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List of works by Kuan-Man Xu

A PDF-Based Microphysics Parameterization for Simulation of Drizzling Boundary Layer Clouds

A Semiempirical Cloudiness Parameterization for Use in Climate Models

article published in 1996

A comparison of single column model simulations of summertime midlatitude continental convection


An Estimate of Low-Cloud Feedbacks from Variations of Cloud Radiative and Physical Properties with Sea Surface Temperature on Interannual Time Scales


An Overview of CMIP5 and CMIP6 Simulated Cloud Ice, Radiation Fields, Surface Wind Stress, Sea Surface Temperatures, and Precipitation Over Tropical and Subtropical Oceans

scientific article published in 2020

An estimate of aerosol indirect effect from satellite measurements with concurrent meteorological analysis


An explicit representation of vertical momentum transport in a multiscale modeling framework through its 2-D cloud-resolving model component


An intercomparison of cloud-resolving models with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement summer 1997 Intensive Observation Period data


Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds Simulated by a Cloud-Resolving Model: Comparison with ARM Observations and Sensitivity to Microphysics Parameterizations


Assessing the Resolution Adaptability of the Zhang-McFarlane Cumulus Parameterization With Spatial and Temporal Averaging

CGILS: Results from the first phase of an international project to understand the physical mechanisms of low cloud feedbacks in single column models


Changes in clouds and atmospheric circulation associated with rapid adjustment induced by increased atmospheric CO2: a multiscale modeling framework study

scholarly article by Kuan-Man Xu et al published 22 August 2018 in Climate Dynamics

Cloud Object Analysis of CERES Aqua Observations of Tropical and Subtropical Cloud Regimes: Four-Year Climatology

Cloud Properties Simulated by a Single-Column Model. Part II: Evaluation of Cumulus Detrainment and Ice-Phase Microphysics Using a Cloud-Resolving Model


Cloud and Radiative Characteristics of Tropical Deep Convective Systems in Extended Cloud Objects from CERES Observations

Cloud object analysis of CERES Aqua observations of tropical and subtropical cloud regimes: Evolution of cloud object size distributions during the Madden–Julian Oscillation

Cloud-Resolving Simulation of Low-Cloud Feedback to an Increase in Sea Surface Temperature

Coincident occurrences of tropical individual cirrus clouds and deep convective systems derived from TRMM observations

scholarly article

Comments on “A Unified Representation of Deep Moist Convection in Numerical Modeling of the Atmosphere. Part I”

Comparing surface wind stress and sea surface temperature biases over the tropical and subtropical oceans in subsets of CMIP6 models categorized by frozen hydrometeors-radiation interactions

scientific article published in 2022

Comparison of the tropical radiative flux and cloud radiative effect profiles in a climate model with Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data


Comparisons of radiation-circulation coupling over the tropical and subtropical ocean between AMIP6 and CMIP6

scientific article published in 2021

Covariance between Arctic sea ice and clouds within atmospheric state regimes at the satellite footprint level

scientific article published on 28 December 2015

Deriving Marine-Boundary-Layer Lapse Rate from Collocated CALIPSO, MODIS, and AMSR-E Data to Study Global Low-Cloud Height Statistics

article by Dong Wu et al published October 2008 in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

Differences in the hydrological cycle and sensitivity between multiscale modeling frameworks with and without a higher-order turbulence closure

Diurnal variability of low clouds in the Southeast Pacific simulated by a multiscale modeling framework model


Effects of resolution on the simulation of boundary-layer clouds and the partition of kinetic energy to subgrid scales

Entrainment rate diurnal cycle in marine stratiform clouds estimated from geostationary satellite retrievals and a meteorological forecast model


Evaluating Low-Cloud Simulation from an Upgraded Multiscale Modeling Framework Model. Part I: Sensitivity to Spatial Resolution and Climatology


Evaluating Low-Cloud Simulation from an Upgraded Multiscale Modeling Framework Model. Part II: Seasonal Variations over the Eastern Pacific


Evaluating Low-Cloud Simulation from an Upgraded Multiscale Modeling Framework Model. Part III: Tropical and Subtropical Cloud Transitions over the Northern Pacific


Evaluation of Cloud Physical Properties of ECMWF Analysis and Re-Analysis (ERA) against CERES Tropical Deep Convective Cloud Object Observations


Evaluation of Statistically Based Cloudiness Parameterizations Used in Climate Models

Evaluation of a General Circulation Model by the CERES Flux-by-Cloud Type Simulator

scholarly article

Explicit Simulation of Cumulus Ensembles with the GATE Phase III Data: Comparison with Observations

Explicit Simulation of Midlatitude Cumulus Ensembles: Comparison with ARM Data

article published in 2000

Explicit simulation of cumulus ensembles with the GATE phase III data: Budgets of a composite easterly wave

scholarly article by Kuan-Man Xu & David A. Randall published July 2001 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

Exploring Radiation Biases Over the Tropical and Subtropical Oceans Based on Treatments of Frozen‐Hydrometeor Radiative Properties in CMIP6 Models

scientific article published in 2022

Impact of Interactive Radiative Transfer on the Macroscopic Behavior of Cumulus Ensembles. Part I: Radiation Parameterization and Sensitivity Tests

Impact of Interactive Radiative Transfer on the Macroscopic Behavior of Cumulus Ensembles. Part II: Mechanisms for Cloud-Radiation Interactions

Impact of a cloud thermodynamic phase parameterization based on CALIPSO observations on climate simulation

scientific article

Impacts of falling ice radiative effects on projections of Southern Ocean sea ice change under global warming

scientific article published in 2021

Improved Low-Cloud Simulation from the Community Atmosphere Model with an Advanced Third-Order Turbulence Closure


Improved low-cloud simulation from a multiscale modeling framework with a third-order turbulence closure in its cloud-resolving model component


Improvements of top-of-atmosphere and surface irradiance computations with CALIPSO-, CloudSat-, and MODIS-derived cloud and aerosol properties


Improving representation of convective transport for scale-aware parameterization: 1. Convection and cloud properties simulated with spectral bin and bulk microphysics

Improving representation of convective transport for scale-aware parameterization: 2. Analysis of cloud-resolving model simulations


Influence of Large-Scale Advective Cooling and Moistening Effects on the Quasi-Equilibrium Behavior of Explicitly Simulated Cumulus Ensembles

Intercomparison and evaluation of cumulus parametrizations under summertime midlatitude continental conditions


Intercomparison of model simulations of mixed-phase clouds observed during the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment. I: single-layer cloud


Intercomparison of model simulations of mixed-phase clouds observed during the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment. II: Multilayer cloud


Investigation of the Residual in Column-Integrated Atmospheric Energy Balance Using Cloud Objects

Marine low cloud sensitivity to an idealized climate change: The CGILS LES intercomparison

scholarly article by Peter N. Blossey et al published 14 May 2013 in Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

Mean Structure and Diurnal Cycle of Southeast Atlantic Boundary Layer Clouds: Insights from Satellite Observations and Multiscale Modeling Framework Simulations

Modeling springtime shallow frontal clouds with cloud-resolving and single-column models

article by Kuan-Man Xu published 2005 in Journal of Geophysical Research

Multi-layer arctic mixed-phase clouds simulated by a cloud-resolving model: Comparison with ARM observations and sensitivity experiments


Observational constraints on atmospheric and oceanic cross-equatorial heat transports: revisiting the precipitation asymmetry problem in climate models


Observational evaluation of global climate model simulations of arctic sea ice and adjacent land pertaining to the radiative effects of frozen hydrometeors

scientific article published in 2022

Occurrence, liquid water content, and fraction of supercooled water clouds from combined CALIOP/IIR/MODIS measurements

scholarly article

Parameterization of Shortwave and Longwave Radiative Properties of Ice Clouds for Use in Climate Models

Recent trends of the tropical hydrological cycle inferred from Global Precipitation Climatology Project and International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project data

scientific article published in 2011


Sensitivity of a Large Ensemble of Tropical Convective Systems to Changes in the Thermodynamic and Dynamic Forcings

Simulation of shallow cumuli and their transition to deep convective clouds by cloud-resolving models with different third-order turbulence closures


Statistical Analyses of Satellite Cloud Object Data from CERES. Part I: Methodology and Preliminary Results of the 1998 El Niño/2000 La Niña

article by Kuan-Man Xu et al published July 2005 in Journal of Climate

Statistical Analyses of Satellite Cloud Object Data from CERES. Part II: Tropical Convective Cloud Objects during 1998 El Niño and Evidence for Supporting the Fixed Anvil Temperature Hypothesis


Statistical Analyses of Satellite Cloud Object Data from CERES. Part III: Comparison with Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations of Tropical Convective Clouds

Statistical Analyses of Satellite Cloud Object Data from CERES. Part IV: Boundary Layer Cloud Objects during 1998 El Niño

Statistical Analyses of Satellite Cloud Object Data from CERES. Part V: Relationships between Physical Properties of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds

The Effect of Environmental Conditions on Tropical Deep Convective Systems Observed from the TRMM Satellite

The Iris Hypothesis: A Negative or Positive Cloud Feedback?

The Response of Simulated Arctic Mixed-Phase Stratocumulus to Sea Ice Cover Variability in the Absence of Large-Scale Advection

scientific article

The Sensitivity of Diagnostic Radiative Properties to Cloud Microphysics among Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations

The role of falling ice radiative effects on climate projections over Arctic under global warming

scientific article published in 2020

Understanding the tropical cloud feedback from an analysis of the circulation and stability regimes simulated from an upgraded multiscale modeling framework

Updraft and Downdraft Statistics of Simulated Tropical and Midlatitude Cumulus Convection

Use of cloud radar observations for model evaluation: A probabilistic approach


Using the Bootstrap Method for a Statistical Significance Test of Differences between Summary Histograms