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List of works by Frank Holzäpfel

A review of recent wake vortex research for increasing airport capacity


Aircraft Wake Vortex Scenarios Simulation Package for Takeoff and Departure

Aircraft Wake-Vortex Decay in Ground Proximity—Physical Mechanisms and Artificial Enhancement

Aircraft Wake-Vortex Evolution in Ground Proximity: Analysis and Parameterization

Aircraft wake vortex scenarios simulation package – WakeScene

Analysis of potential wake vortex encounters at a major European airport

Analysis of wake vortex decay mechanisms in the atmosphere

Assessment of Wake-Vortex Encounter Probabilities for Crosswind Departure Scenarios

Assessment of a quintuple hotwire measurement technique for highly turbulent flows

Commercial aircraft wake vortices

Crosswind thresholds supporting wake-vortex-free corridors for departing aircraft

Effects of Environmental and Aircraft Parameters on Wake Vortex Behavior

Enhanced wake vortex decay in ground proximity triggered by plate lines

High-Resolution Weather Database for the Terminal Area of Frankfurt Airport

Hybrid simulation of wake-vortex evolution during landing on flat terrain and with plate line

In-situ observations of young contrails – overview and selected results from the CONCERT campaign

scholarly article

LES study on the shape effect of ground obstacles on wake vortex dissipation

Large-Eddy Simulation of Aircraft Wake Evolution from Roll-Up Until Vortex Decay

Method of radial velocities for the estimation of aircraft wake vortex parameters from data measured by coherent Doppler lidar

scientific article

Multi-model ensemble wake vortex prediction

Numerical Optimization of Plate-Line Design for Enhanced Wake-Vortex Decay

Performance of Onboard Wake–Vortex Prediction Systems Employing Various Meteorological Data Sources

Probabilistic Two-Phase Aircraft Wake-Vortex Model: Further Development and Assessment


Quintuple Hot-Wire Measurements of the Turbulence Structure in Confined Swirling Flows

Research towards a wake-vortex advisory system for optimal aircraft spacing

scientific article

Skill of an Aircraft Wake-Vortex Model Using Weather Prediction and Observation

The effect of gusts on aircraft wake vortices

The turbulent decay of trailing vortex pairs in stably stratified environments

Vortex bursting and tracer transport of a counter-rotating vortex pair

Wake Evolution of Wing-Body Configuration from Roll-Up to Vortex Decay

Wake Vortex Encounter Risk Assessment for Crosswind Departures

Wake-Vortex Topology, Circulation, and Turbulent Exchange Processes