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List of works by Claudio Minca

'The Bali Syndrome': The explosion and implosion of 'exotic' tourist spaces

scholarly article by Claudio Minca published January 2000 in Tourism Geographies

(Im)mobile Geographies

Agamben's geographies of modernity

Book Review: Raj rhapsodies: tourism, heritage and the seduction of history by Carol E. Henderson and Maxine Weisgrau (eds). Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. xx +236 pp. £60 cloth. ISBN 9780754670674


Book review: Warf, B.editor2006: Encyclopedia of human geography. London: Sage. 584 pp. £85 cloth. ISBN: 978 0 76198 858 8


Carl Schmitt and the Concept of the Border

Chapter 4 Negotiating Marrakech: Postcolonial Travels in Morocco

scholarly article published January 2012

Claude Raffestin's Italian Travels


Counter-camps and other spatialities

Disciplined Mobility and the Emotional Subject in Royal Dutch Lloyd's Early Twentieth Century Passenger Shipping Network


Dutch new nature: (re)landscaping the Millingerwaard

article published in 2015

Ecotourism on the edge: the case of Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica

scholarly article

Geographical Practice and Postmodern Destination Image

Geographies of the camp

article published in 2015

Geography of tourism

scholarly article

Giorgio agamben and the new biopolitical nomos

Governing refugee space: the quasi-carceral regime of Amsterdam's Lloyd Hotel, a German-Jewish refugee camp in the prelude to World War II


Hitler's Geographies

Humboldt's compromise, or the forgotten geographies of landscape

Image and destination: A geographical approach applied to Banff National Park, Canada


Italian Language Geography


Italian cultural geography, or the history of a prolific absence


Nazi Spatial Theory: The Dark Geographies of Carl Schmitt and Walter Christaller

Nazi biopolitics and the dark geographies of theselva

Not a geography of what doesn’t exist, but a counter-geography of what does

Of Werewolves, Jungles, and Refugees: More-than-human Figures along the Balkan Route

scientific article published in 2021

Old Europe, new Europe: for a geopolitics of translation

Planning, environment and policy making management, environment et politique planung, umwelt und politik

Postmodern Geographies (1989): Edward Soja

Postmodern Geography: Theory and Praxis

Postmodernism/Postmodern Geography

Rabat retrospective: Colonial heritage in a Moroccan urban laboratory

article by Lauren Wagner & Claudio Minca published 5 March 2014 in Urban Studies

Re-scaling ‘EU’rope: EU macro-regional fantasies in the Mediterranean

article published in 2013

Reading Stuart Elden's The Birth of Territory

Reviews: Il Potere e la Gloria, Industrial Ruins: Space, Aesthetics and Materiality

Sight lines, sight areas and unbroken open spaces? More-than-representational conceptualisations in Dutch landscape planning

article by M. Bulkens et al published 11 September 2015 in Geographica Helvetica

Storytelling as Method in Spatial Planning


scholarly article by Claudio Minca & DIANNE DRAPER published April 1996 in Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie

The Biopolitical Imperative

The Game: Or, ‘the making of migration’ along the Balkan Route

scientific article published in 2021

The Island: Work, Tourism and the Biopolitical

scholarly article by Claudio Minca published August 2009 in Tourist Studies

The Mediterranean alternative

The Reign and the Glory: Or, Reflections on the Theological Foundations of the Credit Crunch


The historic hotel as ‘quasi-freedom machine’: negotiating utopian visions and dark histories at Amsterdam's Lloyd Hotel and ‘Cultural Embassy’

The power of space: The biopolitics of custody and care at the Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam

The question of space in Carl Schmitt

The return of the Camp

The surface and the abyss/Rethinking topology

The tourist landscape paradox

scholarly article by Claudio Minca published June 2007 in Social and Cultural Geography

The trouble with Carl Schmitt

The ‘Border Within’: Inhabiting the Border in Trieste

article published in 2010

Topographies of the Kasbah Route: Hardening of a heritage trail

Topographies/topologies of the camp: Auschwitz as a spatial threshold


Touring responsibility: The trouble with ‘going local’ in community-based tourism in Thailand

scholarly article by Harng Luh Sin & Claudio Minca published January 2014 in Geoforum

Tourism After the Postmodern Turn

scholarly article published 4 April 2014

Tourism, Modernity, and Postmodernity

scholarly article

Venetian Geographical Praxis

‘Trieste Nazione’ and its geographies of absence