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List of works by Emma Parry

A tribute to Professor David Lepak

An analysis of the use and success of online recruitment methods in the UK


An examination of e-HRM as a means to increase the value of the HR function

article by Emma Parry published March 2011 in International Journal of Human Resource Management

Are healthcare middle management jobs extreme jobs?

scientific article published in January 2013

Career progression in older managers

Career success across the globe


Change in healthcare: the impact on NHS managers


Comparing HRM in the voluntary and public sectors

Desired goals and actual outcomes of e-HRM

Do social media enhance constructive employee voice all of the time or just some of the time?

scholarly article by Graeme Martin et al published 14 July 2015 in Human Resource Management Journal

Electronic HRM: four decades of research on adoption and consequences

article by Tanya Bondarouk et al published 6 November 2016 in International Journal of Human Resource Management

Extreme work, gendered work? How extreme jobs and the discourse of ‘personal choice’ perpetuate gender inequality

Factors influencing the adoption of online recruitment

Generational Differences in Work Values: A Review of Theory and Evidence


Human resource management, strategic involvement and e-HRM technology

Introduction: Review Issue


Localization of staff in a hostile context: an exploratory investigation in Afghanistan

Mapping Espoused Organizational Values

National and firm-level drivers of the devolution of HRM decision making to line managers

Nonstandard work arrangements and configurations of firm and societal systems

North American MNCs and their HR policies in liberal and coordinated market economies


On the Uptake of Flexible Working Arrangements and the Association with Human Resource and Organizational Performance Outcomes

Organizational reactions to UK age discrimination legislation

Seconded National Experts and global mobility-Extending the paradigm


Strategic human resource management in the Asia Pacific region: similarities and differences?


The Cranet International Research Network on Human Resource Management in retrospect and prospect

The Evidence Base for Generational Differences: Where Do We Go from Here?


The effect of organizational culture on deviant behaviors in the workplace


The effect of training on organizational performance: differences by age composition and cultural context


The impact of bundles of strategic human resource management practices on the performance of European firms

The mediating role of work engagement on the relationship between job involvement and affective commitment

Voluntary sector HRM: examining the influence of government

Voluntary sector responses to increased resourcing challenges


“Social”, “Open” and “Participative”? Exploring Personal Experiences and Organisational Effects of Enterprise2.0 Use