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List of works by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

6 Lieder, Op. 56

Lieder cycle by Richard Strauss

7 Sange

song cycle composed by Agathe Backer Grøndahl

Ah, lean down, you who are full of sorrow

song by Carl Loewe

Album der Poesien - Hermann und Dorothea

German article in Die Gartenlaube, 1872, no. 50

Alto Rhapsody

rhapsody for low voices composed by Johannes Brahms; musical setting of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's "Harzreise im Winter"

An dem reinsten Frühlingsmorgen

Carl Friedrich Zelter's setting of the poems "Die Spröde" and "Die Bekehrte" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

An den Mond

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

An den Mond

literary work by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

An den Mond, D 296

song by Franz Schubert

Auf dem See

lied composed by Franz Schubert

Aus Chinesich-deutsche Jahres- und Tageszeiten

lied by Adolf Bernhard Marx


from The Works of J. W. von Goethe, Volume 9


song by Othmar Schoeck

Ballada o vyhnaném a vrátivším se hraběti

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Ballady Göthovy

1879 Czech book edition

Born to watch

song by Carl Loewe

Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage

song composed by Felix Mendelssohn

Chant de Mai

Claudine von Villa Bella, D. 239

singspiel composed by Franz Schubert


five-act tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Close to the beloved

song by Niels Wilhelm Gade


novel project by Johann Wolgang von Goethe, never completed and never published

Das Göttliche

1783 poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Das Jahrmarktsfest zu Plundersweilern

schwank by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Das Neueste von Plundersweilern

comical tale by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Das Tagebuch

1861 poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Das Veilchen

song by W. A. Mozart set to a poem by Goethe

Das Veilchen

song by Clara Schumann

Das Wiedersehn

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Dealing with the Pied Piper of Hameln

German legend

Deh, pietoso, oh Addolorata

song from "Sei Romanze" by Giuseppe Verdi

Der Besuch

1796 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Bürgergeneral

comedy in one act by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Chinese in Rom

1797 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Erlkönig

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Erlkönig by Goethe, in Hebrew

Der Fischer

1779 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Fischer

song by Fanny Hensel

Der Fischer

song by Franz Schubert

Der Goldschmiedsgesell

German article in Die Gartenlaube, 1874, no. 20

Der Gott und die Bajadere

1797 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Gott und die Bajadere

song by Franz Schubert

Der Gott und die Bajadere

Carl Friedrich Zelter's setting of the ballad Der Gott und die Bajadere by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Gross-Cophta

comedy written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Junggesell und der Mühlbach

1798 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der König in Thule

1774 poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der König in Thule

song by Franz Schubert

Der Musensohn

song by Franz Schubert

Der Müllerin Verrat

1798 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Rattenfänger

lied composed by Hugo Wolf

Der Rattenfänger

lied composed by Franz Schubert

Der Rattenfänger

1803 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Schatzgräber

opera by Franz Schreker

Der Schatzgräber

song by Franz Schubert

Der Sänger

ballad by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Sänger

song by Franz Schubert

Der Zauberlehrling

1827 edition of Der Zauberlehrling

Der Zauberlehrling

Ballad by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der Zauberlehrling

Carl Friedrich Zelter's setting of the ballad Der Zauberlehrling by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Der neue Pausias und sein Blumenmädchen

ballad by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Die Aufgabe

epigram in Xenien by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, attributed to Friedrich Schiller

Die Befreiung des Prometheus

planned work by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, unfinished

Die Bekehrte

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Die Braut von Corinth

ballad by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Die Laune des Verliebten

play written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Die Laune des Verliebten

1830 opera written by Richard Wagner

Die Liebe

song by Franz Schubert

Die Propylaen

Die Spröde

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Die erste Walpurgisnacht

Cantata by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy to the ballad of the same name written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Die guten Frauen, als Gegenbild der bösen Weiber

literary work by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Die wandelnde Glocke

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Die wandelnde Glocke

song by Robert Schumann

Duch Německa

Czech book edition from 1917 year


tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Ein Fastnachtsspiel, auch wohl zu tragieren nach Ostern, vom Pater Brey dem falschen Propheten

shrovetide play by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Einleitung in die Propyläen

introduction to the first issue of the journal ‘Propyläen’ by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Elective Affinities

novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Elegie romane (traduzione di Luigi Pirandello), Epigrammi veneziani (traduzione di Andrea Landolfi)

book of the Tascabili Economici Newton collection

En skön själs bekännelser : ur Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre


concept due to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, of the renunciation of pleasant things as being that with which life, strictly speaking, begins

Epimenides Awakes

two-act play written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


two epistles by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Ergo Bibamus

commercium song


song composed by Franz Schubert

Erwin und Elmire

opera written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and composed by Anna Amalia von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel


grand opera in five acts by Charles Gounod


1994 Czech film directed by Jan Švankmajer


edition; published in 1994


1828 French translation by Gérard de Nerval


1860 French translation by Jean-Jacques Porchat-Bressenel


1965 Czech book edition



play by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


literary work part of the Golden age of illustration collection at the UML

Faust, 2., 3

Act 3 from "Faust II : der Tragödie zweiter Teil" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Faust, Part One

first part of the tragic play Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Faust, Part Two

second part of the tragic play Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Faust. A fragment

version of his drama ‘Faust’ published by Goethe in 1790

Faust: 1. Díl: Tragédie

1973 Czech book edition


1957 film



edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi


1782 poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, published 1789


version of work by Goethe


translation of work by Goethe

From my Life : Poetry and Truth

autobiography by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Frühzeitiger Frühling

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Frühzeitiger Frühling

song by Fanny Mendelssohn (Hensel) (1834)

Füllest wieder Busch und Thal

song by Fanny Hensel


lied composed by Franz Schubert


1789 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


song written by Hugo Wolf


song written by Carl Loewe


song written by Hanns Jelinek

Gedichte von Goethe. Mignon, Nr. 2

song by Hugo Wolf

Gedichte von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Dank des Paria

song by Hugo Wolf

German songs. Meeres Stille

song by Charles Tomlinson Griffes

Gesang der Geister über den Wassern

1789 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Gesang der Geister über den Wassern, D 484

song by Franz Schubert

Gesang der Geister über den Wassern, D 538

song by Franz Schubert

Gesang der Geister über den Wassern, D 705

musical work by Franz Schubert

Gesang der Geister über den Wassern, D 714

musical work by Franz Schubert

Gesang der Parzen

piece for mixed choir and orchestra composed by Johannes Brahms

Gingo biloba

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Gods, Heroes, and Wieland

1774 diatribe against Wieland, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe's Kunstsammlungen

Jena: F. Frommann, 1848-49.

Goethe's neue Schriften

edition of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's works in seven volumes, 1792 to 1800


Lieder cycle by Hugo Wolf

Goetheho vybrané básně

Goethes Werke Letzter Hand Band 04


Goethe’s Geliebte in Rom

German article in Die Gartenlaube, 1869, no. 51

Good Fortune stone

Weimar monument to Goethe

Grenzen der Menschheit

1789 poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Grenzen der Menschheit

song by Franz Schubert

Gretchen am Spinnrade

song composed by Franz Schubert

Gretchen am Spinnrade

Lied by August Weinbrenner

Gretchen im Zwinger

song by Franz Schubert

Götz von Berlichingen

2014 television film directed by Carlo Rola

Götz von Berlichingen

play by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Harpist's Song

translated poem; Russian adaptation of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's "Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt", translated by Lev Mey

Harzreise im Winter

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


musical work based on the poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, published in 1799


1771 poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; first printed in 1779 in the early form anonymously in Herder's "Volkslieder" under the title "Fabelliedchen"; first printed in today's form in 1789 in Goethe's "Schriften", vol. 8.

Heidenröslein [hy]

Armenian translation of a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Heiß mich nicht reden

song by Zdeněk Fibich

Hermann and Dorothea

epic by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Herrmann und Dorothea

I dolori del giovane Werther

book of the Tascabili Economici Newton collection

I think of you

song by Carl Loewe

Im Atemholen sind zweierlei Gnaden

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

In Court

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Iniciace a její obrazné vylíčení

1937 Czech book edition

Iphigenia in Tauris

play by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Iphigenie in Tauris

Iphigénie en Tauride

French translation of the play by Goethe

Italian Journey

book from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Johanna Sebus

German article in Die Gartenlaube, 1872, no. 45

Kindred by Choice

Klärchens Lied

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe from the tragedy "Egmont" (4th act), sung by Klarchen

Král duchů

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe translated to Czech by Otokar Fischer

Král kouzelný

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe translated to Czech by Jan Evangelista Nečas

Král v Thule

Czech translation of Goethe poem by Otokar Fischer

Král v Thule

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe translated to Czech by Ladislav Quis

La Rose des bois

1843 French translation of a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe by Henri Blaze

La reĝo de elfoj

La rozeto

1903 translation into Esperanto of a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Le Dragon de Rhodes

Le esperienze di Wilhelm Meister


Le esperienze di Wilhelm Meister

Casa editrice Giuseppe Laterza & figli 1913


poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Legende vom Hufeisen

ballad by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Legenden, op. 58. Paria

song composed by Carl Loewe

Les disperses

Liebhaber in allen Gestalten

by Franz Schubert

Lied Lynceus des Türmers

song by Robert Schumann

Lied der Mignon, Op. 62 No. 2

song by Franz Schubert

Lieder, Gesänge und Requiem. Die Lieder Mignons, des Harfners und Philinens. Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt

song by Robert Schumann

Lieds [Songs]

section in: selected edition of works by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translated by Henri Blaze


German "singspiel" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Limits of Mankind

song by Alban Berg

Livskälla ur döden sprungen

L’Apprenti sorcier

translation by Jacques Porchat

Mahomets Gesang

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Mahomets Gesang

Mahomets Gesang, D 549

song by Franz Schubert

Mahomets Gesang, D 721

song by Franz Schubert


Poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Margarite's Song

1848 song by Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka


melodramma in 4 acts composed by Alfred Brüggemann. First representation in 1910 at Teatro alla Scala, Milan

Marienbad Elegy

1828 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


song composed by Ludwig van Beethoven


172th book of the Tascabili Economici Newton collection

Maxims and reflections of Goethe

Meeres Stille, D 215A

song by Franz Schubert

Meeres Stille, D 216

song by Franz Schubert

Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt

cantata by Ludwig van Beethoven


opera by Arrigo Boito

Meine Ruh' ist hin

1808 Gretchen's song from Faust I written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Metamorphosis of Plants

literary work by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


1795 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe translated to Czech by Ladislav Quis


song by Robert Schumann


song by Alban Berg


song by Helene Liebmann


song by Franz Schubert

Mignon I, D 726

song by Franz Schubert

Mignon singt, als Engel angetan

song by Hans Sommer

Mignon's fourth song

song by Hugo Wolf

Musen und Grazien in der Mark

1797 poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


song cycle by Robert Schumann


poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nachtgesang, D 119

song by Franz Schubert


incomplete tragedy by Goethe

Neue Liebeslieder

song cycle by Johannes Brahms

Neue Liedersammlung. Sehnsucht

song by Carl Friedrich Zelter

Neueste Gedichte

1800 collection of poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 7th volume of Goethe's "Neue Schriften"

None but the Lonely Heart

translated song; English version of a song composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, lyrics adapted by Arthur Westbrook

None but the Lonely Heart (Tchaikovsky)

musical setting of "Harpist's Song" by Lev Mei, composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky


novella by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt

poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt

song by Johann Gottlieb Naumann

Nähe des Geliebten

song by Franz Schubert

Only my yearning shows

song by Carl Loewe

Paläofron und Neoterpe

festival play by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to celebrate the birthday of Duchess Anna Amalia of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach


play written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Cycle of three poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


choral music composed by Arnold Ludwig Mendelssohn

Perduta ho la pace

song from "Sei Romanze" by Giuseppe Verdi


poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Poems by Goethe

French selected edition of works by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translated by Henri Blaze (1843)

Poems of the East and West

Poetry and Truth


2001 Czech book edition


1942 Czech book edition


2020 Czech book edition

Pohádka o zeleném hadu a krásné Lilii

1995 Czech book edition


Lied composed by Franz Schubert


poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, written 1773, published 1785


1773 fragment of a drama by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


song by Hugo Wolf


1778 play written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


opera by Wolfgang Rihm


poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


poem by Goethe

Překrásné kvítko

1879 poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Rastlose Liebe

song composed by Franz Schubert

Rastlose Liebe

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Reise durch Sachsen im Jahre 1813. Briefe Goethes an Christiane

German travelogue

Reynard, the fox

epic by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


1863 cantata by Johannes Brahms


poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Roman Elegies

cycle of poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Ruusu metsätiellä

Finnish translation of a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Růže pustých polí

1889 Czech edition of poem


1973 Czech edition of poem by J. W. Goethe


1917 Czech edition of poem

Sata runoa

Finnish book edition

Satyros, or the Deified Wood-Devil

satirical playlet by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Scherz, List und Rache

1858 opera by Max Bruch

Scherz, List und Rache

1787 Singspiel by Philipp Christoph Kayser

Schäfers Klagelied

lied composed by Franz Schubert

Schäfers Klagelied

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sechs Lieder

song cycle composed by Edvard Grieg


opera in 6 scenes composed by Alessandro Sbordoni. First representation in 1996 at Theaterhaus, Frankfurt am Main

Sehnsucht, D 310

song by Franz Schubert

Sehnsucht, D 481

song by Franz Schubert, musical setting of the poem "Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sehnsucht, WoO 134

song by Ludwig van Beethoven


1776 tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; revised version appeared in 1806, printed in 1816

Symphony No. 8

choral symphony in twelve movements composed by Krzysztof Penderecki


cycle of poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


song by Robert Schumann


an anthology of works translated by the Uzbek poet Erkin Vohidov (volume 7)

The Accomplices

Lustspiel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Erl-King

The Erl-king

song composed by Anselm Hüttenbrenner

The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily

literary work by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Lover's Caprice

The Magic Flute Part Two

literary work by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Natural Daughter

literary work

The Sorrows of Young Werther

novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Venetian Epigrams

cycle of poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Wager

one-act play written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Works of J. W. von Goethe

collection of works by J. W. von Goethe

The literary estate of Goethe in the Goethe and Schiller Archives

Memory of the World inscription, submitted by Germany, added in 2001

The singer

ballad by Carl Loewe

The tragedy of Faust : Clavigo; Egmont; and The wayward lover

The witches' one-times-one

song by Graham Waterhouse

Theory of Colours

1840 english edition of the book by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Theory of Colours

1810 book by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

To coachman Chronos

song by Max Rohloff

To coachman Chronos

song by Franz Schubert

To the moon

song by Zdeněk Fibich

Torquato Tasso

verse play by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Torquato Tasso

Travel diary of the Italian journey for the period from September 3 to October 30, 1786, written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe for Charlotte von Stein

Trilogy of Passion

Compilation of the three poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Triumph of Sensibility

drama by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Czech poem

Ultima ratio

Wikisource edition


first draft for the drama Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Utrpení mladého Werthera ; Výbor z mladistvé lyriky

Czech literacy work


Venetian Epigrams

Vermischte Gedichte

1789 poetry collection by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklären

Vier Jahreszeiten

four poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, summarised and published in 1800 in Goethe's ‘Neueste Gedichte’

Vor Gericht

song by Pauline Viardot-García

Voyages en Suisse et en Italie

Wanderer's Nightsong

two poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Welcome and Farewell

poem by Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen aß

song by Franz Schubert


Gaetano Pugnani by Gaetano Pugnani

West–Eastern Diwan

collection of lyrical poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wilhelm Meister

Collection of the Wilhelm Meister novels by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship

1795/96 Novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wilhelm Meister's Journeyman Years

Novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wilhelm Meister's Years of Travel

Wilhelm Meister's theatrical calling

novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

With a painted ribbon

song by Othmar Schoeck


Zum 30. Januar 1802

stanzas written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe on behalf of Hereditary Prince Carl Friedrich on the occasion of a masked procession

Zum Schäkespears Tag

literary work by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Zum Sehen geboren

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Faust II

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Élégie de Marienbad

Über Laokoon

art-theoretical treatise by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Čarodějův učeň

1879 Czech poem version

Заветный кубок

Russian translation of Goethe poem



A cserfa-király


book edition published in 1958


book edition published in 2019

Craiul aninilor

Craiul codrului

Craiul ielelor

Die Braut von Corinth

1798 ballad edition by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



book edition published in 2015


book edition published in 2017


book edition published in 2019


book edition published in 2022


book edition published in 1926

Fragmenty a improvisace z mládí

book edition published in 1927


Král duchů

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe translated to Czech by Ladislav Quis

Král duchů

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Król Olszyn

Król dziadek

Król olch

Le Roi des Aulnes

Le Roi des Aulnes

Nevěsta Korintská

1879 poem edition by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nähe des Geliebten

poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe translated to Czech by Ladislav Quis

Utrpení mladého Werthera

book edition published in 1968

Utrpení mladého Werthera

book edition published in 2017

Utrpení mladého Werthera

book edition published in 2018

Utrpení mladého Werthera

book edition published in 2021

Utrpení mladého Werthera

book edition published in 2022

Walchowy car

Z mého života: báseň i pravda

book edition published in 2021

Лесной царь

Лесной царь

Лесной царь

Лесной царь
