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List of works by Carl Grillmair

A Relationship between Nuclear Black Hole Mass and Galaxy Velocity Dispersion

scientific article (publication date: 10 August 2000)

A comparison of estimates of the black hole mass in the maser galaxy NGC 4258

scientific article published in January 2002

A family of models for spherical stellar systems

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Aperture photometry tool versus SExtractor for noncrowded fields

scientific article published in January 2012

Asteroid Trails in Hubble Space TelescopeWFPC2 Images: First Results

scholarly article

Asteroid rotation periods from the Palomar Transient Factory survey

scientific article

Axisymmetric Dynamical Models of the Central Regions of Galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Axisymmetric, Three-Integral Models of Galaxies: A Massive Black Hole in NGC 3379

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Black Hole Mass Estimates from Reverberation Mapping and from Spatially Resolved Kinematics

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Calibration trending in the Spitzer beyond era

Deep [ITAL]Hubble[/ITAL] [ITAL]Space[/ITAL] [ITAL]Telescope[/ITAL] Observations of Star Clusters in NGC 1275

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Globular clusters and the distance to M 87

scholarly article

Initial performance of the NEOWISE reactivation mission

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Jet‐induced Star Formation in Centaurus A

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Kinematic discovery of a stellar stream located in Pisces

scholarly article

M32: Is there an Ancient and Metal-poor Stellar Population?

Mid-infrared photometric analysis of main belt asteroids: a technique for color-color differentiation from background astrophysical sources

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Modifications to the warm Spitzer data reduction pipeline


RR Lyrae variables in M32 and the disk of M31

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

RR Lyrae variables in two fields in the spheroid of M31

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Recent photometry of CG Cygni

scientific article published in January 1987

Rest‐Frame Mid‐Infrared Detection of an Extremely Luminous Lyman Break Galaxy with theSpitzerInfrared Spectrograph (IRS)

scholarly article

Spectroscopic Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole in NGC 4486B

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Stellar populations in the Phoenix dwarf (dIrr/dSph) galaxy as observed by Hubble space telescope WFPC2

scientific article published in January 2000

Supernova 2009av

Supernova 2009av

scientific article

Supernova discovery from the Palomar transient factory

article published in 2009

Taking the Measure of the Universe: Precision Astrometry withSIM PlanetQuest

scientific article

The Age of the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy from Imaging with WFPC2

scientific article

The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies With HST. III. Non-Parametric Recovery of Stellar Luminosity Distribution

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies with HST. IV. Central Parameter Relations

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies with HST.I.An Observational Survey

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The Demography of Massive Dark Objects in Galaxy Centers

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The PTF Orion project: a possible planet transiting a T-Tauri star

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Palomar Transient Factory Orion project: eclipsing binaries and young stellar objects

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

The Palomar Transient Factory Photometric Calibration

scholarly article

The Palomar Transient Factory Survey Camera: first year performance and results

The Palomar Transient Factory photometric catalog 1.0

scholarly article

The Resolved Stellar Populations of M 32

The Slope of the Black Hole Mass versus Velocity Dispersion Correlation

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Spitzer Warm Mission Science Prospects


The Stellar Populations of M32: Resolving the nearest elliptical with HST ACS/HRC

The deepest Hubble space telescope color-magnitude diagram of M32. Evidence for intermediate-age populations

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The distribution of globular clusters associated with M 87 = NGC 4486

scientific article published in January 1986

The origins billion star survey

scientific article published in January 2004

The origins billions star survey: galactic explorer

The star formation history of M32

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

TheSpitzerFirst Look Survey—Ecliptic Plane Component: Asteroids and Zodiacal Background

scientific article

Visible and Far-Ultraviolet WFPC2 Imaging of the Nucleus of the Galaxy NGC 205

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

[ITAL]Hubble Space Telescope[/ITAL] Spectroscopic Evidence for a 1 × 10[TSUP]9[/TSUP] [ITAL]M[/ITAL][TINF]⊙[/TINF] Black Hole in NGC 4594

scientific article published on 20 December 1996