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List of works by Francisco Calviño Tavares

237Np(n,f) Cross Section: New Data and Present Status

A first prototype of C 6 D 6 total-energy detector with SiPM readout for neutron capture time-of-flight experiments

scientific article published in January 2021

A reanalysis of B0-B̄0 mixing in e+e− annihilation at 29 GeV

Absolute quantification in dopaminergic neurotransmission SPECT using a Monte Carlo-based scatter correction and fully 3-dimensional reconstruction

scientific article

Angular distribution in the neutron-induced fission of actinides

Branching ratios and properties ofD-meson decays

scientific article published in 1991

Characterization of the New n_TOF Neutron Beam: Fluence, Profile and Resolution

Commissioning of the BRIKEN beta-delayed neutron detector for the study of exotic neutron-rich nuclei

Conceptual design of a hybrid neutron-gamma detector for study of β-delayed neutrons at the RIB facility of RIKEN

D correlations in photoproduction

Determination ofαsfrom energy-energy correlations ine+e−annihilation at 29 GeV

scientific article published on 01 June 1988

Evaluation of scattering models in brain SPECT imaging

Evaluation of the geometric, scatter, and septal penetration components in fan-beam collimators using Monte Carlo simulation

First Evidence of Multiple $\beta $-delayed Neutron Emission for Isotopes with $A>100$

First Measurement of Several β-Delayed Neutron Emitting Isotopes Beyond N=126

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Fission Cross-section Measurements of 233U, 245Cm and 241;243Am at CERN n_TOF Facility

High-energy Neutron-induced Fission Cross Sections of Natural Lead and Bismuth-209


Improved Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurements with the n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter

Lifetime measurements of theD +,D 0,D s + , and? c + charmed particles

article published December 1990 in European Physical Journal C

Measurement of Ds± and Cabibbo-suppressed D± decays

Measurement of the n_TOF beam profile with a micromegas detector

Measurement of the total hadronic cross section ine+e−annihilation ats=29GeV

scientific article published on 01 January 1991

Measurement of the236U(n,f) cross section from 170 meV to 2 MeV at the CERNn_TOFfacility

scholarly article

Measurement of theB0-meson lifetime

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Modeling of high-energy contamination in SPECT imaging using Monte Carlo simulation

Monte Carlo Simulations for the Study of a Moderated Neutron Detector

Multihadronic events atEc.m.=29 GeV and predictions of QCD models fromEc.m.=29 GeV toEc.m.=93 GeV

scientific article published on 01 January 1988


Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement ofSm151at the CERN Neutron Time of Flight Facility (n_TOF)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Neutron Capture Measuremetns on Minor Actinides at the n_TOF Facility at CERN: Past, Present and Future

Neutron cross-sections for next generation reactors: new data from n_TOF.

scientific article

Past, Present and Future of the n_TOF Facility at CERN

article published in 2011

Photoproduction of the Λc charmed baryon

article by M.P. Alvarez et al published August 1990 in Physics Letters B

Quantification of dopaminergic neurotransmission SPECT studies with 123I-labelled radioligands. A comparison between different imaging systems and data acquisition protocols using Monte Carlo simulation.

scientific article

Results concerning the decay Ds±→η′π±

Search for B-decay to Higgs bosons for Higgs boson masses between 50 and 210 MeV/c2

scholarly article by A. Snyder et al published October 1989 in Physics Letters B

Search for elastic nondiagonal lepton-pair production ine+e−annihilation at √s=29 GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Strong one-neutron emission from two-neutron unbound states in β decays of the r -process nuclei Ga 86 , 87

scientific article published on 19 September 2019

Studies of jet production rates ine + e ? annihilation atE cm=29 GeV

scientific article published in 1989

Study of Photon Strength Function of Actinides: the Case of 235U, 238Np and 241Pu

Study of charm photoproduction mechanisms

article published March 1993 in European Physical Journal C

Study of the point spread function (PSF) for 123I SPECT imaging using Monte Carlo simulation.

scientific article published in July 2004

The Mark II detector for the SLC

The Role of Fe and Ni for S-Process Nucleosynthesis and Innovative Nuclear Technologies

Towards the high-accuracy determination of the238U fission cross section at the threshold region at CERN – n_TOF

Upper limits onD±andB±decays to two leptons plusπ±orK±

scientific article published on 01 March 1990

^{7}Be(n,α)^{4}He Reaction and the Cosmological Lithium Problem: Measurement of the Cross Section in a Wide Energy Range at n_TOF at CERN.

scientific article published on 3 October 2016

β-delayed neutron emission studies

⁷Be(n,p)⁷Li Reaction and the Cosmological Lithium Problem: Measurement of the Cross Section in a Wide Energy Range at n_TOF at CERN

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters