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List of works by Denis Mercier

An early Holocene age for the Vatn landslide (Skagafjörður, central northern Iceland): Insights into the role of postglacial landsliding on slope development


An overview of the consequences of paraglacial landsliding on deglaciated mountain slopes: typology, timing and contribution to cascading fluxes

Are Icelandic rock-slope failures paraglacial? Age evaluation of seventeen rock-slope failures in the Skagafjörður area, based on geomorphological stacking, radiocarbon dating and tephrochronology

scholarly article by Denis Mercier et al published November 2017 in Geomorphology

Assessment of sandstone deterioration at Ta Keo temple (Angkor): first results and future prospects

Chronique polaire

Classification of sorted patterned ground areas based on their environmental characteristics (Skagafjörður, Northern Iceland)

scholarly article by Thierry Feuillet et al published February 2012 in Geomorphology

Coastal evolution and sedimentary mobility of Brøgger Peninsula, northwest Spitsbergen


Denudation rates during a postglacial sequence in Northern Iceland: example of Laxárdalur valley in the Skagafjörður area

scholarly article by Etienne Cossart et al published 5 June 2017 in Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography

Diagnostic préventif de la vulnérabilité des constructions résidentielles pour leurs occupants face au risque de submersion marine appliqué à l’île de Noirmoutier (Vendée, France)


Distribution and spatial analysis of rockslides failures in the Icelandic Westfjords: first results

Effets des tempêtes sur une plage aménagée et à forte protection côtière : la plage des Éloux (côte de Noirmoutier, Vendée, France)


Focusing on the spatial non-stationarity of landslide predisposing factors in northern Iceland

scholarly article by Thierry Feuillet et al published 16 April 2014 in Progress in Physical Geography

Global change and paraglacial morphodynamic modification in Svalbard

Gravitational spreading of mountain ridges coeval with Late Weichselian deglaciation: impact on glacial landscapes in Tröllaskagi, northern Iceland

scholarly article by Julien Coquin et al published January 2015 in Quaternary Science Reviews

Impacts of post-glacial rebound on landslide spatial distribution at a regional scale in northern Iceland (Skagafjörður)

scholarly article

Impacts of recent paraglacial dynamics on plant colonization: A case study on Midtre Lovénbreen foreland, Spitsbergen (79°N)


Individuals’ perceptions of areas exposed to coastal flooding in four French coastal municipalities: the contribution of sketch mapping


Is gravitational spreading a precursor for the Stífluhólar landslide (Skagafjörður, Northern Iceland)?

article published in 2016

La tempête Xynthia et la cartographie des « zones noires » sur le littoral français : analyse critique à partir de l’exemple de La Faute-sur-Mer (Vendée)

La vulnérabilité des hommes et des habitations face au risque d’inondation dans le Val nantais (1841-2003)

One million cubic kilometers of fossil ice in Valles Marineris: Relicts of a 3.5Gy old glacial landsystem along the Martian equator

Paraglacial and paraperiglacial landsystems: concepts, temporal scales and spatial distribution

Paraglacial coasts responses to glacier retreat and associated shifts in river floodplains over decadal timescales (1966-2016), Kongsfjorden, Svalbard


Paraglacial gullying of sediment-mantled slopes: a case study of Colletthøgda, Kongsfjorden area, West Spitsbergen (Svalbard)

scientific article published in 2009

Paraglacial processes in recently deglaciated environments

scientific article published on 21 March 2019

Post‐little ice age patterned ground development on two pyrenean proglacial areas: from deglaciation to periglaciation


Temporal scales and deglaciation rhythms in a polar glacier margin, Baronbreen, Svalbard

The Höfðahólar rock avalanche (sturzström): Chronological constraint of paraglacial landsliding on an Icelandic hillslope

scholarly article by Denis Mercier et al published 20 December 2012 in The Holocene

The Paraglacial dynamics of the slopes of Svalbard


The impact of storm Xynthia in 2010 on coastal flood prevention policy in France


The use of a micro-scale index to identify potential death risk areas due to coastal flood surges: lessons from Storm Xynthia on the French Atlantic coast


Un siècle de dynamiques paraglaciaires et végétales sur les marges du Midre Lovénbreen, Spitsberg nord-occidental / A century of paraglacial and plant dynamics in the Midre Lovénbreen foreland (northwestern Spitsbergen)


Vulnerability to coastal flood hazard of residential buildings on Noirmoutier Island (France)
