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List of works by Alex J. Cannon

A Dynamical Climate Model–Driven Hydrologic Prediction System for the Fraser River, Canada


A boreal forest model benchmarking dataset for North America: a case study with the Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including Biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC)

scientific article published in 2023

A closer look at novel climates: new methods and insights at continental to landscape scales.

scientific article

A comparison of bayesian and conditional density models in probabilistic ozone forecasting

A flexible nonlinear modelling framework for nonstationary generalized extreme value analysis in hydroclimatology


A graphical sensitivity analysis for statistical climate models: application to Indian monsoon rainfall prediction by artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression models


A long-term, temporally consistent, gridded daily meteorological dataset for northwestern North America

scientific article published on 15 January 2019

An intercomparison of regional and at-site rainfall extreme value analyses in southern British Columbia, Canada


Bayesian Neural Networks Based Bootstrap Aggregating for Tropical Cyclone Tracks Prediction in South China Sea


Bias Correction of GCM Precipitation by Quantile Mapping: How Well Do Methods Preserve Changes in Quantiles and Extremes?



scholarly article published in Journal of Hydrometeorology

Canadian Large Ensembles Adjusted Dataset version 1 (CanLEADv1): Multivariate bias‐corrected climate model outputs for terrestrial modelling and attribution studies in North America

scientific article published in 2021

Classification and Conceptual Models for Heavy Snowfall Events over East Vancouver Island of British Columbia, Canada


Comparison of gridded snow water equivalent products with in situ measurements in British Columbia, Canada


Comparison of statistically downscaled precipitation in terms of future climate indices and daily variability for southern Ontario and Quebec, Canada


Complexity in estimating past and future extreme short-duration rainfall


Corrigendum to “Quantile regression neural networks: Implementation in R and application to precipitation downscaling” [Comput. Geosci. 37(9) (2011) 1277–1284]

scholarly article published in Computers and Geosciences

Crop yield forecasting on the Canadian Prairies by remotely sensed vegetation indices and machine learning methods


Daily streamflow forecasting by machine learning methods with weather and climate inputs


Downscaling and visioning of mountain snow packs and other climate change implications in North Vancouver, British Columbia

scholarly article by Stewart Jay Cohen et al published 21 July 2011 in Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change

Downscaling recent streamflow conditions in British Columbia, Canada using ensemble neural network models


Downscaling temperature and precipitation using support vector regression with evolutionary strategy

Effects of univariate and multivariate bias correction on hydrological impact projections in alpine catchments

article by Judith Meyer et al published 28 June 2018 in Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions

Effects of univariate and multivariate bias correction on hydrological impact projections in alpine catchments

article published in 2019

Evaluating hourly air quality forecasting in Canada with nonlinear updatable machine learning methods


Evaluating the Performance of the Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including Biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC) Tailored to the Pan‐Canadian Domain

scientific article published in 2023

Evaluation and joint projection of temperature and precipitation extremes across Canada based on hierarchical Bayesian modelling and large ensembles of regional climate simulations

scientific article published in 2022

Forecasting daily streamflow using online sequential extreme learning machines


Future changes in autumn atmospheric river events in British Columbia, Canada, as projected by CMIP5 global climate models


GEVcdn: An R package for nonstationary extreme value analysis by generalized extreme value conditional density estimation network

Groundwater–surface water interaction under scenarios of climate change using a high-resolution transient groundwater model


High-Resolution Meteorological Forcing Data for Hydrological Modelling and Climate Change Impact Analysis in Mackenzie River Basin

High-resolution meteorological forcing data for hydrological modelling and climate change impact analysis in the Mackenzie River Basin

scientific article published in 2020

Hydrologic extremes – an intercomparison of multiple gridded statistical downscaling methods

Improving gridded snow water equivalent products in British Columbia, Canada: multi-source data fusion by neural network models


Influence of Pacific Climate Patterns on Low-Flows in British Columbia and Yukon, Canada


Intercomparison of multiple statistical downscaling methods: multi-criteria model selection for South Korea

Intercomparison of projected changes in climate extremes for South Korea: application of trend preserving statistical downscaling methods to the CMIP5 ensemble

scholarly article by Hyung-Il Eum & Alex J. Cannon published 25 November 2016 in International Journal of Climatology

Lapse Rate Adjustments of Gridded Surface Temperature Normals in an Area of Complex Terrain: Atmospheric Reanalysis versus Statistical Up-Sampling

article published in 2012

Machine learning in Earth and environmental science requires education and research policy reforms

scholarly article

Modelling Streamflow in Present and Future Climates: Examples from the Georgia Basin, British Columbia

Multivariate Bias Correction of Climate Model Output: Matching Marginal Distributions and Intervariable Dependence Structure


Multivariate Bias‐Correction of High‐Resolution Regional Climate Change Simulations for West Africa: Performance and Climate Change Implications

scientific article published on 7 March 2022

Multivariate quantile mapping bias correction: an N-dimensional probability density function transform for climate model simulations of multiple variables


Negative ridge regression parameters for improving the covariance structure of multivariate linear downscaling models

scholarly article by Alex J. Cannon published April 2009 in International Journal of Climatology

Neural networks for probabilistic environmental prediction: Conditional Density Estimation Network Creation and Evaluation (CaDENCE) in R

Non-crossing nonlinear regression quantiles by monotone composite quantile regression neural network, with application to rainfall extremes

Nonlinear Principal Predictor Analysis: Application to the Lorenz System

Nonlinear analog predictor analysis: a coupled neural network/analog model for climate downscaling

scientific article published on 30 April 2007

Nonlinear regression in environmental sciences by support vector machines combined with evolutionary strategy


Nonlinear regression in environmental sciences using extreme learning machines: A comparative evaluation


Probabilistic Multisite Precipitation Downscaling by an Expanded Bernoulli–Gamma Density Network

Projected intensification of sub-daily and daily rainfall extremes in convection-permitting climate model simulations over North America: Implications for future Intensity–Duration–Frequency curves


Projecting future nonstationary extreme streamflow for the Fraser River, Canada


Quantile regression neural networks: Implementation in R and application to precipitation downscaling

Recent Variations in Climate and Hydrology in Canada


Recent Variations in Temperature, Precipitation, and Streamflow in the Rio Grande and Pecos River Basins of New Mexico and Colorado

Recent variations in seasonality of temperature and precipitation in Canada, 1976-95


Regional scenarios of change over Canada: future climate projections

Regression-Guided Clustering: A Semisupervised Method for Circulation-to-Environment Synoptic Classification

Revisiting the nonlinear relationship between ENSO and winter extreme station precipitation in North America


Seasonal Modulations of the Active MJO Cycle Characterized by Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis


Selecting GCM Scenarios that Span the Range of Changes in a Multimodel Ensemble: Application to CMIP5 Climate Extremes Indices*

Semi-supervised multivariate regression trees: putting the ‘circulation’ back into a ‘circulation-to-environment’ synoptic classifier

Short Lead-Time Streamflow Forecasting by Machine Learning Methods, with Climate Variability Incorporated


Simulating shrubs and their energy and carbon dioxide fluxes in Canada's Low Arctic with the Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including Biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC)

scientific article

Simulating shrubs and their energy and carbon dioxide fluxes in Canada's Low Arctic with the Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC)


Statistical emulation of streamflow projections from a distributed hydrological model: Application to CMIP3 and CMIP5 climate projections for British Columbia, Canada


Towards Robust Nonlinear Multivariate Analysis by Neural Network Methods


Transferability of climate simulation uncertainty to hydrological impacts

Using a down-scaled bioclimate envelope model to determine long-term temporal connectivity of Garry oak (Quercus garryana) habitat in western North America: implications for protected area planning

scientific article

Validation of historical and future statistically downscaled pseudo-observed surface wind speeds in terms of annual climate indices and daily variability

article by Carlos F. Gaitan & Alex J. Cannon published March 2013 in Renewable Energy

Variable complexity online sequential extreme learning machine, with applications to streamflow prediction


WFDEI-GEM-CaPA: A 38-year High-Resolution Meteorological Forcing Data Set for Land Surface Modeling in North America

Wetter summers can intensify departures from natural variability in a warming climate

scientific article published on 22 February 2018