scientific article
scientific article
scholarly article by Raoul Beunen & J.J. Patterson published 25 November 2016 in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
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scientific article
journal article from 'Planning Theory' published in 2013
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scientific article published on 09 May 2018
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scientific article (publication date: 2014)
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published in 2013
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scholarly article by Martijn Duineveld published in August 2013
scientific article published in 2022
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scientific article
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article by S. M. Holtslag-Broekhof et al published 24 December 2015 in Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published in 2019
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
article published in 2015
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scholarly article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
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