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List of works by Elizabeth A Masden

A standardised method for estimating the level of visible debris in bird nests

scientific article

Assessing the impact of marine wind farms on birds through movement modelling

scientific article

Assessing vulnerability of marine bird populations to offshore wind farms

scientific article published on 27 February 2013

Barriers to movement: Modelling energetic costs of avoiding marine wind farms amongst breeding seabirds

scientific article published on 25 February 2010

Black guillemot ecology in relation to tidal stream energy generation: An evaluation of current knowledge and information gaps.

scientific article published on 17 January 2018

Considerations for upscaling individual effects of wind energy development towards population-level impacts on wildlife


Diving behaviour of Black GuillemotsCepphus gryllein the Pentland Firth, UK: potential for interactions with tidal stream energy developments

Great skua (Stercorarius skua) movements at sea in relation to marine renewable energy developments.

scientific article

Modelling flight heights of lesser black-backed gulls and great skuas from GPS: a Bayesian approach

scientific article published in 2016

Quantifying avian avoidance of offshore wind turbines: Current evidence and key knowledge gaps


Seabirds and marine plastic debris in the northeastern Atlantic: A synthesis and recommendations for monitoring and research.

scientific article

The Use of Animal-Borne Biologging and Telemetry Data to Quantify Spatial Overlap of Wildlife with Marine Renewables

scientific article published in 2021