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List of works by Torben Pedersen

A retrospective on: MNC knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity, and HRM

Arrowhead compliant virtual market of energy

scientific article published in September 2014

Blockholder ownership: Effects on firm value in market and control based governance systems


Changes in the Editorial Team of Global Strategy Journal

Closing knowledge gaps in foreign markets

Combining Stocks and Flows of Knowledge: The Effects of Intra-Functional and Cross-Functional Complementarity

article published in 2013

Editors' Comment on Research Platforms: Point-Counterpoint on Multinationalization and Performance

Editors’ Comment on Research Platforms: Global Stakeholder strategy special topic forum

Encouraging knowledge sharing among employees: How job design matters

article by Nicolai J. Foss et al published November 2009 in Human Resource Management

European Patterns of Corporate Ownership: A Twelve-Country Study



Global value chain configuration: A review and research agenda


Globalization: Rising skepticism

Governance Mechanisms for the Promotion of Social Capital for Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Corporations

scholarly article by Paul Gooderham et al published 11 February 2010 in Journal of Management Studies

Host-country environment and subsidiary competence: Extending the diamond network model


How Does the Context of Language Use Affect the Perception of Language Barriers?

How do we capture “Global Specialization” when measuring firms’ degree of globalization?

How subsidiaries gain power in multinational corporations

How we Facilitate Conversations in Global Strategy-and the Location of MNE HQS

Industry and ownership structure

Introduction to Part II: Do We Do Science? Philosophy and Knowledge in International Business and Management

Introduction to Part II: Dynamics of Globalization: Location-Specific Advantages or Liabilities of Foreignness?


Introduction to Part II: Emerging Economies and Multinational Enterprises

Introduction to Part II: Institutional Theory in International Business and Management

Introduction to Part II: Orchestration of the Global Network Organization

Introduction to Section 2 The past, present and future of international business & management

Is there a trend towards global value chain specialization? — An examination of cross border sales of US foreign affiliates

article by Sjoerd Beugelsdijk et al published June 2009 in Journal of International Management

Knowledge Transfer and Accommodation Effects in Multinational Corporations

Knowledge‐sharing hostility and governance mechanisms: an empirical test

scholarly article by Kenneth Husted et al published 7 September 2012 in Journal of Knowledge Management

Learning About Foreign Markets: Are Entrant Firms Exposed to a “Shock Effect”?

Linking Customer Interaction and Innovation: The Mediating Role of New Organizational Practices


MNC knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity and HRM

MNC knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity, and HRM

MNC strategies and linkage effects in developing countries

Microfoundations In Strategy Research

Not all brokers are alike: Creative implications of brokering networks in different work functions

Offshoring and international competitiveness: antecedents of offshoring advanced tasks

Organizational Adaptation in Offshoring: The Relative Performance of Home- and Host-Based Learning Strategies

Organizational Reconfiguration and Strategic Response: The Case of Offshoring

Organizational design mechanisms for the R&D function in a world of offshoring

Organizing knowledge processes in the multinational corporation: an introduction

Reconceptualizing the Firm in a World of Outsourcing and Offshoring: The Organizational and Geographical Relocation of High-Value Company Functions

Research Methodology in Global Strategy Research


Technology, innovation and knowledge: The importance of ideas and international connectivity


The Contribution of Local Environments to Competence Creation in Multinational Enterprises

The Driving Forces of Subsidiary Absorptive Capacity

The Effect of Institutional Evolution on Indian Firms' Internationalization: Disentangling Inward- and Outward-Oriented Effects

The Importance of Internal and External Knowledge Sourcing and Firm Performance: A Latent Class Estimation

The Performance of Group-affiliated Firms during Institutional Transition: A Longitudinal Study of Indian Firms

The Relational Antecedents of Interpersonal Helping: ‘Quantity’, ‘Quality’ or Both?

The Termination Dilemma of Foreign Intermediaries: Performance, Anti-Shirking Measures and Hold-Up Safeguards

The boundaries of the firm in global strategy

The effect of organizational separation on individuals’ knowledge sharing in MNCs

The effects of MNC parent effort and social structure on subsidiary absorptive capacity

The globalization of high-value activities: Why do firms offshore advanced tasks?

The organizational design of offshoring: Taking stock and moving forward

The role of path dependency and managerial intentionality: a perspective on international business research

Uncovering the hidden costs of offshoring: The interplay of complexity, organizational design, and experience

article by Marcus M. Larsen et al published 22 September 2012 in Strategic Management Journal

What Is International Strategy Research and What Is Not?

Why Complementary HRM Practices Impact Performance: The Case of Rewards, Job Design, and Work Climate in a Knowledge-Sharing Context

Why a Central Network Position Isn't Enough: The Role of Motivation and Ability for Knowledge Sharing in Employee Networks