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List of works by Gábor Papp

Applying free random variables to random matrix analysis of financial data. Part I: The Gaussian case

Au + Au central collisions at 150, 250 and 400 A MeV energies in QMD with relativistic forces

Better than $l/Mflops sustained: a scalable PC-based parallel computer for lattice QCD

Bridged-assisted electron transfer. Random matrix theory approach

Chiral Disorder in QCD

Chiral disorder and QCD at finite chemical potential

Chiral disorder and QCD phase transitions

Chiral disorder in two-color QCD with Abelian external fluxes

Cold nuclear modifications at RHIC and LHC

Collective flow in central Au-Au collisions at 150, 250, and400AMeV

scholarly article

Correlations of eigenvectors for non-Hermitian random-matrix models

scientific article published on 01 September 1999

Cronin Effect in Close-to-Midrapidity Regions at FNAL and RHIC Energies

Di-hadron correlations and parton intrinsic transverse momentum

Di-hadron correlations at ISR and RHIC energies

Disorder Effects in Dimerized Bridged Molecular Systems

Dynamical Multifragmentation

Dynamical evolution of fluctuations in an expanding nucleus

Entropy Production in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

article published in 1990

Free random Lévy variables and financial probabilities

Free random variables and molecular spectra

From Di-hadron Correlations to Parton Intrinsic Transverse Momentum in Proton-proton Collisions

Green's functions in non-hermitian random matrix models

Heavy-ion collisions at the LHC—Last call for predictions

Jet tomography in the forward direction at RHIC

Jet tomography studies in AuAu collisions at RHIC energies

Jets and produced particles inppcollisions from SPS to RHIC energies for nuclear applications

Lattice QCD spectra at finite temperature: a random matrix approach

Macroscopic Universality: Why QCD in Matter is Subtle

scientific article published on 01 December 1996

Non-Hermitian random matrix models: Free random variable approach

Non-hermitian random matrix models

Nuclear Effects in the dAu Collisions from Recent RHIC Data

article published in 2007

Perturbative QCD Results on Pion Production in pp , pA and AA Collisions

Pion production in dAu collisions at RHIC energy


Predictions for p+Pb Collisions at sNN = 5TeV: Comparison with Data

QCD-inspired spectra from Blue's functions

Rapidity Asymmetry in pA and Collisions

Stability and instability of a hot and dilute nuclear droplet

Stability and instability of a hot and dilute nuclear droplet

article published in 2000

Strong random correlations in networks of heterogeneous agents

The Nuclear Modification Factor at Large Rapidities

The U(1) problem in chiral random matrix models

Thermal multifragmentation in p + Au interactions at 2.16, 3.6 and 8.1 GeV incident energies

Two-level system with noise: Blue's function approach