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List of works by Milena Obremska

A rapid response of testate amoebae and vegetation to inundation of a kettle hole mire

scientific article published in 2009

Abrupt Alnus population decline at the end of the first millennium CE in Europe – The event ecology, possible causes and implications

Autogenic succession, land-use change, and climatic influences on the Holocene development of a kettle-hole mire in Northern Poland


Cascading effects between climate, vegetation, and macroinvertebrate fauna in 14,000-year palaeoecological investigations of a shallow lake in eastern Poland


Climate variability and lake ecosystem responses in western Scandinavia (Norway) during the last Millennium


Constraining the time span between the Early Holocene Hässeldalen and Askja-S Tephras through varve counting in the Lake Czechowskie sediment record, Poland


Drought as a stress driver of ecological changes in peatland - A palaeoecological study of peatland development between 3500 BCE and 200 BCE in central Poland


Dynamics of permafrost thaw in Western Siberia - a 200 years multi-proxy and high-resolution reconstruction from Khanymei peatlands

scientific article published on 8 March 2024

Dystrophication of lake Suchar IV (NE Poland): an alternative way of lake development

Environmental responses to Lateglacial climatic fluctuations recorded in the sediments of pre-Alpine Lake Mondsee (northeastern Alps)


Fire activity and hydrological dynamics in the past 5700 years reconstructed from Sphagnum peatlands along the oceanic–continental climatic gradient in northern Poland


Forest ecosystem development in European nemoreal-boreal forest (NE Poland) over the last 2200 years: Impact of human activity and climate change

scientific article published in 2022

Holocene fire activity during low-natural flammability periods reveals scale-dependent cultural human-fire relationships in Europe

scholarly article

How degraded are the peatland and forest ecosystems in the Bieszczady Mountains (Central Europe)? An assessment using long‐term records

scientific article published in 2022

Palaeoecological data indicates land-use changes across Europe linked to spatial heterogeneity in mortality during the Black Death pandemic

scientific article published in March 2022

Paleoecological and historical data as an important tool in ecosystem management

scientific article published on 15 February 2019

Reconstructing climate change and ombrotrophic bog development during the last 4000years in northern Poland using biotic proxies, stable isotopes and trait-based approach


The response of a shallow lake and its catchment to Late Glacial climate changes — A case study from eastern Poland


The role of Medieval road operation on cultural landscape transformation

scientific article published in 2021