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List of works by Neil Wrigley

'Food Deserts' in British Cities: Policy Context and Research Priorities

A nonparametric approach to the incorporation of heterogeneity into repeated polytomous choice models of urban shopping behaviour

After the store wars

Analyzing Multiple Alternative Dependent Variables

Assessing the Impact of Improved Retail Access on Diet in a 'Food Desert': A Preliminary Report


Beta-logistic Models of Urban Shopping Center Choice

British food retail capital in the USA ‐ Part 1: Sainsbury and the Shaw’s experience

British food retail capital in the USA ‐ Part 2: Giant prospects?

British food retail capital in the USA: preface and update

Capital discipline and financial market relations in retail globalization: insights from the case of Tesco plc

Categorical data, repeated-measurement research designs, and regional industrial surveys

Chapter 11 Qualitative statistical models for regional economic analysis

Conceptualising innovative customer-facing responses to planning regulation: the UK food retailers


Deprivation, Diet, and Food-Retail Access: Findings from the Leeds ‘Food Deserts' Study


Distance from an airport and the noise expectations of migrants

Editorial: Making an Impact

Extending the Competition Commission's Findings on Entry and Exit of Small Stores in British High Streets: Implications for Competition and Planning Policy


Global production networks, ethical campaigning, and the embeddedness of responsible governance


Globalizing retail and the ‘new e-conomy’: The organizational challenge of e-commerce for the retail TNCs

Globalizing retail: conceptualizing the distribution-based transnational corporation (TNC)

article published in 2005

Graphical diagnostics for logistic oil exploration models

scientific article published in 1986

Grocery provision in the USA: room for expansion?

Host economy impacts of transnational retail: the research agenda

Innovation in retail internationalisation: Tesco in the USA


Institutional and Economic Determinants of Transnational Retailer Expansion and Performance: A Comparative Analysis of Wal-Mart and Carrefour

Introduction: Transnational retail and the global economy

Life in a 'Food Desert'


Linked-trip effects of ‘town-centre-first' era foodstore development: An assessment using difference-in-differences


Market power and regulation: the last great US department store consolidation?

Multi-Scalar Localization and Capability Transference: Exploring Embeddedness in the Asian Retail Expansion of Tesco


Organisational geographies of corporate responsibility: a UK-US comparison of retailers' ethical trading initiatives

Organizational Challenges and Strategic Responses of Retail TNCs in Post-WTO-Entry China


PPG6 and the contemporary UK food store development dynamic


Quantitative Methods: Diagnostics Revisited

Re-Regulation in the Post-WTO Period? A Case Study of Vietnam's Food Retailing Sector

Resilience, Fragility, and Adaptation: New Evidence on the Performance of UK High Streets during Global Economic Crisis and its Policy Implications


Shifting global supply networks and fast fashion: made in Turkey for Marks & Spencer

The 10th year of the Journal of Economic Geography: a decade of high impact publication

article by Neil Wrigley & Henry G. Overman published 15 December 2009 in Journal of Economic Geography

The Leeds “food deserts” intervention study: what the focus groups reveal


The Shifting Geographies of UK Retailing

The consolidation wave in U.S. food retailing: A European perspective

The costs of compliance? Views of Sri Lankan apparel manufacturers in times of global economic crisis

The emerging food retail structure of Vietnam

scholarly article by Hai Thi Hong Nguyen et al published 17 June 2013 in International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management

The landscape of pan‐European food retail consolidation

The “Continuously Morphing” Retail TNC During Market Entry: Interpreting Tesco's Expansion into the United States

Unobserved heterogeneity and the analysis of longitudinal spatial choice data

scientific article

Urban Regeneration, Social Inclusion and Large Store Development: The Seacroft Development in Context
