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List of works by Guillaume Blanquart

A computationally-efficient, semi-implicit, iterative method for the time-integration of reacting flows with stiff chemistry

A consistent chemical mechanism for oxidation of substituted aromatic species

A flamelet-based a priori analysis on the chemistry tabulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in non-premixed flames

A joint volume-surface model of soot aggregation with the method of moments

A new framework for simulating forced homogeneous buoyant turbulent flows

A novel forcing technique to simulate turbulent mixing in a decaying scalar field

A priori filtered chemical source term modeling for LES of high Karlovitz number premixed flames

A proposed modification to Lundgren's physical space velocity forcing method for isotropic turbulence

A reduced thermal diffusion model for H and H 2

A two-equation model for non-unity Lewis number differential diffusion in lean premixed laminar flames

An a priori model for the effective species Lewis numbers in premixed turbulent flames

An improved bounded semi-Lagrangian scheme for the turbulent transport of passive scalars

Analyzing the effects of temperature on soot formation with a joint volume-surface-hydrogen model

Broken reaction zone and differential diffusion effects in high Karlovitz n -C 7 H 16 premixed turbulent flames

article by Bruno Savard & Guillaume Blanquart published May 2015 in Combustion and Flame

Chemical mechanism for high temperature combustion of engine relevant fuels with emphasis on soot precursors

Cyclic flame propagation in premixed combustion

Differential diffusion effects, distributed burning, and local extinctions in high Karlovitz premixed flames

Effect of a splitter plate on the dynamics of a vortex pair

Effects of aromatic chemistry-turbulence interactions on soot formation in a turbulent non-premixed flame

Effects of dissipation rate and diffusion rate of the progress variable on local fuel burning rate in premixed turbulent flames

Effects of spin contamination on estimating bond dissociation energies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons


Enthalpy based approach to capture heat transfer effects in premixed combustion

Experimental and numerical studies of fuel and hydrodynamic effects on piloted turbulent premixed jet flames

Flux Corrected Finite Volume Scheme for Preserving Scalar Boundedness in Reacting Large-Eddy Simulations

High order conservative finite difference scheme for variable density low Mach number turbulent flows

Hot surface ignition of n -hexane in air

Hybrid Method of Moments for modeling soot formation and growth

Ignition and chemical kinetics of acrolein–oxygen–argon mixtures behind reflected shock waves

Impact of chemistry models on flame–vortex interaction

Impact of pressure fluctuations on the dynamics of laminar premixed flames


Level set reinitialization at a contact line

Modeling autoignition in non-premixed turbulent combustion using a stochastic flamelet approach

Modeling curvature effects in diffusion flames using a laminar flamelet model

Modeling the oxidation-induced fragmentation of soot aggregates in laminar flames

Multireference exciplex binding energies: Basis set convergence and error

Numerical modeling of sooting tendencies in a laminar co-flow diffusion flame

On filtering in the viscous-convective subrange for turbulent mixing of high Schmidt number passive scalars

On the formation and early evolution of soot in turbulent nonpremixed flames

Predicting aromatic exciplex fluorescence emission energies

scientific article published on 01 May 2019

Proposed Vertical Expansion Tunnel

Reproducing curvature effects due to differential diffusion in tabulated chemistry for premixed flames

Structure of a high Karlovitz n -C 7 H 16 premixed turbulent flame

Subfilter scalar-flux vector orientation in homogeneous isotropic turbulence

scientific article

The effect of velocity field forcing techniques on the Karman–Howarth equation

Thermochemical properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from G3MP2B3 calculations

scientific article published on 27 June 2007

Thermodynamic properties of carbon–phenolic gas mixtures

Towards predictive simulations of soot formation: from surrogate to turbulence

Two-dimensional flow effects on soot formation in laminar premixed flames

Unsteady effects in dense, high speed, particle laden flows

Vorticity isotropy in high Karlovitz number premixed flames

Vorticity transformation in high Karlovitz number premixed flames