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List of works by Édouard Riou

A Journey to the Center of the Earth

1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne

Děti kapitána Granta

1923 Czech book edition by Jules Verne

Five Weeks in a Balloon

1863 novel by Jules Verne

In Search of the Castaways

novel by Jules Verne

Les Aventures du capitaine Hatteras

Mammalia. Their various orders and habits popularly illustrated by typical species

Zoology book from 1870

Nouvelle Géographie Universelle

work by Reclus

Podróż do środka Ziemi

1897 Polish translation

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras

1864 novel by Jules Verne

The Earth and Its Inhabitants

Translation of Reclus's Nouvelle Geographie Universelle

The Survivors of the Chancellor

1875 novel by Jules Verne

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

1869/1870 novel by Jules Verne

Vingt mille lieues sous les mers

Voyage au centre de la Terre

1867 French version

Wśród lodów polarnych

Cesta do středu země

book edition published in 2020

Chancellor: deník pasažéra J.R. Kazallona

book edition published in 2016

Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem

book edition published in 1923

Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem

book edition published in 1921

Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem

book edition published in 2015

Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem

book edition published in 1926

Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem

book edition published in 2016

Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem

book edition published in 2017

Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem

book edition published in 2022

Děti kapitána Granta

book edition published in 1940

Děti kapitána Granta

book edition published in 1926

Děti kapitána Granta

book edition published in 1931

Pět neděl v baloně

book edition published in 1921

Pět neděl v baloně

book edition published in 2021

Příběhy Jeana-Marie Cabidoulina

book edition published in 2016

Závěť výstředníkova

book edition published in 2016