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List of works by Andrew Merryweather

A testbed to study neck stiffness and concussion risk following acoustic warnings

abstract published in 2018

An improved OpenSim gait model with multiple degrees of freedom knee joint and knee ligaments

journal article published in 2015

Analysis of the influence of hospital bed height on kinematic parameters associated with patient falls during egress

conference proceedings item published in 2015

Are work pace, overtime, job rotation or secondary employment associated with work related musculoskeletal disorders?

conference proceedings item published in 2015

Association between epicondylitis and cardiovascular risk factors in pooled occupational cohorts

journal article published in 2017

Association between lifting and use of medication for low back pain: results from the backworks prospective cohort study

journal article published in 2014

Association between wrist ratio and carpal tunnel syndrome: effect modification by body mass index

journal article published in 2017

Biomechanical characterization of the hand touch corrective behavior of the frail elderly during bed egress

abstract published in 2018

Board 87 : Integrating Product-Safety Curriculum to Enhance Design and Reinforce Engineering Ethics

scientific article published on 10 September 2020

Cardiovascular disease risk factors predict the development and numbers of common musculoskeletal disorders in a prospective cohort

journal article published in 2023

Cervical muscle activation characteristics and head kinematics in males and females following acoustic warnings and impulsive head forces

journal article published in 2021

Cervical muscle activation due to an applied force in response to different types of acoustic warnings

journal article published in 2021

Changes in step characteristics over a known outdoor surface transition: the effect of Parkinson disease

journal article published in 2021

Classifying hazardous movements and loads during manual materials handling using accelerometers and instrumented insoles

journal article published in 2022

Comprehensive quantitative investigation of arm swing during walking at various speed and surface slope conditions

journal article published in 2016

Constructal model of Fitts's law to predict speed-accuracy trade- off

journal article published in 2017

Distributions of job physical exposure data in a pooled study of low back pain prospective cohorts

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Dual-task interference during gait on irregular terrain in people with Parkinson's disease

journal article published in 2018

Effects of bed height on the biomechanics of hospital bed entry and egress

journal article published in 2015

Estimation of lifting and carrying load during manual material handling

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Evaluating different measures of low back pain among U.S. manual materials handling workers: comparisons of demographic, psychosocial, and job physical exposure

journal article published in 2022

Evaluation of a force plate system for measuring center of pressure in railroad ballast

journal article published in 2016

Evaluation of knee joint forces during kneeling work with different kneepads

journal article published in 2017

Exploring novel objective functions for simulating muscle coactivation in the neck

journal article published in 2018

Exposure response relationships for CTS and epicondylitis from pooled data

final grant report published in 2017

Exposure response relationships for low back pain from pooled data

final grant report published in 2020

Fall risk factors for commercial truck drivers

journal article published in 2014

Gait alterations on irregular surface in people with Parkinson's disease

scientific article published on 25 June 2018

Gait alterations on irregular terrain in older adults with and without Parkinson disease: fall risk implications

conference proceedings item published in 2015

Generating arm-swing trajectories in real-time using a data-driven model for gait rehabilitation with self-selected speed

journal article published in 2018

Ground reaction force adaptation during cross-slope walking on railroad ballast

journal article published in 2020

Intrinsic factors contributing to elevated intra-abdominal pressure

journal article published in 2023

Joint loading, muscle co-contraction, ligament force and peak knee contact forces when walking on railroad ballast

journal article published in 2014

Kinematics of the pelvis, torso, and lower limb during obstacle negotiation while under temporal constraints

journal article published in 2017

Manual material handling guidelines for the shoulder: biomechanical support for the Liberty Mutual Tables as developed by Snook and Ciriello

journal article published in 2014

Measuring entropy change in a human physiological system

journal article published in 2016

Pooling sub-task physical exposure data to study work-related carpal tunnel syndrome and epicondylitis

conference proceedings item published in 2015

Potential to fall of bipeds using foot kinematics

scientific article published on 01 January 2013

Prediction of Peak Back Compressive Forces as a Function of Lifting Speed and Compressive Forces at Lift Origin and Destination - A Pilot Study

scientific article published on September 30, 2011

Prevalence of low back pain, seeking medical care, and lost time due to low back pain among manual material handling workers in the United States

journal article published in 2019

Psychosocial factors and low back pain outcomes in a pooled analysis of low back pain studies

journal article published in 2020

Psychosocial factors in a pooled analysis of low back pain prospective cohorts

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Real-time monitoring of injury risk during manual material handling using wearable sensors

abstract published in 2018

Regulation of whole-body and segmental angular momentum in persons with Parkinson's disease on an irregular surface

journal article published in 2022

Relationship between opioid use and pain severity ratings in workers with low back pain

journal article published in 2019

Relationships between job organisational factors, biomechanical and psychosocial exposures

journal article published in 2016

Relationships between work organisation factors and carpal tunnel syndrome and epicondylitis

abstract published in 2016

Research approaches to the prevention and protection of patient falls

chapter published in 2016

Risk assessments using the Strain Index and the TLV for HAL, part I: task and multi-task job exposure classifications

journal article published in 2017

Risk assessments using the Strain Index and the TLV for HAL, part II: multi-task jobs and prevalence of CTS

journal article published in 2018

Role of biomechanical factors in resolution of carpal tunnel syndrome among a population of workers

journal article published in 2019

Sensitivity analysis of muscle properties and impact parameters on head injury risk in American football

journal article published in 2020

Study protocol title: a prospective cohort study of low back pain

scientific article published on March 7, 2013

Subject-specific models of the head and neck for reproducing experimentally obtained head impacts in opensim

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Survey of one-handed lifting in manufacturing industry: a cross-sectional study of the BackWorks Study cohort

conference proceedings item published in 2020

The Effect of Lifting Speed on Cumulative and Peak Biomechanical Loading for Symmetric Lifting Tasks

scientific article published on April 12, 2013

The Effect of Tibial Insertion Site in Single-Bundle ACL Reconstruction during Gait Based on Motion Capture and Musculoskeletal Model

scientific article published on 26 February 2022

The NIOSH lifting equation and low-back pain, part 1: association with low-back pain in the Backworks prospective cohort study

journal article published in 2014

The NIOSH lifting equation and low-back pain, part 2: association with seeking care in the Backworks prospective cohort study

journal article published in 2014

The Strain Index (SI) and Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for Hand Activity Level (HAL): risk of carpal tunnelsyndrome (CTS) in a prospective cohort

scientific article published on March 8, 2012

The WISTAH hand study: a prospective cohort study of distal upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders

journal article published in 2012

The effect of posture and WBV on neck muscle activation requirements

abstract published in 2019

The effect of toe marker placement error on joint kinematics and muscle forces using OpenSim gait simulation

journal article published in 2015

The inclusion of hyoid muscles improve moment generating capacity and dynamic simulations in musculoskeletal models of the head and neck

journal article published in 2018

The influence of deformation height on estimating the center of pressure during level and cross-slope walking on sand

journal article published in 2015

The natural sit-to-stand-walk of the frail

conference proceedings item published in 2019

The role of elbow tender point examination in the diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis

journal article published in 2019

The role of neck muscle co-contraction and postural changes in head kinematics after safe head impacts: investigation of head/neck injury reduction

journal article published in 2021

The safety of hospital beds: ingress, egress, and in-bed mobility

journal article published in 2015

The strain index and TLV for HAL: risk of lateral epicondylitis in a prospective cohort

journal article published in 2014

Upper-extremity kinematics and interlimb movement correlation in persons with Parkinson Disease on irregular terrain, cross-slope, and under dual-task condition

journal article published in 2022

Using machine learning approach to classify lifting tasks from instrumented insole measurements

abstract published in 2019

Vacuum level effects on gait characteristics for unilateral transtibial amputees with elevated vacuum suspension

journal article published in 2017

Vacuum level effects on knee contact force for unilateral transtibial amputees with elevated vacuum suspension

journal article published in 2017

Validation of an inverse kinematic VR manikin in seated tasks: application in ergonomics training

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Validation of the Revised Strain Index for predicting risk of incident carpal tunnel syndrome in a prospective cohort

journal article published in 2021