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List of works by Marco M. Scuderi

Acoustic emission and microslip precursors to stick-slip failure in sheared granular material

scholarly article

Application of Constitutive Friction Laws to Glacier Seismicity

scholarly article

Bifurcations at the Stability Transition of Earthquake Faulting

scholarly article by Deepa Mele Veedu et al published 29 September 2020 in Geophysical Research Letters

Dynamically triggered slip leading to sustained fault gouge weakening under laboratory shear conditions

scholarly article by P. A. Johnson et al published 26 February 2016 in Geophysical Research Letters

Evolution of permeability across the transition from brittle failure to cataclastic flow in porous siltstone

scholarly article

Experimental Insights Into Fault Reactivation in Gouge‐Filled Fault Zones

Fluid Injection and the Mechanics of Frictional Stability of Shale-Bearing Faults

scholarly article

Frictional Properties of Opalinus Clay: Implications for Nuclear Waste Storage

scientific article

Frictional Strengthening Explored During Non-Steady State Shearing: Implications for Fault Stability and Slip Event Recurrence Time

scientific article

Frictional heterogeneities on carbonate-bearing normal faults: Insights from the Monte Maggio Fault, Italy


Frictional properties and slip stability of active faults within carbonate–evaporite sequences: The role of dolomite and anhydrite

Frictional strength, stability, and healing properties of basalt faults for CO2 storage purposes

Laboratory observations of slow earthquakes and the spectrum of tectonic fault slip modes

scientific article published on 31 March 2016

On the evolution of elastic properties during laboratory stick-slip experiments spanning the transition from slow slip to dynamic rupture

On the origin and evolution of electrical signals during frictional stick slip in sheared granular material

scientific article

Physical and Transport Property Variations Within Carbonate-Bearing Fault Zones: Insights From the Monte Maggio Fault (Central Italy)


Physicochemical processes of frictional healing: Effects of water on stick-slip stress drop and friction of granular fault gouge

Poromechanics of stick-slip frictional sliding and strength recovery on tectonic faults

Precursory changes in seismic velocity for the spectrum of earthquake failure modes

scientific article

Slow-to-fast transition of giant creeping rockslides modulated by undrained loading in basal shear zones

scientific article published on 12 March 2020

Stabilization of fault slip by fluid injection in the laboratory and in situ

The role of fluid pressure in induced vs. triggered seismicity: insights from rock deformation experiments on carbonates

scientific article published on 26 April 2016