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List of works by Lenka Pavlů

Assessment of soil aluminium pools along three mountainous elevation gradients

scientific article published on 15 August 2009

Bioaccumulation of thallium in a neutral soil as affected by solid-phase association

Biomasa travních porostů jako obnovitelný zdroj energie

book edition published in 2021

Comparison of Al speciation and other soil characteristics between meadow, young forest and old forest stands


Divergrass – a cross border project to promote sustainable management of grasslands

scientific article published on 27 June 2018

Isotopic Tracing of Thallium Contamination in Soils Affected by Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants.

scientific article published on 18 August 2016

Thallium contamination of desert soil in Namibia: Chemical, mineralogical and isotopic insights

scientific article published on 13 April 2018

Thallium contamination of soils/vegetation as affected by sphalerite weathering: a model rhizospheric experiment

scientific article published on 18 September 2014

Thallium isotopes in metallurgical wastes/contaminated soils: A novel tool to trace metal source and behavior

scientific article published on 12 September 2017

The effect of 19 years of restoration managements on forage quality and herbage‐soil relationships within improved upland grassland

scientific article published in 2022

Louky a pastviny - rostlinná společenstva travních porostů v přeshraniční oblasti Liberec - Žitava

book edition published in 2019

Obhospodařování travních porostů pro podporu biodiverzity v přeshraniční oblasti Liberec-Žitava

book edition published in 2019

Základy pedologie a ochrany půdy

book edition published in 2019