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List of works by Paolo Silva

A Multi-Step Optimization Approach to Distributed Cogeneration Systems With Heat Storage

scholarly article published 2008

A Numerical Model for Off-Design Performance Calculation of Parabolic Trough Based Solar Power Plants


A Numerical Model for Off-Design Performance Prediction of Parabolic Trough Based Solar Power Plants


A detailed MILP optimization model for combined cooling, heat and power system operation planning

A synergic integration of desalination and solar energy systems in stand-alone microgrids

Comparison of Detailed and Simplified Optimization Approaches for the Performance Simulation of Cogeneration Plants


Comparison of Two Linear Collectors in Solar Thermal Plants: Parabolic Trough Versus Fresnel


Comparison of Two Linear Collectors in Solar Thermal Plants: Parabolic Trough vs Fresnel


Comparison of different solar plants based on parabolic trough technology


Development of an Innovative Code for the Design of Different Parabolic Trough Solar Fields


Development of an innovative code for the design of thermodynamic solar power plants part A: Code description and test case


Development of an innovative code for the design of thermodynamic solar power plants part B: Performance assessment of commercial and innovative technologies


Geometric analysis of three-dimensional effects of parabolic trough collectors

Modeling On/Off-Design Performance of Solar Tower Plants Using Saturated Steam


Solar thermodynamic plants for cogenerative industrial applications in southern Europe
