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List of works by Andreas Janka

Achtung Aufnahme

Article about index generation using macros from Word to Ventura Publisher, 1991

Anwenderorientierte Produktion

Satirical gloss on software updates and software upgrades, 1993

Auf der Suche nach der wahren Speichererweiterung

Article about memory expansion of personal computers, 1989

CAD-Bildware im DTP-Blickfang

Article about using CAD files in DTP programs, 1990

Computer Grundwissen

Book or easy-to-understand introduction to the world of computers

Corel 7.0 Beta

Review of CorelDraw Graphics Suite 7.0 Beta 3, 1996

Der Griff nach dem Design

Review of the Designer graphics program, 1991

Der Mensch mit der CD-ROM

satirical gloss on CDs as mass storage devices, 1994

Der Zauber von Blasonierungen

article on the specialized language of heraldry

Der „Pagemaker“ der 90er Jahre?

Review of the DTP program Ventura Publisher 3.0, 1990

Du sollst nicht loeten, Teil 2

Article on noise reduction in the PC, 1992

Ein Bild aus tausend Zahlen

Article on creating diagrams with Excel and CorelDraw, 1991

Ein Original ist, wer zuerst gestohlen hat

Satirical gloss on software monopolies/giants and the free software movement, 1991

Eine glueckliche Familie

Satirical gloss on family life with a computer, 1996

Einfuehrung in C

Book about the C programming language

Endlich? Freie Bahn für Fraktursatz

Practical article on optical character recognition (OCR), 1996

Endstation Desktop Publishing

Article about the word editing programmes Word and WordStar, 1990

Entwicklung ist Zeitvertreib für die Ewigkeit

Article on creating program flowcharts with the Designer graphics program, 1991

Erhalten zu bleiben, ist kein Zeichen von Wert

Article about COMMAND.COM, 4DOS and NDOS, 1992

Expand errorlevel



Satirical gloss on CeBIT exhibitors and CeBIT visitors

Irene database

Information database on Layout, a practical magazine for PC publishing

Kritischer Test-Journalismus

Satirical gloss on how journalists, influencers and co. work when they write articles, reviews and test reports, 1992

Lasst fliegende Zeichen um mich sein

Article about multimedia and animation, 1993

Manche moegen 's heisser

Article about creating movies with Animator Studio for Windows, 1995

Melodien fuer Millionen

Article about sound cards, 1994

Multimedia - Der ist es!

Article about multimedia, 1992

Multimedia II - Die Komponenten

Article about multimedia, 1992

Mystery of Life

computer game

Picture Connection

Article about screenshots and screenshot programs, 1992

Professioneller Computerkauf

Satirical commentary on how customers are ripped off when buying a computer, 1995

Psycho 3.0

Satirical gloss on Windows, 1991

Rasende Reporter auf Nachrichtenjagd in Deutschland

1994 video game


Article about creating a slideshow with CorelSHOW, 1993

Tabellen mit Köpfchen

Tip/Lifehack for Corel Publisher

Und sie bewegt sich doch

Review of the animation program Animation Works by Gold Disk, 1993


Short article on the topic of utility software

VBA mit Word

Basic work on programming Word using the Visual Basic for Applications scripting language

Video- und Framegrabbing

Article on video and frame grabbing, 1997

Vom Windows verweht

Review of Windows 3.0, 1990

Von Saeugetieren und anderen Mail-Boxern

Article about CompuServe, Internet service and Internet access, 1995

Von der Paintbox in den PC

Article on how to create a trailer with Animator Pro (how to get professional video film sequences from the high-end paintbox to a mid-end PC)

Was machen eigentlich Desqview/X und QEMM-386?

Article on the future of memory management using DESQview and QEMM, 1993

Windows Hotline

Tips and tricks for Windows


Jokes about Windows, Microsoft, IBM and Co.

Zeitvertreib für Aesthetiker

Satirical gloss on computer game addiction, 1993

„Ueberlagerung“ für PCs und Veterane

Article on the optimal use of a personal computer's memory, 1990