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List of works by Alain Omont

350 μm Dust Emission from High‐Redshift Quasars

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

<i>Spitzer</i> Catalog of <i>Herschel</i>-selected Ultrared Dusty Star-forming Galaxies

scientific article published in 2019

A Deep Submillimeter Survey of the Galactic Center

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A Search for Dense Molecular Gas in High‐Redshift Infrared‐Luminous Galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A bright z = 5.2 lensed submillimeter galaxy in the field of Abell 773

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

A comprehensive view of a strongly lensed Planck-associated submillimeter galaxy

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A dust-obscured massive maximum-starburst galaxy at a redshift of 6.34.

scientific article

A molecular EINSTEIN ring toward the z = 3.93 submillimeter galaxy MM18423+5938

scientific article

A multi-wavelength study of the proto-cluster surrounding thez = 4.1 radio galaxy TN J1338–1942

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

A population of dust-rich quasars at z ~ 1.5

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A search for neutral carbon towards two z = 4.05 submillimetre galaxies, GN 20 and GN 20.2

scientific article

A study of the gas-star formation relation over cosmic time

scientific article

A survey of molecular gas in luminous sub-millimetre galaxies

scientific article

ALMA finds dew drops in the dusty spider’s web

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

An absolute calibration of DENIS (deep near infrared southern sky survey)

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

An extendedHerscheldrop-out source in the center of AS1063: a normal dusty galaxy atz= 6.1 or SZ substructures?

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

An interferometric CO survey of luminous submillimetre galaxies

scientific article

CO (2-1) line emission in redshift 6 quasar host galaxies

scholarly article

CO emission and associated H I absorption from a massive gas reservoir surrounding thez= 3 radio galaxy B3 J2330+3927

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

CO line emission in the halo of a radio galaxy atz= 2.6

scholarly article

Candidate gravitationally lensed dusty star-forming galaxies in the Herschel wide area surveys

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Cold dust and young starbursts: spectral energy distributions of Herschel SPIRE sources from the HerMES survey★

scholarly article

DENIS: A deep near-infrared survey of the southern sky

article by N. Epchtein et al published July 1994 in Astrophysics and Space Science

Detection of 1.6 × 1010M⊙of Molecular Gas in the Host Galaxy of thez= 5.77 SDSS Quasar J0927+2001

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Detection of two massive CO systems in 4C 41.17 at z = 3.8

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Discovery of a multiply lensed submillimeter galaxy in early HerMES Herschel/SPIRE data

scholarly article

Discovery of an extremely bright submillimeter galaxy atz = 3.93

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Dynamical structure of the molecular interstellar medium in an extremely bright, multiply lensed z =~ 3 submillimeter galaxy discovered with Herschel

scientific article

Early science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: a 1.1 mm AzTEC survey of red-Herschel dusty star-forming galaxies

scientific article

Energetics of Formation of Cyclacenes from 2,3-Didehydroacenes and Implications for Astrochemistry

scientific article published on 29 December 2020

Evolution of dust temperature of galaxies through cosmic time as seen by Herschel

article by H. S. Hwang et al published 25 October 2010 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Far-infrared Herschel SPIRE spectroscopy of lensed starbursts reveals physical conditions of ionized gas

scientific article

Far-infrared and molecular CO emission from the host galaxies of faint quasars at z ~ 6

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Far-infrared properties of Spitzer-selected luminous starbursts

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

First detection of [CII]158 μm at high redshift: vigorous star formation in the early universe

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

First results from HerMES on the evolution of the submillimetre luminosity function

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Four Quasars above Redshift 6 Discovered by the Canada-France High-zQuasar Survey

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

From filamentary clouds to prestellar cores to the stellar IMF: Initial highlights from the Herschel Gould Belt Survey

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Gas Dynamics of a Luminous z = 6.13 Quasar ULAS J1319+0950 Revealed by ALMA High-resolution Observations

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Gas and dust in a submillimeter galaxy at z = 4.24 from the Herschel atlas

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Gravitational lens models based on Submillimeter Array imaging of Herschel-selected strongly lensed sub-millimeter galaxies at z > 1.5

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Green Bank Telescope Zpectrometer CO(1-0) observations of the strongly lensed submillimeter galaxies from the Herschel ATLAS

H-ATLAS: a candidate high redshift cluster/protocluster of star-forming galaxies

scientific article


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

HerMES: Far infrared properties of known AGN in the HerMES fields

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

HerMES: Halo occupation number and bias properties of dusty galaxies from angular clustering measurements

scientific article

HerMES: Herschel-SPIRE observations of Lyman break galaxies

scientific article published in January 2010

HerMES: SPIRE emission from radio-selected active galactic nuclei

scientific article published in January 2011

HerMES: SPIRE galaxy number counts at 250, 350, and 500 μm

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

HerMES: The SPIRE confusion limit

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

HerMES: The submillimeter spectral energy distributions of Herschel/SPIRE-detected galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

HerMES: deep galaxy number counts from a P(D) fluctuation analysis of SPIRE Science Demonstration Phase observations


HerMES: deep number counts at 250 μm, 350 μm and 500 μm in the COSMOS and GOODS-N fields and the build-up of the cosmic infrared background

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Herschel reveals a Tdust-unbiased selection of z∼ 2 ultraluminous infrared galaxies


Herschel unveils a puzzling uniformity of distant dusty galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Herschel-ATLAS and ALMA

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Herschel-ATLAS: a binary HyLIRG pinpointing a cluster of starbursting protoellipticals

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Herschel-ATLAS: deep HST/WFC3 imaging of strongly lensed submillimetre galaxies

scientific article

Herschel-SPIRE, far-infrared properties of millimetre-bright and -faint radio galaxies

HerschelATLAS: The cosmic star formation history of quasar host galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

High dense gas fraction in intensely star-forming dusty galaxies

scientific article published in January 2017

High molecular gas fractions in normal massive star-forming galaxies in the young Universe

scientific article published in Nature

High-excitation CO in a quasar host galaxy atz $\mathsf{=6.42}$

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

High-resolution CO and radio imaging of ULIRGs: extended CO structures and implications for the universal star formation law

scholarly article

High‐Resolution Millimeter Imaging of Submillimeter Galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

H₂O emission in high-zultra-luminous infrared galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

ISOGAL: A deep survey of the obscured inner Milky Way with ISO at 7 μm and 15 μm and with DENIS in the near-infrared

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Imaging the environment of a z = 6.3 submillimeter galaxy with SCUBA-2

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Infrared spectrograph spectroscopy and multi-wavelength study of luminous star-forming galaxies at z =~ 1.9

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Interferometric CO Observations of Submillimeter‐faint, Radio‐selected Starburst Galaxies atz∼ 2

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Ionized nitrogen at high redshift

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Is there a relationship between AGN and star formationin IR-bright AGNs?

scientific article

Large scale structures around radio galaxies at z ~ 1.5

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Large turbulent reservoirs of cold molecular gas around high-redshift starburst galaxies

scientific article published on 14 August 2017


scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Measurements of CO redshifts with z-spec for lensed submillimeter galaxies discovered in the H-ATLAS survey

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Measures of star formation rates from infrared (Herschel) and UV (GALEX) emissions of galaxies in the HerMES fields

scientific article 2010

Mid-infrared-selected quasars. I. Virial black hole mass and Eddington ratios

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Millimeter and Radio Observations ofz~ 6 Quasars

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Millimeter observations of a sample of high-redshift obscured quasars

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Modeling of the HerMES submillimeter source lensed by a dark matter dominated foreground group of galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Molecular gas and dust around a radio-quiet quasar at redshift 4.69

scientific article published in Nature

Molecular gas in QSO host galaxies at z > 5

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Molecular gas in submillimetre-faint, star-forming ultraluminous galaxies at z > 1

scientific article

Molecular gas in the Herschel-selected strongly lensed submillimeter galaxies at z ~ 2–4 as probed by multi-J CO lines

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Molecular gas in the host galaxy of a quasar at redshift z = 6.42.

scientific article

Molecular gas in z ~ 6 quasar host galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Most submillimeter galaxies are major mergers

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Multi-wavelength properties of Spitzer selected starbursts at z ~ 2

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Obscured and powerful AGN and starburst activities at z ~ 3.5

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Observation of H2O in a strongly lensedHerschel-ATLAS source atz= 2.3

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Observations of 40-70 micron bands of ice in IRAS 09371 + 1212 and other stars

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

PDRs4All: A JWST Early Release Science Program on Radiative Feedback from Massive Stars

scientific article published on 01 June 2022

Phibss: molecular gas content and scaling relations in z ~ 1-3 massive, main-sequence star-forming galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Planck intermediate results XXVII. High-redshift infrared galaxy overdensity candidates and lensed sources discovered by Planck and confirmed by Herschel-SPIRE

scholarly article

Planck's Dusty GEMS. VII. Atomic carbon and molecular gas in dusty starburst galaxies at z = 2 to 4

scholarly article

Planck’s dusty GEMS: The brightest gravitationally lensed galaxies discovered with thePlanckall-sky survey

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Polyacenes and diffuse interstellar bands

scientific article

Probing star formation in the dense environments of z ∼ 1 lensing haloes aligned with dusty star-forming galaxies detected with the South Pole Telescope

scholarly article

Probing the interstellar medium and star formation of the most luminous quasar at z = 6.3

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Radio Continuum Imaging of Far-Infrared-Luminous QSOs atz> 6

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Redshift determination and CO line excitation modeling for the multiply lensed galaxy HLSW-01

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Remarkably high mass and velocity dispersion of molecular gas associated with a regular, absorption-selected type I quasar

scientific article published in July 2021

Resolving the Interstellar Medium in the Nuclear Region of Two <i>z</i> = 5.78 Quasar Host Galaxies with ALMA

scientific article published in 2019


scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Spatially resolved millimeter interferometry of SMM J02399-0136: A very massive galaxy at z = 2.8

scholarly article

Spitzer Planck Herschel Infrared Cluster (SPHerIC) survey: Candidate galaxy clusters at 1.3 < z < 3 selected by high star-formation rate

scientific article published in January 2018

Spitzer imaging of herschel-atlas gravitationally lensed submillimeter sources

scholarly article

Star Formation and ISM Properties in the Host Galaxies of Three Far-infrared Luminous Quasars at z ∼ 6

scholarly article

Star Formation in Quasar Host Galaxies at Redshift 6: Millimeter Surveys and New Insights from ALMA

article published in 2012

Star formation and gas kinematics of quasar host galaxies at z ~ 6: new insights from ALMA

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Studying the first galaxies with ALMA

Submillimeter Galaxies as Tracers of Mass Assembly at Large M

Submillimeter Galaxies atz∼ 2: Evidence for Major Mergers and Constraints on Lifetimes, IMF, and CO‐H2Conversion Factor

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Submillimeter H2O and H2O+emission in lensed ultra- and hyper-luminous infrared galaxies atz ~ 2–4

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Submillimeter observations of the J2142-4423 Ly$\sf \alpha$ protocluster at z = 2.38

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Submillimetre galaxies reside in dark matter haloes with masses greater than 3 × 10¹¹ solar masses

scientific article (publication date: 16 February 2011)

Testing the evolutionary link between submillimetre galaxies and quasars: CO observations of QSOs atz∼ 2


The DENIS Point Source Catalogue towards the Magellanic Clouds

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Deep SPIRE HerMES Survey: spectral energy distributions and their astrophysical indications at high redshift

scientific article

The European Large Area ISO Survey -- I. Goals, definition and observations

scholarly article

The European Large-Area ISO Survey (ELAIS): the final band-merged catalogue

scientific article

The HerMES SPIRE submillimeter local luminosity function

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Herschel Bright Sources (HerBS): sample definition and SCUBA-2 observations

scientific article

The Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS): Overview

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Herschel Multi-Tiered Extragalactic Survey: source extraction and cross-identifications in confusion-dominated SPIRE images

scientific article 2010

The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: HerMES

scientific article published in January 2012

The Herschel census of infrared SEDs through cosmic time

article by M. Symeonidis et al published 1 April 2013 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

The Herschel multi-tiered extragalactic survey: SPIRE-mm photometric redshifts

scientific article published in January 2012

The ISM Properties and Gas Kinematics of a Redshift 3 Massive Dusty Star-forming Galaxy

scholarly article

The Strong Gravitationally Lensed Herschel Galaxy HLock01: Optical Spectroscopy Reveals a Close Galaxy Merger with Evidence of Inflowing Gas

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The detection of a population of submillimeter-bright, strongly lensed galaxies

scientific article published on November 2010

The dynamics of the ionized and molecular interstellar medium in powerful obscured quasars at z≥ 3.5★


The far-infrared/radio correlation as probed by Herschel

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The far-infrared/submillimeter properties of galaxies located behind the Bullet cluster

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The hydrodynamical structure of circumstellar envelopes around low mass-loss rate, low outflow velocity AGB stars

scientific article (publication date: June 2002)

The most distant, luminous, dusty star-forming galaxies: redshifts from NOEMA and ALMA spectral scans

scientific article

The rapid assembly of an elliptical galaxy of 400 billion solar masses at a redshift of 2.3.

scientific article

The space density of luminous dusty star-forming galaxies at z > 4: SCUBA-2 and LABOCA imaging of ultrared galaxies from Herschel-ATLAS

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The suppression of star formation by powerful active galactic nuclei

scientific article published on 9 May 2012

TheHerschel-ATLAS: a sample of 500 μm-selected lensed galaxies over 600 deg2

scientific article

Thermal Emission from Warm Dust in the Most Distant Quasars

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Ultra-red Galaxies Signpost Candidate Protoclusters at High Redshift

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Water vapor in nearby infrared galaxies as probed by Herschel

scientific article

What powers Lyαblobs?

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Young massive stars in the ISOGAL survey. II. The catalogue of bright YSO candidates

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

[C II] and ^12^CO(1-0) emission maps in HLSJ091828.6+514223: a strongly lensed interacting system at z = 5.24

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal