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List of works by Antoine Coypel

A Young Woman, Looking over Her Shoulder

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Aeneas Carrying his Father Anchises

painting by Antoine Coypel

Allegory on the Arts

painting by Antoine Coypel

Amfitrites triumf

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Angola, trumpeter of Louis XIV, holding a fruit basket

painting by Antoine Coypel

Apollo and Daphne

painting by Antoine Coypel

Armida Rinaldo

painting by Antoine Coypel (1661 - 1722)

Assembly of Gods

painting by Antoine Coypel

Assumption of the Virgin

painting by Antoine Coypel

Athaliah Expelled from the Temple

painting by Antoine Coypel

Bacchus and Ariadne on the Isle of Naxos

painting by Antoine Coypel

Cupid Stealing Venus' Floral Crown

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 75828)

Eliezer and Rebecca

painting by Antoine Coypel

Eliezer et Rebecca

painting by Antoine Coypel

Enée et Achate apparaissant à Didon

painting by Antoine Coypel

Esther and Ahasuerus

painting by Antoine Coypel


painting by Antoine Coypel (1661–1722), Victoria Art Gallery

Flora and Zephyr

painting by Antoine Coypel

Gud Fader talar till Adam och Eva efter syndafallet

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Head of an Old Man

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 150255)

Jacob and Rachel

painting by Antoine Coypel

Jacob i Labans hus

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Kneeling young man

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Leda and the Swan

painting by Antoine Coypel (1661–1722), National Trust for Scotland, Brodie Castle

Leende flicka, huvudet lutat mot vänster axel

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Louis XIV se repose dans le sein de la gloire après la paix de Nimègue.

painting by Antoine Coypel

Mort de Didon

painting by Antoine Coypel

Mythological Subjects after Giulio Romano

tapestry sequence based on designs traditionally attributed to Giulio Romano

Pan Overcome by Putti

etching and engraving in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 96641) and Metropolitan Museum of Art

Pastoral scene with a woman beating a tambourine

painting by Antoine Coypel

Pastoral with two woman holding flowers

painting by Antoine Coypel

Portrait of Democritus

painting by Antoine Coypel


drawing by Antoine Coypel

Self portrait of Antoine Coypel, Ecuyer Premier Peintre du Roy (1661-1722)

painting by Antoine Coypel


painting by Antoine Coypel (Schorr Collection)

Self-Portrait with His Son

painting by Antoine Coypel


painting by Antoine Coypel (1661–1722) (attributed to), The Box, Plymouth


painting by Antoine Coypel (1661–1722) (attributed to), The Box, Plymouth

Studie av två händer

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Studie till madonna. Huvud och två händer

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Susannah Accused by the Elders

painting by Antoine Coypel (1661–1722) (after), The Bowes Museum

Susannah accused of adultery

painting by Antoine Coypel

The Alliance of Bacchus and Cupid

painting by Antoine Coypel

The Baptism of Christ

painting by Antoine Coypel

The Birth of Venus

drawing by Antoine Coypel

The Crucifixion

painting by Antoine Coypel

The Finding of Moses

painting by Antoine Coypel

The Moroccan ambassador and his retinue at the Comédie italienne in Paris, February 1682

painting by Antoine Coypel (1661–1722)

The Olympic Gods

painting by Antoine Coypel

The Swooning of Esther

painting by Antoine Coypel

The Wedding at Cana

painting by Antoine Coypel

The sacrifice of Jephtah's daughter

painting by Antoine Coypel

Ung kvinna, seende åt höger

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Ung kvinna, tittande uppåt höger

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Utkast till medalj för att fira slaget vid Narva, 1700

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Venus Bringing Weapons to Aeneas

painting by Antoine Coypel

Venus and Adonis

painting attributed to Antoine Coypel

Venus and Adouis

painting by Coypel

Young Woman, En Face

drawing by Antoine Coypel

Zephyr and Flora

painting by Antoine Coypel

Zephyr and Flora. Allegory of spring

painting by Antoine Coypel

banquet in the garden

painting by A. Coypel ( sign.)