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List of works by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach

A manual of comparative anatomy

London: Printed for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 1827.

A manual of the elements of natural history

London :printed for W. Simpkin & R. Marshall,1825. | King's College London, Foyle Special Collections Library (a

A short system of comparative anatomy

London :printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme,1807.

Auszuge und kezensioneit bergmanischer und mineralogischer schriften

scientific article

D. Jo. Frid. Blvmenbachii ... Introdvctio in historiam medicinae litterariam

Goettingae: J.C. Dieterich, 1786.

De generis humani varietate nativa

publication (1795)

De generis humani varietate nativa

publication (1775)

Handbuch der Naturgeschichte

publication (1797)

Handbuch der Naturgeschichte

publication (1779–1780)

Handbuch der Naturgeschichte

publication (1803)

Handbuch der Naturgeschichte

publication (1791)

Handbuch der Naturgeschichte

publication (1782)

Handbuch der Naturgeschichte

publication (1799)

Io. Frid. Blumenbachii Specimen archaeologiae telluris terrarumque inprimis Hannoveranarum alterum

Gottingae: Apud Henricum Dieterich, 1816.

Io. Frider. Blumenbachii Specimen archaeologiae telluris terrarumque inprimis Hannoveranarum

Goettingae, Apud Henricum Dieterich, 1803.

Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man delivered at the Royal college of surgeons

London :Printed and published by J. Smith,1822. | King's College London, Foyle Special Collect

Manuel D´Histoire Naturelle

mineralogy book, volume 2, translated from German (1803)

Manuel d'histoire naturelle

Metz: Chez Collignon, imprimeur-libraire ;An XI, 1803

The anthropological treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach ..

London,Pub. for the Anthropological Society, by Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green,1

The institutions of physiology

London, Burgess & Hill; [etc., etc.]1820.