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List of works by Mark Stuart

'It's more than who you know' ? networks and trade unions in the audio-visual industries

Broadcasting discontent?freelancers, trade unions and the Internet

Clear, rigorous and relevant: publishing quantitative research articles in Work, employment and society


Equal pay bargaining in the UK local government sector

Introduction: The Industrial Relations of Learning and Training: A New Consensus or a New Politics?

Managing uncertainty: the crisis, its consequences and the global workforce

Networks and social capital in the UK television industry: The weakness of weak ties

Partnership Approaches to Learning: A Seven-country Study

Placing Symbols before Reality?

Redundancy as a critical life event


Reflections on work and employment into the 21st century: between equal rights, force decides


Social Capital and Union Revitalization: A Study of Worker Networks in the UK Audio-Visual Industries

Swimming against the tide: social partnership, mutual gains and the revival of ‘tired’ HRM

The Demand-Side of Active Labour Market Policies: A Regional Study of Employer Engagement in the Work Programme

The New Benchmarking and Advisory State: The Role of the British Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service in Facilitating Labour—Management Consultation in Public Sector Transformation

The state and the union learning agenda in Britain

The state, public policy and the renewal of HRM

Who stands to gain from union-led learning in Britain? Evidence from surveys of learners, union officers and employers


Women and the Modernization of British Trade Unions: Meanings, Dimensions and the Challenge of Change

Work–life balance and older workers: employees' perspectives on retirement transitions following redundancy

Writing articles for Work, Employment and Society: different voices, same language

‘All that is Solid?’: Class, Identity and the Maintenance of a Collective Orientation amongst Redundant Steelworkers


‘Learners of the workplace unite!’

‘Partnership’ and new industrial relations in a risk society

‘Soft regulation’ and the modernisation of employment relations under the British Labour Government (1997–2010): partnership, workplace facilitation and trade union change