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List of works by David A. Randall

A Cumulus Parameterization Based on the Generalized Convective Available Potential Energy

A Higher-Order Closure Model with an Explicit PBL Top

A Multiscale Modeling System: Developments, Applications, and Critical Issues


A Potential Enstrophy and Energy Conserving Numerical Scheme for Solution of the Shallow-Water Equations on a Geodesic Grid

A Revised Land Surface Parameterization (SiB2) for Atmospheric GCMS. Part II: The Generation of Global Fields of Terrestrial Biophysical Parameters from Satellite Data

scientific article (publication date: April 1996)

A Second-Order Bulk Boundary-Layer Model

article by David A. Randall et al published October 1992 in Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

A Semiempirical Cloudiness Parameterization for Use in Climate Models

article published in 1996

A Surface Flux Parameterization Based on the Vertically Averaged Turbulence Kinetic Energy

A cloud resolving model as a cloud parameterization in the NCAR Community Climate System Model: Preliminary results


A comparison of single column model simulations of summertime midlatitude continental convection


A cumulus parametrization with a prognostic closure

scholarly article by DZONG-MING PAN & David A. Randall published 1 April 1998 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

A fast radiation parameterization for atmospheric circulation models


A global radiative-convective feedback

scholarly article

A method to determine the amount of cloud-top radiative and evaporative cooling in a stratocumulus-topped boundary layer

scholarly article by QINGQIU SHAO et al published 15 October 1997 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

A numerical investigation of boundary layer quasi-equilibrium

scholarly article by K. Thayer-Calder & David A. Randall published 28 January 2015 in Geophysical Research Letters

A sampling method for improving the representation of spatially varying precipitation and soil moisture using the Simple Biosphere Model

A simple radiative-convective model with a hydrological cycle and interactive clouds

scholarly article by MICHAEL A KELLY et al published 1 April 1999 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

A three-dimensional synthesis study of δ18O in atmospheric CO2: 1. Surface fluxes

scholarly article

A three-dimensional synthesis study of δ18O in atmospheric CO2: 2. Simulations with the TM2 transport model


An intercomparison of cloud-resolving models with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement summer 1997 Intensive Observation Period data


An ocean-atmosphere climate simulation with an embedded cloud resolving model


Breaking the Cloud Parameterization Deadlock

Clearing clouds of uncertainty

Cloud Effects on the Ocean Surface Energy Budget

Cloud Modeling Tests of the ULTIMATE–MACHO Scalar Advection Scheme

Cloud Resolving Modeling of the ARM Summer 1997 IOP: Model Formulation, Results, Uncertainties, and Sensitivities


Clouds and Convective Self-Aggregation in a Multimodel Ensemble of Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Simulations

scientific article published on 18 September 2020

Comments on 'On large-scale circulations in convecting atmosphere' by Kerry A.Emanuel, J.David Neelin and Christopher S.Bretherton (July B,1994,120,1111~1143)

scholarly article by BJORN STEVENS et al published 15 July 1997 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

Confronting Models with Data: The GEWEX Cloud Systems Study


Convective Precipitation Variability as a Tool for General Circulation Model Analysis


Cooling of Entrained Parcels in a Large-Eddy Simulation

article published in 2012

Could a Pile of Slippery Sacks Behave Like an Ocean?

DCMIP2016: A Review of Non-hydrostatic Dynamical Core Design and Intercomparison of Participating Models

DCMIP2016: The Splitting Supercell Test Case

DCMIP2016: a review of non-hydrostatic dynamical core design and intercomparison of participating models

scientific article published in 2017

Dark Warming


Diurnal Variability of the Hydrologic Cycle and Radiative Fluxes: Comparisons between Observations and a GCM

Diurnal Variability of the Hydrologic Cycle in a General Circulation Model

Drivers of uncertainty in future projections of Madden–Julian Oscillation teleconnections

scientific article published in 2021

Earth Radiation Budget and Cloudiness Simulations with a General Circulation Model

East Asian winter monsoon: results from eight AMIP models


Effects of model resolution and subgrid-scale physics on the simulation of precipitation in the continental United States


Evaluation of Statistically Based Cloudiness Parameterizations Used in Climate Models

Evaluation of the Simulated Interannual and Subseasonal Variability in an AMIP-Style Simulation Using the CSU Multiscale Modeling Framework


Evidence for large decadal variability in the tropical mean radiative energy budget

scientific article published on February 2002

Explicit Simulation of Cumulus Ensembles with the GATE Phase III Data: Comparison with Observations

Explicit Simulation of Midlatitude Cumulus Ensembles: Comparison with ARM Data

article published in 2000

Explicit simulation of cumulus ensembles with the GATE phase III data: Budgets of a composite easterly wave

scholarly article by Kuan-Man Xu & David A. Randall published July 2001 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

Explicit simulation of cumulus ensembles with the GATE phase III data: Budgets of a composite easterly wave

scholarly article by KUAN-MAN XU & David A. Randall published 1 July 2001 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

Great Plains Drought in Simulations of the Twentieth Century

Hardware/software co-design of global cloud system resolving models

High-Resolution Simulation of Shallow-to-Deep Convection Transition over Land

article by Marat Khairoutdinov & David A. Randall published December 2006 in Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

Impact of Evapotranspiration on Dry Season Climate in the Amazon Forest*

Impact of Interactive Radiative Transfer on the Macroscopic Behavior of Cumulus Ensembles. Part II: Mechanisms for Cloud-Radiation Interactions

Impacts of Idealized Air–Sea Coupling on Madden–Julian Oscillation Structure in the Superparameterized CAM

Impacts of cloud superparameterization on projected daily rainfall intensity climate changes in multiple versions of the Community Earth System Model


Implied Ocean Heat Transports in the Standard and Superparameterized Community Atmospheric Models

Influence of Large-Scale Advective Cooling and Moistening Effects on the Quasi-Equilibrium Behavior of Explicitly Simulated Cumulus Ensembles

Interactions among Radiation, Convection, and Large-Scale Dynamics in a General Circulation Model

Intercomparison and evaluation of cumulus parametrizations under summertime midlatitude continental conditions


Interpretation of cloud-climate feedback as produced by 14 atmospheric general circulation models.

scientific article

Interpretation of snow-climate feedback as produced by 17 general circulation models.

scientific article

Intraseasonal oscillations in 15 atmospheric general circulation models: results from an AMIP diagnostic subproject


Large-Eddy Simulation of Evaporatively Driven Entrainment in Cloud-Topped Mixed Layers

article published in 2008

Large-eddy simulation of maritime deep tropical convection

Latitudinal gradient of atmospheric CO2 due to seasonal exchange with land biota

scientific article published in Nature

Liquid and Ice Cloud Microphysics in the CSU General Circulation Model. Part 1: Model Description and Simulated Microphysical Processes


Liquid and Ice Cloud Microphysics in the CSU General Circulation Model. Part II: Impact on Cloudiness, the Earth's Radiation Budget, and the General Circulation of the Atmosphere

Liquid and Ice Cloud Microphysics in the CSU General Circulation Model. Part III: Sensitivity to Modeling Assumptions


Low-Frequency Oscillations In Radiative-Convective Systems. Part II: An Idealized Model

1995 scientific article

Measurements, Models, and Hypotheses in the Atmospheric Sciences

scholarly article by David A. Randall & Bruce A. Wielicki published March 1997 in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Modeling the Atmospheric General Circulation Using a Spherical Geodesic Grid: A New Class of Dynamical Cores

article published in 2000

Northward Propagation Mechanisms of the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation in the ERA-Interim and SP-CCSM


Numerical Integration of the Shallow-Water Equations on a Twisted Icosahedral Grid. Part I: Basic Design and Results of Tests

article by Ross Heikes & David A. Randall published June 1995 in Monthly Weather Review

Numerical Integration of the Shallow-Water Equations on a Twisted Icosahedral Grid. Part II. A Detailed Description of the Grid and an Analysis of Numerical Accuracy

article by Ross Heikes & David A. Randall published June 1995 in Monthly Weather Review

Numerical Investigations of the Roles of Radiative and Evaporative Feedbacks in Stratocumulus Entrainment and Breakup

Observed Characteristics of the MJO Relative to Maximum Rainfall

article published in 2007

Optimized Icosahedral Grids: Performance of Finite-Difference Operators and Multigrid Solver

Parameterization of Pressure Perturbations in a PBL Mass-Flux Model

Physical Processes within the Nocturnal Stratus-topped Boundary Layer

Potential Vorticity as Meridional Coordinate

Problems in Simulating the Stratocumulus-Topped Boundary Layer with a Third-Order Closure Model

Relationship between the Longwave Cloud Radiative Forcing at the Surface and the Top of the Atmosphere


Robust effects of cloud superparameterization on simulated daily rainfall intensity statistics across multiple versions of the Community Earth System Model


Role of deep soil moisture in modulating climate in the Amazon rainforest

scholarly article by Anna B. Harper et al published March 2010 in Geophysical Research Letters

Seasonal Simulations of the Planetary Boundary Layer and Boundary-Layer Stratocumulus Clouds with a General Circulation Model

Similarity of Deep Continental Cumulus Convection as Revealed by a Three-Dimensional Cloud-Resolving Model

Simulating Upwelling in a Large Lake Using Slippery Sacks*


Simulation of the South Asian Monsoon in a Coupled Model with an Embedded Cloud-Resolving Model


Simulation of upper tropospheric clouds with the Colorado State University general circulation model


Simulations of the Tropical General Circulation with a Multiscale Global Model


Simulations of the West African Monsoon with a Superparameterized Climate Model. Part I: The Seasonal Cycle

Simulations of the West African Monsoon with a Superparameterized Climate Model. Part II: African Easterly Waves


Stochastic generation of subgrid-scale cloudy columns for large-scale models


Structure of the Madden–Julian Oscillation in the Superparameterized CAM

Surface-Atmosphere Coupling Scale, the Fate of Water, and Ecophysiological Function in a Brazilian Forest

scientific article published on 05 August 2019

The Asian Monsoon in the Superparameterized CCSM and Its Relationship to Tropical Wave Activity


The Community Climate System Model


The Earth's radiation budget and its relation to atmospheric hydrology: 3. Comparison of observations over the oceans with a GCM

scholarly article by Graeme L. Stephens et al published 20 March 1993 in Journal of Geophysical Research

The Impact of ARM on Climate Modeling


The Moist Available Energy of a Conditionally Unstable Atmosphere

The Moist Available Energy of a Conditionally Unstable Atmosphere. Part II: Further Analysis of GATE Data

The ZM Grid: An Alternative to the Z Grid

The tropical marine boundary layer under a deep convection system: A large-eddy simulation study

Toward a Unified Parameterization of the Boundary Layer and Moist Convection. Part I: A New Type of Mass-Flux Model

Toward a Unified Parameterization of the Boundary Layer and Moist Convection. Part II: Lateral Mass Exchanges and Subplume-Scale Fluxes

Toward a Unified Parameterization of the Boundary Layer and Moist Convection. Part III: Simulations of Clear and Cloudy Convection

article published in 2001

Uncertainties in carbon dioxide radiative forcing in atmospheric general circulation models

scientific article

Updraft and Downdraft Statistics of Simulated Tropical and Midlatitude Cumulus Convection

Use of a GCM to explore sampling issues in connection with satellite remote sensing of the Earth radiation budget

scientific article published in 2000

Using Idealized Coherent Structures to Parameterize Momentum Fluxes in a PBL Mass-Flux Model
