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List of works by James K Koga

Attractors and chaos of electron dynamics in electromagnetic standing waves

Coherent, Short-Pulse X-ray Generation via Relativistic Flying Mirrors

Condition of MeV Electron Bunch Generated from Argon Gas-Jet Target in the Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield Regime

Controlling the generation of high frequency electromagnetic pulses with relativistic flying mirrors using an inhomogeneous plasma

Corrigendum: Relativistically upshifted higher harmonic generation via relativistic flying mirrors (2018 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60 074007)

scholarly article published in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

Demonstration of Flying Mirror with Improved Efficiency

Direct electron acceleration by stochastic laser fields in the presence of self-generated magnetic fields

scientific article published on August 1, 2003

High contrast high intensity petawatt J-KAREN-P laser facility at QST

High order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes

High performance imaging of relativistic soft X-ray harmonics by sub-micron resolution LiF film detectors

High-Contrast, High-Intensity Petawatt-Class Laser and Applications

High-Powerγ-Ray Flash Generation in Ultraintense Laser-Plasma Interactions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

High-order harmonics from relativistic laser plasmas

Improvement of the Quality and Stability of Electron Bunch Using Countercrossing Laser Beam

Laser Requirements for High-Order Harmonic Generation by Relativistic Plasma Singularities

Method of Observing the Spot Where Full-Power Counter-Propagating Laser Pulses Collide in Plasma Media

Numerical study of laser wake field generated by two colliding laser beams

scientific article published on November 19, 2001

On extreme field limits in high power laser matter interactions: radiation dominant regimes in high intensity electromagnetic wave interaction with electrons

On the breaking of a plasma wave in a thermal plasma. I. The structure of the density singularity

On the breaking of a plasma wave in a thermal plasma. II. Electromagnetic wave interaction with the breaking plasma wave

Possibility of measuring photon-photon scattering via relativistic mirrors

Prepulse and amplified spontaneous emission effects on the interaction of a petawatt class laser with thin solid targets

Proton Acceleration due to Anisotropic Coulomb Explosion of a Double-Layer Target Irradiated by an Intense Laser Pulse

Recent Advances on the J-KAREN laser upgrade

Relativisitcally upshifted higher harmonic generation via relativistic flying mirrors

Revealing the second harmonic generation in a femtosecond laser-driven cluster-based plasma by analyzing shapes of Ar XVII spectral lines

scientific article published in December 2015

Spectral and dynamical features of the electron bunch accelerated by a short-pulse high intensity laser in an underdense plasma

XUV and IR electromagnetic radiation from nonlinear laser-plasma interaction