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List of works by Chao Lu

10-Gb/s All-Optical VPN in WDM-PON Using Injection-Locked Fabry–Pérot Laser Diodes

100Gb/s transmission system implementation and optimization


100Gbit/s RZ-DQPSK signal monitoring using delay tap sampling and asymmetry ratio evaluation

112 Gb/s transmission over 80 km SSMF using PDM-PAM4 and coherent detection without optical amplifier

scientific article published in July 2016

1500-km SSMF Transmission of Mixed 40-Gb/s CS-RZ Duobinary and 100-Gb/s CS-RZ DQPSK Signals


40 GHz actively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber ring laser using an electro-absorption modulator and a linear optical amplifier

scholarly article published March 2007

40 GHz all-optical clock recovery using cross-absorption in an electroabsorption modulator inside a fiber ring laser

40 Gb/s CAP32 short reach transmission over 80 km single mode fiber

scientific article published on 01 May 2015

8×200-Gbit/s polarization-division multiplexed CS-RZ-DQPSK transmission over 1200 km of SSMF


A Real Pivot Structure for MEMS Tunable Lasers

A comprehensive theoretical model for on-chip microring-based photonic fractional differentiators.

scientific article

A distributed fiber vibration sensor utilizing dispersion induced walk-off effect in a unidirectional Mach-Zehnder interferometer.

scientific article

A miniature tunable coupled-cavity laser constructed by micromachining technology

A novel optical signal monitoring method of DPSK signal based on delay tap sampling and Hausdorff distance measure

A robust and dither-free technique for controlling driver signal amplitude for stable and arbitrary optical phase modulation

scientific article published on 01 December 2011

Adaptive CD Estimation for Coherent Optical Receivers Based on Timing Error Detection

All-Optical Clock Recovery Using Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Incorporating an Electroabsorption Modulator and a Linear Optical Amplifier

All-Optical Multicast Switch Employing Raman-Assisted FWM in Dispersion-Shifted Fiber

All-Optical Multicast Switch based on Raman-Assisted Four-Wave Mixing in Dispersion-shifted Fiber

All-optical clock recovery based on simultaneous external injection-locking and self-seeding of a Fabry-Perot laser diode

All-optical fiber anemometer based on laser heated fiber Bragg gratings

scientific article

Alternative Decoding Methods for Optical Communications Based on Nonlinear Fourier Transform

Analysis of signed chromatic dispersion monitoring by waveform asymmetry for differentially-coherent phase-modulated systems

scientific article published on 01 February 2011

Analytical method for band structure calculation of photonic crystal fibers filled with liquid crystal

scientific article published in April 2008

Application of ultra-flat spectrum multiwavelength EDFL in microwave photonic filters

Back matter

Beat-frequency adjustable Er3+-doped DBR fiber laser for ultrasound detection.

scientific article

Bi-Directional Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analyzer System for Long Range Distributed Sensing

scientific article published on 16 December 2016

Bistability threshold inside hysteresis loop of nonlinear fiber Bragg gratings

scientific article published on 01 June 2005

Blind modulation format identification for digital coherent receivers.

scientific article published on October 2015

Bound states of dispersion-managed solitons in a fiber laser at near zero dispersion.

scientific article

Bound twin-pulse solitons in a fiber ring laser.

scientific article

Brillouin optical time domain analyzer sensors assisted by advanced image denoising techniques.

scientific article published in March 2018

C-band single-longitudinal mode lanthanum co-doped bismuth based erbium doped fiber ring laser.

scientific article

CD-insensitive PMD monitoring based on RF power measurement

scientific article published on 01 January 2011

Chromatic Dispersion Monitoring Based on Variance of Received Optical Power

article published in 2011

Chromatic dispersion monitoring for multiple modulation formats and data rates using sideband optical filtering and asynchronous amplitude sampling technique.

scientific article

Chromatic dispersion monitoring of DPSK signals using RF power detection

Chromatic dispersion monitoring using coherent detection and tone power measurement

Continuous wavelength tuning in micromachined Littrow external-cavity lasers

Deep-ultraviolet second-harmonic generation by combined degenerate four-wave mixing and surface nonlinearity polarization in photonic crystal fiber.

scientific article published on 23 August 2017

Demonstration of transmission of 8×100Gb/s CSRZ-DQPSK signal over 1520Km standard single-mode fiber


Discrete wavelength tunable laser using microelectromechanical systems technology

Dynamics of gain-guided solitons in an all-normal-dispersion fiber laser.

scientific article

Experimental demonstration of 10 Gb/s multi-level carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation for short range optical communication systems.

scientific article published on March 2013

Experimental demonstration of 608Gbit/s short reach transmission employing half-cycle 16QAM Nyquist-SCM signal and direct detection with 25Gbps EML

scientific article published on 01 October 2016

Experimental demonstration of joint OSNR monitoring and modulation format identification using asynchronous single channel sampling

scientific article published in November 2015

Experimental generation of discrete ultraviolet wavelength by cascaded intermodal four-wave mixing in a multimode photonic crystal fiber.

scientific article published in September 2017

Experimental study of PAM-4, CAP-16, and DMT for 100 Gb/s short reach optical transmission systems.

scientific article published on January 2015

Fast FBG sensor interrogation system using vertical cavity surface emitting laser source

Fast polarization-state tracking scheme based on radius-directed linear Kalman filter.

scientific article published in July 2015

Fiber Bragg Grating Anemometer With Reduced Pump Power-Dependency

Fiber optic pressure sensor based on polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber for downhole application

Flattop pulse generation based on the combined action of active mode locking and nonlinear polarization rotation

scientific article published on 01 February 2014

Fourier analysis for hydrostatic pressure sensing in a polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber

scientific article published in December 2010

Frequency stabilization of DBR fiber grating laser using interferometric technique

Fusion Splicing Holey Fibers and Single-Mode Fibers: A Simple Method to Reduce Loss and Increase Strength

Gain Control of Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Using a Bandpass Filter in a Feedback Loop

Gain dispersion for dissipative soliton generation in all-normal-dispersion fiber lasers

scientific article

Gain-guided solitons in dispersion-managed fiber lasers with large net cavity dispersion.

scientific article published in October 2006

Generation of multiple gain-guided solitons in a fiber laser.

scientific article

Generation of square or hexagonal 16-QAM signals using a dual-drive IQ modulator driven by binary signals.

scientific article published in December 2012

High Fundamental Repetition Rate Fiber Lasers Operated in Strong Normal Dispersion Regime

High power and high repetition rate pulse generation using self injection-locking in Fabry-Perot Laser diode

High repetition rate passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser incorporating an electro-absorption modulator

scholarly article published May 2007

High-order modulation on a single discrete eigenvalue for optical communications based on nonlinear Fourier transform

scientific article published in August 2017

High-repetition-rate pulse generation using dual-mode self-injection locking in a Fabry-Perot laser diode

High-resolution optical spectrum characterization using optical channel estimation and spectrum stitching technique

scientific article

High-speed WDM-PON using CW injection-locked Fabry-Pérot laser diodes

scientific article published in March 2007

Hole-assisted lightguide fibers with small negative dispersion and low dispersion slope.

scientific article published in September 2008

Holey fiber design for single-polarization single-mode guidance

scientific article published on 01 July 2009

In-line microfluidic integration of photonic crystal fibres as a highly sensitive refractometer

scientific article published on 01 November 2014

In-line microfluidic refractometer based on C-shaped fiber assisted photonic crystal fiber Sagnac interferometer.

scientific article

Intensity-modulated fiber Bragg grating sensor system based on radio-frequency signal measurement.

scientific article published in March 2008

Intermodal coupling of supermodes in a twin-core photonic crystal fiber and its application as a pressure sensor

scientific article published on 01 September 2012

Investigation of a multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber laser employing a nonlinear high-birefringence fiber loop mirror

Joint OSNR monitoring and modulation format identification in digital coherent receivers using deep neural networks

scientific article

Label-free, disposable fiber-optic biosensors for DNA hybridization detection

scientific article published on 11 February 2013

Linear MEMS variable optical attenuator using reflective elliptical mirror

Linear photonic radio frequency phase shifter using a differential-group-delay element and an optical phase modulator

scientific article published on 01 June 2010

Long-distance and quasi-distributed FBG sensor system using a SOA based ring cavity scheme

Long-haul quasi-single-mode transmission using few-mode fiber with multi-path interference compensation

Long-haul quasi-single-mode transmissions using few-mode fiber in presence of multi-path interference

scientific article published in February 2015

Long-period grating fabricated by periodically tapering standard single-mode fiber

scientific article published on 01 April 2008

Low-complexity and phase noise tolerant carrier phase estimation for dual-polarization 16-QAM systems

scientific article published on 01 October 2011

Low-cost coherent receiver for long-reach optical access network using single-ended detection

scientific article published on 01 September 2014

MEMS Laser Power Regulator for Optical Sensors and Networks

Mems variable optical attenuator with linear attenuation using normal fibers

Microbend-induced mode coupling in a graded-index multimode fiber.

scientific article published in December 2005

Micromachined wavelength tunable laser with an extended feedback model


Miniaturized injection-locked laser using microelectromechanical systems technology

Mode-division multiplexed transmission with inline few-mode fiber amplifier.

scientific article published in January 2012

Modeling of PCF with multiple reciprocity boundary element method.

scientific article published in March 2004

Modulation format identification in heterogeneous fiber-optic networks using artificial neural networks

scientific article published on May 2012

Modulation-format-independent OSNR monitoring insensitive to cascaded filtering effects by low-cost coherent receptions and RF power measurements

scientific article published on June 2015

Modulation-format-independent blind phase search algorithm for coherent optical square M-QAM systems.

scientific article published on October 2014

Multiple Raman Pump Assisted Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers

Multiplexing of polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber based Sagnac interferometric sensors.

scientific article published in October 2009

Multiwavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Employing Cavity Loss Modulation

article published in 2009

New bit-error-rate monitoring technique based on histograms and curve fitting

scientific article published on 01 May 2004

New near-field and far-field attenuation models for free-space variable optical attenuators


Non-data-aided and universal cycle slip detection and correction for coherent communication systems.

scientific article

Nonlinear Frequency Division Multiplexed Transmissions Based on NFT


Novel design of a microstructured fiber taper

Novel fiber Bragg grating fabrication system for long gratings with independent apodization and with local phase and wavelength control

scientific article

Novel fiber optic polarimetric torsion sensor based on polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber

OSNR Monitoring for RZ-DQPSK Systems Using Half-Symbol Delay-Tap Sampling Technique

OSNR monitoring for QPSK and 16-QAM systems in presence of fiber nonlinearities for digital coherent receivers.

scientific article published on August 2012

Observation of spectral enhancement in a soliton fiber laser with fiber Bragg grating.

scientific article

Observation of symmetrical reflection sidebands in a silica suspended-core fiber Bragg grating

scientific article published on 01 August 2010

On-chip integratable all-optical quantizer using strong cross-phase modulation in a silicon-organic hybrid slot waveguide.

scientific article

Optical and mechanical models for a variable optical attenuator using a micromirror drawbridge

Optical signal monitoring of DPSK signals using RF power detection

Optimal design of double-clad ytterbium-doped fiber amplifiers operating at 1020-1070

Optimization of 3-hole-assisted PMMA optical fiber with double cladding for UV-induced FBG fabrication

scientific article published on 01 February 2009

Optimizing gain profile and noise performance for distributed fiber Raman amplifiers.

scientific article published in November 2004

PMD-Insensitive CD Monitoring Based on RF Clock Power Ratio Measurement With Optical Notch Filter

Performance analysis of blind timing phase estimators for digital coherent receivers.

scientific article published on March 2014

Phase-shifted bandpass filter fabrication through CO2 laser irradiation

scientific article

Photonic Crystal Fiber Based 10 GHz Optical Clock Recovery Using an Optical Parametric Oscillator

Photonic microwave phase shifter/modulator based on a nonlinear optical loop mirror incorporating a Mach-Zehnder interferometer.

scientific article published in April 2007

Pilot-based blind phase estimation for coherent optical OFDM system.

scientific article published in September 2014

Polarimetric heterodyning fiber laser sensor for directional acoustic signal measurement.

scientific article

Polarization Splitting of Photonic Crystal Fiber With Hybrid Guidance Mechanisms

Polarization-dependent intermodal four-wave mixing in a birefringent multimode photonic crystal fiber

scientific article published on 18 April 2017

Polarization-interleave-multiplexed discrete multi-tone modulation with direct detection utilizing MIMO equalization.

scientific article published in April 2015

Polarization-maintaining photonic-crystal-fiber-based all-optical polarimetric torsion sensor

Polarizing Properties of Photonic Crystal Fibers With High-Index Cladding Defects

Pressure sensor realized with polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber-based Sagnac interferometer

scientific article published in May 2008

Programmable long-period grating in a liquid core optical fiber

scientific article published in October 2016

Promising compact wavelength-tunable optical add-drop multiplexer in dense wavelength-division multiplexing systems.

scientific article published in April 2004

Pulse breaking recovery in fiber lasers

scientific article

Pump RIN-induced impairments in unrepeatered transmission systems using distributed Raman amplifier.

scientific article published on May 2015

Raman amplifier design using geometry compensation technique

scientific article published on 01 February 2004

Real Pivot Mechanism of Rotary Comb-Drive Actuators for MEMS Continuously Tunable Lasers


Reconfigurable Microwave Photonic Filter Using Multiwavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser

Retro-Axial VOA Using Parabolic Mirror Pair

Salinity sensor based on polyimide-coated photonic crystal fiber.

scientific article published in October 2011

Scanning-free BOTDA based on ultra-fine digital optical frequency comb.

scientific article published on February 2015

Signal processing using artificial neural network for BOTDA sensor system.

scientific article published in March 2016

Signed and Accurate Measurement of Phase Offset in Optical DPSK Demodulator

Signed chromatic dispersion monitoring of 100Gbit/s CS-RZ DQPSK signal by evaluating the asymmetry ratio of delay tap sampling

scientific article published on 01 February 2010

Signed frequency offset measurement for direct detection DPSK system with a chromatic dispersion offset

scientific article published on 01 November 2010

Single tilted Bragg reflector fiber laser for simultaneous sensing of refractive index and temperature

scientific article

Single-Mode Perfluorinated Polymer Optical Fibers With Refractive Index of 1.34 for Biomedical Applications

Single-frequency single-polarization fiber ring laser at 1053 nm

Single-measurement digital optical frequency comb based phase-detection Brillouin optical time domain analyzer

scientific article published on April 2017

Spectrum engineering of multiwavelength erbium doped fiber lasers with intensity-dependent loss

Stable and uniform dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on fiber Bragg gratings and photonic crystal fiber

scientific article

Statistical Analysis of Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio Monitoring Using Delay-Tap Sampling

Superlattice Microstructured Optical Fiber.

scientific article published on 16 June 2014

Support vector machine assisted BOTDA utilizing combined Brillouin gain and phase information for enhanced sensing accuracy.

scientific article published in December 2017

Switchable UWB pulse generation using a polarization maintaining fiber Bragg grating as frequency discriminator

scientific article published on 01 February 2010

Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Code-Division Multiplexing Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor System

Theoretical studies on the polarization-modulator-based single-side-band modulator used for generation of optical multicarrier

scientific article published on 01 June 2014

Theory and Experiment of Miniaturized Laser Source for Accurate Timing Applications

Thermal-Optic Switch by Total Internal Reflection of Micromachined Silicon Prism


Torsion sensor based on inter-core mode coupling in seven-core fiber

scientific article published on 01 August 2018

Tunable laser using micromachined grating with continuous wavelength tuning

Tunable microwave filter that uses a high-birefringent fiber and a differential-group-delay element

scientific article published on 01 May 2005

Ultrahigh birefringence index-guiding photonic crystal fiber and its application for pressure and temperature discrimination

scientific article published on 01 May 2013

Ultrahigh-Q microwave photonic filter with tunable Q value utilizing cascaded optical-electrical feedback loops.

scientific article published in November 2013

Variable Nano-Grating for Tunable Filters

WDM micromachined tunable laser

Wavelength and power monitoring of DWDM systems using scanning F–P filter calibrated with a F–P laser

Wavelength switchable multiwavelength actively mode-locked fiber-ring laser based on highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber and multimode fiber Bragg grating

Wide-passband, temperature-insensitive, and compact pi-phase-shifted long-period gratings in endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fiber.

scientific article published in November 2004

Wideband-adjustable reflection-suppressed rejection filters using chirped and tilted fiber gratings

scientific article published on 01 October 2014