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List of works by Cheryl M Capek

Brain systems mediating semantic and syntactic processing in deaf native signers: biological invariance and modality specificity

scientific article

Corrigendum to "Fingerspelling, signed language, text and picture processing in deaf native signers: The role of the mid-fusiform gyrus" [NeuroImage 35 (2007) 1287-1302].

scientific article published on 23 December 2007

Cortical circuits for silent speechreading in deaf and hearing people

scientific article

Differential activity in Heschl's gyrus between deaf and hearing individuals is due to auditory deprivation rather than language modality

scientific article

Dissociating cognitive and sensory neural plasticity in human superior temporal cortex.

scientific article

Fingerspelling, signed language, text and picture processing in deaf native signers: the role of the mid-fusiform gyrus

scientific article

Hand and mouth: cortical correlates of lexical processing in British Sign Language and speechreading English

scientific article

Investigating the impact of lip visibility and talking style on speechreading performance

Monitoring Different Phonological Parameters of Sign Language Engages the Same Cortical Language Network but Distinctive Perceptual Ones

scientific article published on 09 September 2015

Seeing speech and seeing sign: insights from a fMRI study

scientific article published in November 2008

Similar digit-based working memory in deaf signers and hearing non-signers despite digit span differences.

scientific article published on 16 December 2013

Superior temporal activation as a function of linguistic knowledge: insights from deaf native signers who speechread

scientific article

The cortical organization of audio-visual sentence comprehension: an fMRI study at 4 Tesla.

scientific article published in July 2004

The signer and the sign: cortical correlates of person identity and language processing from point-light displays

scientific article

The signing brain: the neurobiology of sign language

scientific article