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List of works by Philippe Schoeneich

14C age of fossil wood remains buried by an inactive rock glacier

conference paper published in 2008

A GIS approach to predict surface temperature in high mountain and permafrost distribution in a French Alpine massif

conference paper published in 2006

A centennial rainstorm and flood event in Les Diablerets (Swiss Prealps)

conference paper published in 2008

A new Alpine rockfall inventory

conference paper published in 2004

A new database of alpine rock falls and rock avalanches

conference paper published in 2008

A rockfall triggered tsunami in lake geneva. The tauredunum 563 AD event

conference paper published in 2007

Alpine Lateglacial stratigraphy - synthesis and proposals

conference paper published in 2005

Alpine permafrost distribution at massif scale: Assessment of mean surface temperatures during winter equilibrium period thanks to topoclimatic and geomorphological data (combeynot massif, french alps)

conference paper published in 2008

Analysis of glacial retreat in the French Alps since the end of the 1960s through the evolution of the topographical and glaciological parameters of the glaciers.

conference paper published in 2013

Analysis of the alpine permafrost evolution (1981-2004) of an active rockglacier thanks to repeated geodetic and geoelectrical surveys

conference paper published in 2006

Analysis of the glacier retreat in the French Alps since the 1960s based on the new glacier inventory

conference paper published in 2012

Assessment of mean surface temperatures during winter equilibrium period thanks to topoclimatic and geomorphological data (Combeynot Massif, French Alps)

conference paper published in 2008

Assessment of the thermal and dynamic reaction scenarios of different permafrost typologies in the European Alps: A PermaNET initiative

conference paper published in 2009

Automatic movement detection by InSAR in permafrost areas. Application to the queyras natural regional park, hautes-alpes, france

conference paper published in 2011

Avalanche risk management by ski touring practitioners in the French Alps

conference paper published in 2013

CRYOBS-CLIM: the CRYosphere, an OBServatory of the CLIMate

conference paper published in 2017

Cartography of the Cordillera Real Bolivia by aero-photogrametrical restitution

conference paper published in 2004

Chapter 15 - ice loss from glaciers and permafrost and related slope instability in high-mountain regions

book section published in 2020

Climate change and natural hazards in the Alps.

journal article from 'Revue de Géographie Alpine / Journal of Alpine Research' published in 2015

Collapse of the bérard rock glacier (southern french alps)

conference paper published in 2008

Comparison of extreme flood events stratigraphy from two nearby sediment records, Western French Alps

conference paper published in 2014

Considerations of permafrost and permafrost degradation in natural hazards assessment

conference paper published in 2012

Control of topographical and glaciological parameters on the glacial retreat in the French Alps since the end of the 1960s

conference paper published in 2012

Damages on high-mountain infrastructure in the french Alps : a warning sign on the permafrost fast degradation?

conference paper published in 2018

Damages on high-mountain infrastructures in the French Alps: A warning sign on the permafrost fast degradation.

conference paper published in 2017

Dating of Lateglacial moraines in the Northern and Western parts of the Ecrins massif (French Alps)

conference paper published in 2019

Dynamics of Alpine permafrost as a possible response to global warming: results from a 1986-2006 survey and interpretation of recent field observations (French Alps).

conference paper published in 2008

Evaluating the destabilization susceptibility of active rock glaciers in the French Alps

scientific article

Evolution du pergélisol de la combe de laurichard (hautes alpes) : suivis géodésique et géoélectrique (1981-2004), implications géodynamiques

conference paper published in 2006

First results of the new French Alps glaciers inventory

conference paper published in 2011

Forest cover a spatio-temporal marker of landslide activity

conference paper published in 2010

Geoelectrical soundings in the combeynot massif (french alps) : Characterisation of alpine permafrost and geodynamics of the southern alps .

conference paper published in 2007

Geomorphic impacts of large and rapid mass movements : a review

journal article from 'Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement' published in 2009

Glacier retreat in the Alps

conference paper published in 2008

Ground ice distribution in a high mountain sedimentary environment and its influence on sediment fluxes and local hazards: results of geoelectrical tomography in the Rognes sector (Mont-Blanc, France)

conference paper published in 2013

Ground surface temperature monitoring in the French Alps (2003-2009)

conference paper published in 2010

Heterogeneous ground ice distribution in glacial and periglacial sedimentary environments and its influence on current geomorphological dynamics: geoelectrical tomography results in the Rognes sector (Mont-Blanc, France).

conference paper published in 2013

High-resolution DEM extraction from terrestrial LIDAR topometry and surface kinematics of the creeping alpine permafrost : The laurichard rock glacier case study (southern french alps)

conference paper published in 2008

How dangerous was the Holocene ? Paleohazards and paleodisasters

conference paper published in 2007

Investigating the slope failures at the Lou rock glacier front, French Alps

journal article from 'Permafrost and Periglacial Processes' published in 2020

Involvement of the SOERE CRYOBS-CLIM (CRYosphere, an OBServatory of the CLIMate) in snow and ice related hazards prevention

conference paper published in 2017

Involvment of the Soere Cryobs-Clim (Cryosphere, an observatory of the climate - IR OZCAR) in snow and ice related hazards prevention in an alpine context.

conference paper published in 2018

LGM maps of Switzerland, from de Charpentier to the new LGM map

conference paper published in 2004

Landslides and rockfalls during the Holocene: a climate proxy ?

conference paper published in 2004

Long term evolution of wet avalanche in Western Alps under climate and human forcing, Internationnal Meeting of Sedimentology

conference paper published in 2017

Looking for feedback loops in the critical zone

conference paper published in 2021

Map of the potential permafrost distribution in the French Alps

conference paper published in 2008

Monitoring permafrost in the French Alps: insigths from 5 years of activity

conference paper published in 2014

Mountain permafrost and associated geomorphological processes: recent changes in the French Alps

journal article from 'Revue de Géographie Alpine / Journal of Alpine Research' published in 2015

Palaeoclimate records 60–8 ka in the Austrian and Swiss Alps and their forelands

scholarly article

Past and present dynamics of a potentially hazardous rock glacier (Dérochoir, Mont Blanc Massif, France)

conference paper published in 2013

Permafrost distribution in the French Alps : statistical modelling using rock glacier inventory

conference paper published in 2016

Permafrost favorability index: Spatial modeling in the french alps using a rock glacier inventory

journal article from 'Frontiers in Earth Science' published in 2017

Permafrost in France, 1st report

report published in 2010

Permafrost is warming at a global scale

scientific article published in Nature Communications

Permafrost temperature regimes in boreholes in the French Alps - four years of monitoring 2009-2013

conference paper published in 2014

Permafrost temperature regimes in boreholes in the French Alps - three years of monitoring 2009-2012

conference paper published in 2013

Permafrost-glacier interaction as revealed by geoelectrical tomography: experiences from rock glaciers and recently-deglaciated areas in the Central and Western Alps (Italy-France)

conference paper published in 2010

Post-Last Glacial Maximum glacier fluctuations in the southern Écrins massif (westernmost Alps): insights from 10 Be cosmic ray exposure dating

journal article from 'Boreas' published in 2019

Present extension of the debris-covered glaciers at the regional scale of the French Alps

conference paper published in 2012

Present, past and future hazards in glaciated and recently deglaciated areas of the french alps

conference paper published in 2012

Probability maps of landslide reactivation derived from tree-ring records: Pra Bellon landslide, southern French Alps


Recent evolution of damage to infrastructure on permafrost in the French Alps

journal article from 'Regional Environmental Change' published in 2019

Recently deglaciated areas of the Vanoise massif (French Alps)

conference paper published in 2012

Reconstructing the last century evolution of the Dérochoir rock glacier using a multi-approach monitoring

journal article published in 2016

Rock glaciers throughout the French Alps accelerated and destabilised since 1990 as air temperatures increased

scientific article published in 2021


book section published in 2011

State and evolution of the Bérard rock glacier (Southern French Alps) after its collapse in 2006: insights from geophysical, geodetic and thermal datasets

conference paper published in 2010

Statistical study of topographical and glaciological parameters controlling the glacial retreat in the French Alps since the end of the 1960s

conference paper published in 2013

Surface exposure dating and geophysical prospecting of the Holocene Lauvitel rock slide (French Alps)


Synthesis and proposals

conference paper published in 2005

The 2006 collapse of the bérard rock glacier (southern french alps)

journal article from 'Permafrost and Periglacial Processes' published in 2017

The Col du Lou event (French Alps) – an active layer detachment at the front of a destabilized rock glacier

conference paper published in 2018

The PermaFRANCE network

conference paper published in 2010

The dynamics of rock glaciers: how ice-rich permafrost deforms on mountain slopes?

conference paper published in 2012

The forest: an efficient spatio temporal bioindicator of landslide activities

conference paper published in 2010

The influence of ground ice distribution on geomorphic dynamics since the Little Ice Age in proglacial areas of two cirque glacier systems

journal article from 'Earth Surface Processes and Landforms' published in 2014

The threat of global change in the periglacial zone of French alpine areas

conference paper published in 2004

The use of topoclimatic data to derive ground surface temperature during winter equilibrium period : permafrost distribution prediction of the Combeynot Massif, French Alps

conference paper published in 2006

The âge of the LGM in the Western and Northwestern Alps (Switzerland and France). Results from various dating techniques

conference paper published in 2010

Thermal and geomorphic permafrost response to present and future climate change in the European Alps: One action within the PermaNET project

conference paper published in 2011

Thermal conditions of unstable alpine permafrost terrains supporting mountain infrastructure.

conference paper published in 2017

Thermal context of a pylon destabilization in permafrost zone. Study case in Val Thorens (French Alps)

conference paper published in 2018

Towards a first assessment of the permafrost distribution in the French Alps thanks to a multi-scale approach.

conference paper published in 2008

Two decades of responses (1986â 2006) to climate by the Laurichard rock glacier, French Alps


Use of pinus unciata exposed roots for dating past landslide activities

conference paper published in 2010

Velocity changes of rock glaciers and induced hazards

book section published in 2014

Wet avalanches: long-term evolution in the Western Alps under climate and human forcing

journal article from 'Climate of the Past' published in 2018