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List of works by Emily J. Haas

A Qualitative Comparison of Susceptibility and Behavior in Recreational and Occupational Risk Environments: Implications for Promoting Health and Safety.

scientific article

A case study exploring field level risk assessments as a leading safety indicator

conference proceedings item published in 2017

A case study exploring field level risk assessments as a leading safety indicator

journal article published in 2018

A different perspective: NIOSH researchers learn from CM operator responses to proximity detection systems

journal article published in 2015

A mixed-methods approach to targeting college students' dairy behaviors.

scientific article

An analysis of trainers' perspectives within an ecological framework: factors that influence mine safety training processes

journal article published in 2014

An examination of mining companies' online health and safety policies: implications for improving organizational performance

conference proceedings item published in 2018

An examination of mining companies' online health and safety policies: implications for improving organizational performance

conference proceedings item published in February 2018

An examination of mining companies' online health and safety policies: implications for improving risk management

journal article published in 2018

Applying smart principles to improve supervisor communication as a leading indicator of OSH

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Applying smart principles to improve supervisor communication as a leading indicator of OSH

conference proceedings item published in March 2021

Applying the precaution adoption process model to the acceptance of mine safety and health technologies

journal article published in 2018

Applying the social vulnerability index as a leading indicator to protect fire-based emergency medical service responders' health

journal article published in 2021

Assessing the impact of safety climate constructs on worker performance in the mining industry

NIOSH report of investigations published in 2020

Behavioral safety compliance in an interdependent mining environment: supervisor communication, procedural justice and the mediating role of coworker communication

journal article published in 2022

Beyond assessment: helmet-CAM technology influencing dust exposure awareness and response

journal article published in 2015

Coal Industry

chapter published in 2015

Comparing susceptibility and behavior in recreational and occupational risk environments: implications for promoting safety

conference proceedings item published in 2015

Comparing the implementation of two dust control technologies from a sociotechnical systems perspective

journal article published in 2019

Comparing the implementation of two dust control technologies from a sociotechnical systems perspective

abstract published in 2019

Customizing mining practices within health and safety management systems

journal article published in 2020

Dust control handbook for industrial minerals mining and processing. Second edition

NIOSH report of investigations published in 2019

Elastomeric half mask respirators: an alternative to disposable respirators and a solution to shortages during public health emergencies

journal article published in 2021

Elastomeric half-mask respirator disinfection practices among healthcare personnel

journal article published in 2023

Embracing formative research and partnership opportunities to develop tailored health communication interventions for the mining industry

conference proceedings item published in 2015

Enhancing mine workers' self-escape by integrating competency assessment into training

NIOSH report of investigations published in 2015

Establishing and using safety committees at work

journal article published in 2020

Evaluation of engineering controls at bagging operations to reduce exposures to respirable crystalline silica dust

journal article published in 2020

Evaluation of engineering controls at bagging operations to reduce exposures to respirable crystalline silica dust

abstract published in 2020

Examining the impact of elastomeric half mask respirator knowledge and user barriers on safety climate perceptions in health care settings

journal article published in 2023

Examining the roles of training, fit testing, and safety climate on user confidence in respiratory protection: a case example with reusable respirators in health delivery settings

journal article published in 2023

Examining trends in individual risk factors: Organizational approaches to emergency management

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Examining trends in individual risk factors: organizational approaches to emergency management

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Exploring perceptions of U.S. healthcare & public safety workers at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic

journal article published in 2022

Exploring the differences in safety climate among mining sectors

journal article published in 2021

Exploring the differences in safety climate among mining sectors

abstract published in 2021

Exploring the state of health and safety management system performance measurement in mining organizations

journal article published in 2016

Exploring worker experience as a predictor of routine and non-routine safety performance outcomes in the mining industry

journal article published in 2022

Exploring worker experience as a predictor of self-reported routine and nonroutine safety performance in the mining industry

abstract published in 2022

Filling in the "whys" of quantitative data: the roles of non-research and reflexivity in applied safety climate research

chapter published in 2018

Formative research to reduce mine worker respirable silica dust exposure: a feasibility study to integrate technology into behavioral interventions

journal article published in 2016

Forty years of NIOSH/USBM-developed control technology to reduce respirable dust exposure for miners in industrial minerals processing operations

journal article published in 2020

Forty years of NIOSH/USBM-developed control technology to reduce respirable dust exposure to miners in industrial minerals processing operations

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Heinrich revisited: a new data-driven examination of the safety pyramid

journal article published in 2020

Helmet-CAM: strategically minimizing exposures to respirable dust through video exposure monitoring

journal article published in 2020

Helmet-CAM: strategically minimizing exposures to respirable dust through video exposure monitoring

abstract published in 2020

How miners in low coal respond to the CPDM

journal article published in 2017

Identifying leadership practices to support the uptake of reusable elastomeric half mask respirators in health delivery settings

journal article published in 2024

Infection precaution adherence varies by potential exposure risks to SARS-CoV-2 and job role: findings from a US medical center

journal article published in 2023

Integrating technology: learning from mine worker perceptions of proximity detection systems

conference proceedings item published in February 2015

Integrating technology: learning from mine worker perceptions of proximity detection systems

conference proceedings item published in 2015

It's time to end death by Power Point

lay publication published in 2020

Job autonomy & safety climate: examining associations in the mining industry

journal article published in 2018

Lagging or leading? Exploring the temporal relationship among lagging indicators in mining establishments 2006-2017

journal article published in 2020

Learning from workers' near-miss reports to improve organizational management

journal article published in 2020

Lessons learned from near-miss reports to reduce risk tolerance in the aggregates industry

journal article published in 2020

Lessons learned from the development and demonstration of a PPE inventory monitoring system for US hospitals

journal article published in 2021

Managing health and safety risks: implications for tailoring health and safety management system practices

journal article published in 2016

Miners implement corrective actions in response to CPDM dust data

journal article published in 2018

Only when employees feel supported will they step up and say or do something if they observe an unsafe situation or behavior

journal article published in 2018

Qualitatively Assessing the Experiences of College Students Completing AlcoholEdu: Do Participants Report Altering Behavior After Intervention?

scientific article

Quick fixes to improve workers' health: results using engineering assessment technology

journal article published in 2017

Quick fixes to improve workers' health: results using engineering assessment technology

journal article published in 2018

Quick fixes to improve workers' health: results using engineering assessment technology

journal article published in February 2018

Silica safety: understanding dust sources to support healthier work practices

journal article published in 2015

The Role of Organizational Support and Healthy Work Design

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2020

The association between safety climate and noncombat injury events among United States Air Force workers

journal article published in 2023

The impact of job, site, and industry experience on worker health and safety

journal article published in 2019

The role of emergency incident type in identifying first responders' health exposure risks

journal article published in 2023

The role of risk avoidance and locus of control in workers' near miss experiences: implications for improving safety management systems

journal article published in 2019

The role of supervisory support in fostering a positive safety culture that enhances workers' performance

conference proceedings item published in February 2019

The role of supervisory support on workers' health and safety performance


The use of workers' near-miss reports to improve organizational management

conference proceedings item published in 2020

The use of workers' near-miss reports to improve organizational management

abstract published in 2020

Using CPDM dust data

journal article published in 2016

Using core elements of health and safety management systems to support worker well-being during technology integration

journal article published in 2022

Using dust assessment technology to leverage mine site manager-worker communication and health behavior: a longitudinal case study

journal article published in 2016

Using public feedback about the use of elastomeric half mask respirators to inform a national deployment study within health settings

journal article published in 2021

Using safety climate assessments to identify significant predictors of mineworkers' H&S performance

abstract published in 2019

Using self-determination theory to identify organizational interventions to support coal mineworkers' dust-reducing practices

journal article published in 2019

Using sensemaking theory to improve risk management and risk communication: what can we learn?

chapter published in 2018

Using the number of N95® filtering facepiece respirator models as an indicator of supply chain stability in a US health-care system

journal article published in 2024

Workplace perceptions of safety: what do workers think about health and safety, why does it matter and what can you do about it?

journal article published in 2017