromatic Hubble Andromeda treasury. XI. The spatially resolved recent star formation history of M31

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The plateau de bure + 30 M arcsecond whirlpool survey reveals a thick disk of diffuse molecular gas in the M51 galaxy

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The radio continuum-star formation rate relation in WSRT SINGS galaxies

scholarly article

The rarity of dust in metal-poor galaxies

scientific article

The spatial relation between young star clusters and molecular clouds in M51 with LEGUS

scholarly article

The star formation efficiency in nearby galaxies: measuring where gas forms stars effectively

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The star formation law in nearby galaxies on sub-kpc scales

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The state of molecular gas in the Small Magellanic Cloud

The survey of lines in M31 (SLIM): investigating the origins of [C II] emission

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Thermal Pressure in the Cold Neutral Medium of Nearby Galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Tightly correlated H I and FUV emission in the outskirts of M83

scholarly article

Unusually luminous giant molecular clouds in the outer disk of M33

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Variations in the star formation efficiency of the dense molecular gas across the disks of star-forming galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

What is driving the H I velocity dispersion?

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

[C II] line emission in massive star-forming galaxies at z = 4.7

¹³CO/C¹⁸O Gradients across the Disks of Nearby Spiral Galaxies

article published in 2017