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List of works by Justin Beckers

A Novel and Low-Cost Sea Ice Mass Balance Buoy

A high-resolution reanalysis of global fire weather from 1979 to 2018 – overwintering the Drought Code

scientific article published in 2020

Airborne observations of summer thinning of multi‐year sea ice originating from the Lincoln Sea


Bacterial communities from Arctic seasonal sea ice are more compositionally variable than those from multi-year sea ice.

scientific article published on 16 February 2016

Comparing springtime ice-algal chlorophyll a and physical properties of multi-year and first-year sea ice from the Lincoln Sea.

scientific article published on 22 April 2015

Contribution of Snow to Arctic First‐Year and Multi‐Year Sea Ice Mass Balance Within the Last Ice Area

scientific article published in 2021

Distinct bacterial assemblages reside at different depths in Arctic multiyear sea ice.

scientific article

Evaluation of CryoSat-2 derived sea-ice freeboard over fast ice in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica

scholarly article

Ice and Snow Thickness Variability and Change in the High Arctic Ocean Observed by In Situ Measurements

scholarly article

Improved characterisation of sea ice using simultaneous aerial photography and sea ice thickness measurements

Large-scale ice thickness distribution of first-year sea ice in spring and summer north of Svalbard


Pan-Arctic sea ice-algal chl a biomass and suitable habitat are largely underestimated for multiyear ice.

scientific article

The Impact of Geophysical Corrections on Sea-Ice Freeboard Retrieved from Satellite Altimetry