List of works by Juan García-de-Lomas


Decision tools for managing biological invasions: existing biases and future needs


Defining the importance of landscape metrics for large branchiopod biodiversity and conservation: the case of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands

Effectiveness of dam construction to contain the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii in a Mediterranean mountain stream

scientific article published in 2011

First report of an invading population of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott in the Iberian Peninsula

From <i>Linderiella baetica</i> to gambilusa: Involving children in conservation by giving a new species a common name

How threatened are large branchiopods (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in the Iberian Peninsula?

Incipient invasion of Galenia secunda Sond. (Aizoaceae) in Southern Spain


Invasiveness of Galenia pubescens (Aizoaceae): A new threat to Mediterranean-climate coastal ecosystems

scientific article published in 2010

Ipomoea imperati (Vahl) Griseb. (Convolvulaceae): nuevo xenófito invasor en la provincia de Cádiz (Sur de España)


Lists of harmful alien organisms: Are the national regulations adapted to the global world?

Long-term management of the invasive Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) in a small mountain stream

scientific article published in 2010

Phylogeny, molecular ecology and taxonomy of southern Iberian lineages of Triops mauritanicus (Crustacea: Notostraca)

scholarly article by Michael Korn et al published 30 July 2010 in Organisms Diversity and Evolution

Plastic debris in the open ocean.

Scientific article, 2014

The Arctic Ocean as a dead end for floating plastics in the North Atlantic branch of the Thermohaline Circulation

scientific article

The effects of landscape history and time-lags on plant invasion in Mediterranean coastal habitats


Traps and netting, better together than alone: an innovative approach to improve <i>Procambarus clarkii</i> management

scientific article published in 2020