List of works by Martine van Nierop

Associations between stereotype awareness, childhood trauma and psychopathology: a study in people with psychosis, their siblings and controls

scientific article

Childhood abuse and neglect in relation to the presence and persistence of psychotic and depressive symptomatology

scientific article published on 17 July 2014

Childhood trauma as a cause of psychosis: linking genes, psychology, and biology.

scientific article published on January 2013

Childhood trauma is associated with a specific admixture of affective, anxiety, and psychosis symptoms cutting across traditional diagnostic boundaries

scientific article published on 2 October 2014

Does social defeat mediate the association between childhood trauma and psychosis? Evidence from the NEMESIS-2 Study.

scientific article published on 25 November 2013

Evidence that psychotic symptoms are prevalent in disorders of anxiety and depression, impacting on illness onset, risk, and severity--implications for diagnosis and ultra-high risk research

scientific article published on 18 January 2012

Evidence that the presence of psychosis in non-psychotic disorder is environment-dependent and mediated by severity of non-psychotic psychopathology.

scientific article published on 25 March 2015

Evidence that transition from health to psychotic disorder can be traced to semi-ubiquitous environmental effects operating against background genetic risk

scientific article

Is sensitivity to daily stress predictive of onset or persistence of psychopathology?

scientific article published on 26 July 2017

Phenotypically continuous with clinical psychosis, discontinuous in need for care: evidence for an extended psychosis phenotype

scientific article published on 9 September 2011

Psychopathological mechanisms linking childhood traumatic experiences to risk of psychotic symptoms: analysis of a large, representative population-based sample

scientific article published on March 2014

Psychotic experiences and incident suicidal ideation and behaviour: Disentangling the longitudinal associations from connected psychopathology

scientific article

Stereotype awareness, self-esteem and psychopathology in people with psychosis

scientific article

The role of cognitive functioning in the relationship between childhood trauma and a mixed phenotype of affective-anxious-psychotic symptoms in psychotic disorders

scientific article

[Psychopathological mechanisms of childhood trauma].

scientific article