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List of works by Philippas Tsigas

A Consistency Framework for Iteration Operations in Concurrent Data Structures

A Study of the Behavior of Synchronization Methods in Commonly Used Languages and Systems

A lock-free algorithm for concurrent bags

Autonomous TDMA Alignment for VANETs

Bridging Physical and Digital Traffic System Simulations with the Gulliver Test-Bed

Brief announcement


Data-Streaming and Concurrent Data-Object Co-design: Overview and Algorithmic Challenges

Deterministic real-time analytics of geospatial data streams through ScaleGate objects


Dynamic and Fault-tolerant Cluster Management

Efficient and Reliable Lock-Free Memory Reclamation Based on Reference Counting

article published in 2009

Efficient and Reliable Lock-Free Memory Reclamation Based on Reference Counting

Efficient self-tuning spin-locks using competitive analysis

Highly Concurrent Stream Synchronization in Many-core Embedded Systems


Lightweight Causal Cluster Consistency


Lock-Free Concurrent Data Structures

Mapping Systems Security Research at Chalmers

Maximizing Determinism in Stream Processing Under Latency Constraints

Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Multiparty Applications in the Presence of Clock Drifts

article published in 2012

Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Multiparty Applications in the Presence of Clock Drifts

Mitigating denial of capability attacks using sink tree based quota allocation

Multiword atomic read/write registers on multiprocessor systems

NBmalloc: Allocating Memory in a Lock-Free Manner

Of Concurrent Data Structures and Iterations

Performance Modeling of Stream Joins

Reactive Spin-locks: A Self-tuning Approach

Scalable group communication supporting configurable levels of consistency

article by Anders Gidenstam et al published 21 September 2011 in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

Scalejoin: A deterministic, disjoint-parallel and skew-resilient stream join


Self-Stabilization of Wait-Free Shared Memory Objects

Self-tuning reactive diffracting trees

Shared-object system equilibria

Viper: Communication-Layer Determinism and Scaling in Low-Latency Stream Processing