1973 film by Wim Wenders
original song written and composed by Chuck Berry
original song written, composed, and performed by Chuck Berry
original song written and composed by Chuck Berry
1956 single by Chuck Berry
original song written, composed, and performed by Chuck Berry
original song written and composed by Chuck Berry
1987 film by Taylor Hackford
1956 song by Chuck Berry
cover song recorded by Kim Larsen in 1977
1995 documentary miniseries
1994 song with lyrics by Chuck Berry performed by The Beatles
Shu-bi-dua song
song by Chuck Berry
1958 song by Chuck Berry
original song written and composed by Chuck Berry
Shu-bi-dua song
original song written and composed by Chuck Berry
single by Chuck Berry
song written, composed, and performed by Chuck Berry
1957 song by Chuck Berry
original song written, composed, and performed by Chuck Berry
vocal track by The Simpsons; 1990 studio recording
song by Chuck Berry
single by Chuck Berry
song; rewritten version of "Sweet Little Sixteen", lyrics adapted by Brian Wilson and Mike Love
original song written, composed, and performed by Chuck Berry
1956 single by Chuck Berry
original song written, composed, and performed by Chuck Berry
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